The Married Life Of Immortals

Chapter 134: The Truth Comes Out Pt1

Village of Heroes

[Bane has been gone for 1 month and 3 weeks]

"Did you hear?" Morgana asked as she walked into the town hall, and Bilgarth looked up from the papers he was reading.

"That you had a screw loose?"

"No, you idiot! Word is that Lysia and Nina have been spotted over at the Shattered Plate drinking wine!"

"So? I also like wine with my meal," Bilgarth groaned, trying to ignore the Dark Priestess.

"Ugh! Are you so daft that you can't remember the Bloody Months after the last war?!"

Bilgarth made a shocked face. "Oh! Well, I see, but come on. Bane is only on a trip to another world for three months? This is clearly nowhere near as bad, right?"

"Are you insane?! The only reason she hasn't broken yet, is because that damn Valkyrie, but now that they are drinking, there is no stopping them! She will probably be drunk until Bane gets back!"

Bilgarth shrugged, and then shook his head. "I know, but the difference is that he wasn't around before. He is the only one who can truly keep her calm, and if she loses him..."

"Exactly! So if we just have a little talk with Nina, we can all survive to see tomorrow!" Morgana declared, but the big old man shook his head and sighed.

"Pretty much useless, but I will give you a thumbs up for good luck," Bilgarth said, and Morgana let out a shriek before stomping out of the town hall.

Once she was gone, Bilgarth put his head to his desk. He knew exactly how bad this was going to be, but there was nothing short of Bane coming home early that was going to change this fate. This being the case, Bilgarth decided to just ignore them until they started burning and destroying the village. Not that he could do anything but organize nightly repair crews when it started to get bad.


"Why are we just sitting around?" Lysia demanded with slightly flushed cheeks. "We could be interrogating Victor right now! Maybe we could get him to call a demon! Yes! A Demon! Where is that cursed witch Morgana? She should know a thing or two about demons, right? No! I will get her to curse him!"

Nina took a drink of her wine, and then crossed her arms. "What good will any of that do you? You're just being a curmudgeon at this point. Nothing you do will bring the punching bag, I mean Bane back any sooner. Just hold it all in till he gets back, and then let him have it. I am sure he will deserve it for one reason or another... Hmmm, what do you think you will do if he brings back some women with him? I have some experience with demons, you know."

Lysia's eyes narrowed, and frost started to leak out of her. "Kill him a few times, and then ask him who they are. Depending on his answer, he might have to die a few more times... Why did you have to say that?! That is my husband! I will not share him with some demonic whores!"

Nina finished her drink, and then looked at Lysia. "You know, there is a chance that he has been spending time with demon women this entire time? He could have made them his slaves, and then come back here. He might have even had sex with them."

Lysia's eyes narrowed, and then a fire broke out in her hand. "I would kill them all... No, death would be too good for any of them that dare take his virginity, which should rightfully be mine!"

Nina held up her wine glass, and a waiter noticed, rushing over with a bottle of wine, looking very nervous.

"You know, if a man said that about a woman, everyone would be up in arms," Nina snickered, and then caught Lysia's wine glass, then used it to catch a small fireball the elf launched across the table. "So, what is your plan? You going to burn the whole place down, and make him build a new village? You know he will just get someone else to do it."

"That is where you are wrong," Lysia hissed. "He is mine, and that is that! He can look all he wants, but I will have the final say! If I find anyone, and I mean anyone who dares to touch him, I will burn their soul!"

"Sure," Nina said with a roll of her eyes. "Just know that things might change when he gets back."

"Do you want to go? Or are you trying to say that you like him? Is that what this is all about?"

Nine frowned. "I will admit he is attractive, but I don't know how you stand a person that is constantly trying to piss you off? Do you really think that I would put up with someone like that? We both might be the last of our kind, but I am not so desperate that I would pick a man like him when there are so many better choices."

Lysia paused, and then smiled. "Is that what you think?"

Nina nodded, and then froze. "Yes?"

Lysia sat up, and then looked at the Valkyrie with a dangerous gleam in her eye. "You have done so much for me since my husband-to-be left, and now I see the truth."

Nina blinked, and then realized she had made a mistake, but Lysia also wasn't completely wrong. She privately enjoyed her time with Bane, and how he never gave up, no matter how brutal she was. For a queen who once was the leader race of warriors, Bane could be considered her perfect mate, but Nina was extremely bad at relating her feelings. The woman had a violent side that came out when she was nervous and shy, and had killed three potential mates in the past.

"You have been trying to steal him away from me this entire time!" Lysia growled, her hair starting to rise as prismatic mana leaked from her body dangerously.

Nina pounded her wine back and grabbed the bottle from the terrified waiter. In the next instant, she grabbed the table between them, and flipped it through the front wall of the Shattered Plate, creating a large hole.

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