The Married Life Of Immortals

Chapter 135: The Truth Comes Out Pt2

"You wanna fight because you think you know it all? Huh?" Nina growled, and then grabbed Lysia by the robe she was wearing.

At the same time, Lysia released a massive discharge of electricity, shattering the booth into splinters, and sending people flying, but Nina didn't flinch, and hurtled Lysia out the restaurant, and into the tailor across the street.

"I'll kill you!" Lysia screamed, jumping out of the store window, and tackling Nina to the ground, who was trying to take a drink.

Nina swung a punch, but Lysia grabbed it, and slammed the valkyrie into the ground, creating a small crater, before she was kicked off, catching the bottle of wine that was still spinning in the air.

"I will not lose!" Lysia cried, and then took a long drink as she landed, then threw the empty bottle at Nina before rushing her.

Nina dodged the bottle, but had to take a punch to the face from Lysia.

"You know you can't beat me!" Lysia growled, but Nina just shook her head, and then grabbed Lysia's throat, slamming her into the ground, then grabbing the elf's feet, and threw her into the air. "You little...!"

Lysia caught herself, but had to dodge as Nina shot up into the air, and tried to punch her out of the air.

"You think you are so high and mighty, don't you?!" Lysia snapped, and then started launching ice spells at Nina, who was dodging them like they were nothing.

"Just because you are stronger, doesn't mean you can do what you want!" Nina shot back, and then charged in close, catching the elf with a right hook that sent her spinning through the air.

Lysia regained control, and then looked down, and noticed the town.

"Hehehe," she snickered, and then threw her arms out, unleashing a massive wave of fire over the town, destroying everything it touched.

Nina frowned, and then held her hand up, creating a wall of wind that created a vacuum, sucking up all of the flames before they could reach the buildings.

"Oh, so you want to play like that?" Nina grumbled, and then launched herself at Lysia, tackling her to the ground, and creating a large crater, before she punched her in the stomach, launching her out of the crater.

Lysia flipped in the air, and then landed, creating a giant ice spike that shot from the ground, but Nina flew up, and created a massive gust of wind to catch it, bring it around, throwing the ice back at Lysia who was forced to dodge it, and then launch herself back at Nina, who caught her and threw her into the ground.

"You are mine, and that is that!" Nina snapped, and then created a large tornado around the elf.

Lysia sat up, and then used her magic to break the tornado apart, but when the dust settled, Nina was gone.

"Huh?" Lysia muttered, looking around, but then she felt someone behind her.

She jumped back, but Nina was already there, and hit her with a right cross that sent her flying again.

"What was that about him being yours?" Nina sneered, and Lysia growled in anger.

"How dare you!" Lysia snapped, and then unleashed a massive beam of prismatic light that engulfed everything it touched.

Nina saw the attack coming, and dodged it, but when she looked back, she saw that the beam was following her. Like a light refraction from prism to prism, the beam tracked her movement perfectly, and Lysia knew that it would hit her if she didn't do something.

"I will kill you!" Lysia screamed, but Nina just held up her hand, and the beam turned away, and shot straight into the sky, and out of sight.

"I might not be the strongest, but I will always beat you," Nina snickered, but then she found herself being forced to the ground by an extreme pressure.

Lysia had her hands up, and a giant sphere of prismatic mana was starting to form around her.

"I am the greatest mage in this world," Lysia growled, and Nina struggled to get up. "If you think you can steal my man, then I will show you the power of the greatest mage ever to live!"

"Shut up!" Nina roared. "He is not yours just because you saw him first! You don't even like him!"

"You right! I don’t just like him, Meathead! I love him, and I saw him first, killed him first, KISSED HIM FIRST! MINE!" Lysia screamed, and then unleashed the ball of mana, which was a giant swirling storm of prismatic mana, and Nina was forced to the ground, trying to hold it back.

"I'm not going to let you take him from me!" Lysia roared, and then unleashed a second, even larger spell.

Nina screamed as she struggled, but the spell kept getting stronger, and the weight of it was crushing her.

Suddenly, the magic vanished, and both women were being pressed into the ground by a force that tried to flatten them.

"You girls have made a big mess," An old and decrepit woman that stood barely 4 feet tall. "The two of you had better make up. It is better to share than to fight, but the two of you are so thick headed I have a hard time believing that will come to pass with him back here."

Lysia forced her head up in defiance. "I saw, kissed, killed, and proposed to him first! She is just trying to take what I want!"

"Yes," Nina said from her prone position. "That is what I am trying to do! Take what should have always been mine!"

"Well," Chi Chi Haru chuckled, and then released the two women. "You will just have to kill each other over him when he gets back. He is a pretty handsome guy, but you are both out of your minds to fight over him. You could both do so much better than him. He is more trouble than he is worth."

"You take that back you old hag!" Lysia snapped. "I don't care if you're a Demigod! I turn you into a leather handbag, you old bat!"

"You should be nicer to your elders," Nina scolded, and then stood up. "She is just trying to help. We would be fine if we had just talked about it and got drunk enough that we couldn't stand. Let's go drink more, and then we can have this conversation again!"

Chi Chi Haru stared blankly as the two glared at each other, and she shook her head. "You girls are so foolish. Why don't you just ask him what he thinks?"

"Who cares what he thinks?" Lysia demanded.

"This is none of his business!" Nina spat!

"You women are both just cowards that refuse to let him see how you really feel," Chi Chi Haru sighed, and both women glared at her.

"Shut it!"

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