The Novelist Forced to Become Famous

Chapter 323: The Jungle

Chapter 323

It must be admitted that with monkey Bolly around, Jian Jing's vacation had become much more interesting. Lunch was full of ups and downs, with the need to fend off the naughty monkey's surprise attacks throughout, while also watching out that it doesn't steal hats, cellphones and more. Otherwise finding it in the vast jungle would require cheats!

Fortunately the knight lives up to its name, loyal and brave with first-rate vigilance. It would bark wildly if the monkey got close, stubbornly not allowing the fellow within half a step.

"Finally someone who can teach it a lesson!" The one applauding was another hotel guest, wearing a t-shirt and shorts while holding a long-focus camera. "Hello, I'm Li Min."

His pronunciation sounded similar to dawn, and when Jian Jing turned to look, she found the upper half of his face did resemble a celebrity's, but the lower half more ordinary. Combined he was just a regular handsome guy.

"Hello, Jian Jing."

Li Min was very familiar, introducing his background.

He was a magazine reporter, here to interview Professor Lao about wildlife conservation for an issue, and coincidentally found out about their hotel.

After writing the story he couldn't forget this place, so decided to come again and dedicate an entire issue on luxury wildlife hotels to help promote the couple's business.

"I'm trying to help their business, yet it still throws acorns at my window every morning!"

Jian Jing chuckled.

Li Min sighed deeply, naturally sitting next to her. "Your dog is really great."

The knight knew he was being praised and held its head high, ears twitching.

Jian Jing patted its back, also proud: "Of course."

"So you're not President Kang's daughter?" His features were clearly local, yet his English was extremely fluent, nearly native-level.


"Nor her daughter-in-law?" Jian Jing nearly laughed to death: "No. Do I look that much like President Kang?"

"You are both very beautiful." He complimented.

Jian Jing had to admit, in her prime youth while President Kang was at least two generations above, yet males complimenting President Kang were no fewer than herself. A woman's charm was clearly not tied to age. President Kang at her age yet still appearing 30, she really had a kind motherly nature.

"Uh, Fei Na," an tall, lanky young man came in, stiffly asking Fei Na, "Would you like to go get the infrared cameras with me?"

"Sure!" Fei Na readily agreed, also asking Jian Jing: "Would you like to take a walk in the woods with us?"

Jian Jing asked: "Can I bring the dog?"

"Of course, I quite welcome this little fellow." She affectionately ruffled the knight's head, suggesting: "You should change into some pants."


Jian Jing informed Kang Mu Cheng, changed into long sleeves and pants, donning a hat and water jug while leading the dog to set off.

Fei Na introduced the accompanying man. He was a forest ranger stationed here, last name Chen. Everyone just called him Chen. Aside from assisting Professor Lao he also patrolled the area.

Jian Jing curiously asked: "Patrolling means...there's poaching here?"

"Very little in this area. We've set up lots of monitoring so it's hard to say about deeper in." Fei Na parted some thin, sharp branches. "You'd best be very careful and not wander too far from camp."

"What do they usually poach? Rhinos?"

"Yes, but most commonly pangolins." Fei Na instead asked: "I've heard people from your country like using them in medicine for sale?"

Jian Jing: "......" Her face hurt.

She changed the topic: "What does your daily work consist of?"

"Observing the animals within sample plots. We set up infrared cameras to monitor species numbers and types, mainly mammals. For fish we take samples to estimate populations in an area. With crocodiles we need to capture and tag them with GPS..."

Fei Na chatted tirelessly about her work, highly knowledgeable and clearly loving her job a lot. Jian Jing listened attentively, very admiring inside.

In contrast to its owner's patience, the knight grew overly excited, unable to resist running over to sniff small creatures, scaring away some poor residents. It also eyed mushrooms covetously, appearing to badly want a bite.

Unable to watch further, the ranger gently patted its head: "Poisonous."

It shrank back.

In the woods for over an hour before reaching the sampling site. The ranger skillfully removed the infrared camera tied to a tree trunk, replacing batteries and memory card while inserting his own device to review.

Moments later he excitedly spoke a long string of native words. Jian Jing couldn't understand.

Fei Na translated: "Oh! A few days ago there was a large Indian civet sighting. Do you know that animal?"

Jian Jing: "The coffee one?"

"Yes, look." She passed the camera over.

Jian Jing saw a strange viverrid, entirely black-furred. Judging by size it didn't resemble a cat, more like a civet. Big round eyes shone green in night vision.

"It's endangered! Great to see it appearing here." Fei Na walked all around, seeking animal tracks and droppings.

She taught Jian Jing: "Sometimes we also deduce animal trails and numbers from feces. Look at this footprint, I think it's a otter civet."

Jian Jing couldn't make it out at all, but still felt they were so impressive.

Speaking with increasing enthusiasm, Fei Na brought her deeper into the woods, adding some plant knowledge: "This is yellow jacaranda, the bark can be medicine for animal gastrointestinal issues, the leaves are edible and can be tea substitutes..."

Jian Jing looked around, following the "can eat is best" principle and asking: "Which ones here are edible, delicious, and can be directly eaten?"

Fei Na blinked, looking puzzled: "Are you hungry?"

Jian Jing: "Just curious."

"Try this." The ranger handed over a white grass, explaining not too fluently: "When little, family poor, I often dig this" Unable to recall the word, he simply said "food".

