The Married Life Of Immortals

Chapter 132: Silly Witch

A smile spread across his face as he looked up to see the massive burning bird covered in red and orange hurtled at him like a meteor. Every demon they had met over the last week had been frozen solid, so Bane hadn't had to fight anyone, leaving him rather bored.

With a clap of his hands, a dozen spears of earth flew into the air like quills from a porcupine.

Zerynthia screeched, and dove through the spears, dodging each one by the slightest amount, but Bane knew this wasn't going to be enough, and as she closed in, the spears began to circle her, and as they did, they began to rotate in opposite directions, until they were like a tornado around the fiery bird.

"I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE!" Zerynthia screamed, and an explosion sent the tornado of earth spears flying away.

Bane laughed. "So, is there any way that we can just agree to ignore each other?"

The bird screeched. "No!"

Bane shrugged. "Whatever. Don't say I didn't warn you."

Zerynthia was furious. Never had she been trapped as she had been in that volcano, and she was going to make Bane pay for the humiliation, but he just kept talking about forgetting that it even happened. How was she supposed to forget when she had been humiliated?

As her eyes fell on Bane, and the two demons behind him, a grin spread across her face.

"There is no way you can be strong enough to fight and protect both demons, are you?" Zerynthia suddenly asked, and then became a streak of burning light as she went for the girls, but Bane just closed his eyes, and put up his fists.

"Don't fuck around with my guides," Bane growled, and right before Zerynthia reached Elexis, Bane made a uppercut motion into thin air.


The wind was knocked out of the phoenix as a four foot wide earthen fist shot up right in front of Elexis. It slammed into the bird with enough force to launch her up to the clouds.

"Silly witch, tricks are for people with real skill," Bane muttered, but didn't bother opening his eyes.

Because Zerynthia was made of fire, Bane could easily track her energy like he could see everywhere at once.

"BANE! You bastard!" Zerynthia snapped as she tried to right herself, but before she could, a dozen earth spears shot into her from above, piercing her body.

Zerynthia cried out in pain, and the next thing she knew, she was wrapped in stone, hurtling at the ground.

Bane reached up and grabbed air, and then threw it at the ground. His actions caused Zerynthia to increase the speed of her plummeting body before smashing into the ground. Right after impact, uncountable numbers of earth spears shot out of the ground around where she had landed, and hammered into the area Zerynthia had been slammed into.

While this was happening, Bane walked over to find the biggest frozen boulder he could see in the area, lifted it up, and then launched himself into the air with it. Once he was over top of Zerynthia, Bane used gravity magic to increase the weight of the rock dramatically.

The rock smashed into the ground, burying half of it, and Bane could feel the ground shake with the impact.

Silence fell over the area as the two demon women looked at Bane in shock as he got to his feet and stood on top of the boulder.

"Don't you think that you might have gone a bit overboard?" Nia asked uneasily as the dust settled, but Elexis shook her head.

"She isn't dead yet, nor do I think you can kill her permanently. A phoenix is an immortal creature that will just be reborn each time it dies," Elexis replied, and Bane nodded.

"Yeah, but I am going to make her suffer. She is not going to bother me ever again," Bane replied, and then glared at the boulder, making a hole open up, and out came the bloody barely burning mess that was the bird.

Her wings were broken and missing feathers, her head was twisted to the side, and she was coughing blood up, but Zerynthia was alive.

"You can't kill me," Zerynthia coughed, and then spat out a feather as her body quickly started to heal.

"I know, it's really annoying," Bane growled, and then created a large dark blue spell circle, blasting the bird with water.

She tried to scream, but the water forced its way into her mouth and throat, choking her, and then the water froze, freezing her solid.

"Why don't you just end her?" Nia asked, but Bane just sighed.

"If you know how to kill the unkillable, then I am all ears. It would be easier if she would die, but since that isn’t the case, I want her to suffer enough that she decides it isn't worth following me."

"But what if she likes it?" Nia asked, and Bane frowned.

"I heard her screams. She clearly doesn't like it," Bane replied, and then made the water melt.

He wanted to see her face, but then was slightly annoyed to find that the phoenix was grinning like a maniac.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" Zerynthia asked, and Bane shook his head.

"No, you deathless pigeon, I am not. Are you?"

"YES!" Zerynthia cried out, and then laughed like a maniac, and Bane just looked at her with confusion. "You think that killing me will stop me, but you have no idea what I am willing to do to get what I want! Kill me, torture me, or anything thing your twisted mind can think up! I will not leave you, or let you go! I know the world you come from, and I must return to it!"

Bane narrowed his eyes, and pursed his lips. "But I don't want you, jesus. Take a hint already! First of all, you're a bitch to everyone but me, big turn off. Next, I have more trust in a wet fart after Four Bean Casserole than I do you. Lastly, I have my wife already."

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