Jian Jing accepted and tentatively bit off a piece.


The knight also stretched its neck over.

She generously split half with the dog. It chewed with "badag badag" sounds, appearing to quite like it.

So Fei Na also took a stalk, beckoning her to keep up.

The trio plus dog continued through the woods.

As an outsider there for the excitement, Jian Jing took photos everywhere with her phone. Abruptly a long, winding shadow flashed through the frame. Looking closely she was shocked: "Is that a snake? It's flying!"

"Flying snake, also called gliding snake. Mildly venomous. If you like I can have Chen catch one to show you, he's good at catching snakes...Chen?" Fei Na glanced around to find the ranger Chen standing not far away, face very serious as he stared fixedly at...a pile of poop, deep in thought.

Hearing her call Chen looked over, said something then translated to English for Jian Jing's benefit: "Indochinese leopard prints and droppings."

Jian Jing: "......" Keywords exceeded her basic vocabulary span.

Fei Na translated: "Indochinese leopard. No way, are you sure Chen?"


The two discussed fiercely around the pile of poop before reaching consensus and telling Jian Jing: "We need to head back now."

Jian Jing: "What happened?"

Fei Na said: "We mainly study birds and amphibians since mammals avoid this area due to high human activity. Especially the indochinese leopard has a fixed range, appearing in unfamiliar zones is very strange."


"Unclear, maybe a stronger animal claimed its territory or it was frightened. Anyway we need to closely monitor it."

Jian Jing nodded without further questions, secretly pondering that losing to animals and being driven from one's turf wouldn't warrant such gravity. The key seemed to be the fright.

Could it be...poachers?

The trip going in was slow, taking nearly an hour and a half. The rushed return took just over forty minutes. Fei Na and Ranger Chen immediately started working so as to not disturb them, Jian Jing returned alone to rest in her room.

"Knight, want to nap?" She called the dog.

The knight slowly swayed, hind legs scratching fur.

Jian Jing glared at it.

The knight: "Whine whine."

Oh no! Just that bit outside already got infested?

"Fortunately, I brought insect repellent powder." She didn't care about her afternoon nap, grabbed German Shepherd by the ears, and took it outside to brush off insects.

Next door, Kang Mu Cheng poked his head out, "You're back?"

"Yeah." She asked, "What are you guys doing?"

Kang Mu Cheng wanted to say something but hesitated. After a while, he beckoned Jian Jing over.

Jian Jing took a peek next door and saw the president Kang lying in a rocking chair while a tall doctor was treating her swollen ankles.

"Madam, your injury is not serious, just a sprain. It will be fine after cold compresses for two days." The doctor was probably in his forties or fifties, with slightly white sideburns, but his facial features were distinct and refined.

President Kang couldn't help sighing.

"President Kang, what's wrong with you?" Jian Jing wondered.

"Oh my, seeing you having so much fun in the water, I couldn't help but want to go down and take a picture too." Kang Lei said bitterly, "Who would have thought I stepped on a crab, it startled me and I sprained my ankle."

Jian Jing: "......"

Kang Mu Cheng expressionlessly said: "Got stung by insects in the tropics, sprained while hiking, fell ill abroad due to change in diet, suffered from heatstroke, altitude sickness... "

Kang Lei smiled dryly.

Jian Jing: =口=

What a pitiful president, her physical condition is also hopeless.

"Lei." A mature woman with tan skin came in carrying a tray, bringing with her the aroma of beef rice noodles, "I made this specially for you, don't be upset."

President Kang couldn't help but grasp her hand, "Xiang Cao, you understand my heart so well."

She is Professor Lao's current wife, named Xiang Cao, as fragrant and unadorned as her name suggests.

"Mu Cheng, long time no see, I wonder if you still remember me." Mrs. Lao spoke fluent Chinese with a warm attitude, "This must be the leading actress of your Golden Crow, Miss Jian Jing. I have seen your work Rose Gold, Hide and Seek Child, and the movie version was also very good."

She was well-informed and even said to the doctor: "Cha Li, your room is ready, same as before. I have prepared an espresso machine and the best coffee beans for you."

"That would be great." The doctor nodded, accepting her kindness.

Mrs. Lao inevitably had to introduce them to each other again: There were usually only a few staff members staying at the observation station. When someone fell ill, they would go to the hospital in the city. But considering hotel guests were often not accustomed to the outdoor environment, they would invite Dr. Cha Li to stay at the hotel for a few days whenever there were guests staying over, just in case.

President Kang said it was very necessary.

"Whine." Knight kept nudging Jian Jing's hand with its nose.

She pressed it down.

Dog: "Aw."

Mrs. Lao noticed: "What's wrong with the dog?"

"(It's) just hungry." Jian Jing grabbed its big ears, resenting the dog's lack of self-awareness, "I was about to prepare lunch for it."

"That works out great, there are leftover beef bones in the kitchen." Who could resist the innocent eyes of a dog? At least not Mrs. Lao.

Beef bones boiled with spices were used to make the broth for rice noodles. Raw beef rolled in the broth until cooked thoroughly. The bones fished out were soft and crispy, incredibly delicious.

Knight buried its head in the food bowl.

Jian Jing held her rice noodles.

Kang Mu Cheng: "Sigh."

Note from the author: Seems like a windless and waveless day...

President Kang's scenes this season are too few, time to work overtime!

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