The Married Life Of Immortals

Chapter 124: Slave Ring

Bane walked out of the cave with the three demons following him. Once he was outside, he turned back, and crossed his arms.

"Which way?"

Both Nia and Elexis pointed to the north, that head away from the volcano, but Zerynthia was pointing up the volcano. Bane frowned at the still naked woman, locking his eyes with hers to keep them from wandering.

"Why are you pointing to the top of the mountain?" Bane asked, and Zerynthia smiled at him, crossing her arms over her breasts.

"There is an item up there that I have been saving. A powerful magical ring that I found many lifetimes ago, and I do not wish to leave it here," She explained, and Bane looked at the other two women.

"Do either of you have clothes for this woman?" He asked, and Elexis rolled her eyes and pointed at Zerynthia.

"If she can conjure a body, then she can also make clothing from her flames, she just chooses not to. I think the burning whore is trying to take advantage of you," Elexis explained, and Zerynthia scoffed.

"I'm not trying to do anything, I am telling him the truth. This ring is extremely important to me, and it was a gift from someone very special. It is worth the extra trip to my hidden place," Zerynthia explained, and Elexis's brow twitched.

"Liar," She hissed.

"I think she is telling the truth," Nia offered, and Zerynthia's expression shifted to a triumphant one, but Elexis cut in.

"And I think that she is trying to get him alone so she can jump him!" Elexis countered, and Bane rubbed his head. This was all giving him a headache.

"You stupid little queen witch! I never said the two of you idiots couldn't come!" Zerynthia argued.

"Why the hell would you bring us along?" Elexis countered.

"I am going to rip your tongue out," Zerynthia warned.

"You can try," Elexis taunted, and the two got into each other's faces.

"Hey! If the two of you don't knock it off, I am leaving," Bane yelled, and the two demons turned back to him.

"Fine," Elexis spat.

"I would be fine if the little brat wanted to stay behind, but it will take us a few hours to climb the mountain, so we might as well get going," Zerynthia said, and started to walk up the mountain.

"If this is some kind of trick, I'll beat your ass," Elexis threatened, and Bane groaned.

'Are they really this stupid?' Onyx asked.

'I think it is just a game, and both of them are playing the innocent one that doesn't want the other's attention, when the reality is that they are both fighting for the same thing, but pretending to hate each other,' Bane explained, and Onyx made a sound of approval. 'Don't approve of this farce! There is no way I am going to survive a month an a half of this soap box drama!'

"Why are you two walking? Run, or it is going to take longer," Zerynthia told the two following her.

"Because, I'm a normal demon, and she is too weak and slow," Elexis said, and Nia glared at her.

"If we run, I can't keep up," Nia replied, and Zerynthia laughed.

"Oh, please. That girl could carry her," Zerynthia said, and Elexis raised an eyebrow.

"Girl? Listen to me, fire chicken! If you are in such a hurry, then you carry her!" Elexis suggested, and Nia shook her head.

"No, I can do it," Nia said, and took a breath. She was about to say something else, but then Bane picked her up, tossing her on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"There, I'll carry her, now will you quit your yammering?" He asked, and the two demons smiled at him.

"As you wish, Master," The two said, and Bane started running up the path to the top of the volcano, leaving the other two to catch up.

'They are going to kill us with the master thing, aren't they?'

'It is better than hearing them fight about sucking me off,' Bane told him.

'Good point.'

'Do you think that ring she is talking about is really worth the extra work?'

'Shit, I don't know or care. I just know she will be insufferable if we leave it behind, and I am already ready to toss her into the volcano. At least this one on my shoulder can read the room and is letting me have some peace,' Bane said, and Onyx snorted.

'Only because she was so excited she passed out right after you picked her up. Being strong in this world means a lot, but your unwillingness to kill these women have turned you into their prey. I am sure you understand that the women of this world are at a serious disadvantage, so they attach themselves to strong males for protection, or they stay hidden.'

'I will kill any of them the second they make a move to hurt me. It feels weird just to kill people because they rub me the wrong way,' Bane admitted, and Onyx sighed.

'You are going to have to learn to get over it in the future. Not everyone that tries to hurt you will go for you. What if one of these women were to hurt Lysia? What then? Would killing them after the fact help? There are going to be choices you will have to make on whims with nothing more than your gut feeling to guild you. Once you leave the island, I will be separating from you, and we won't talk again until I can bring your body into Dominion Online, and give it back to you.'

'Are you sure you can't stay with me?' Bane asked, and Onyx growled.

'If I stay here, the Guardian will know, and things will become very difficult, and it could hurt you, or worse. I have to go back, and you are going to have to find your own path, Bane.'

'I understand,' Bane said, and then focused on the ground moving under his feet.

They reached the top of the volcano, and Bane set the small woman down before walking out onto a cliff that stretched out into the center of the boiling volcano. At the end of the cliff, there was a giant crystal that glowed a faint red color.

'What is that?'

'It looks like a bloodstone,' Onyx informed him, and Bane frowned, then rolled his finger.

'And the rest? Like why is it here?'

'Look closer. There is a ring of the tip, meaning that the bloodstone must be powering some sort of trap. It wouldn't be wise to leave something like this in the open otherwise in this world. Even I can sense power coming from that ring, so it would be a beckon to other demons. Since none are here, that means either Zerynthia has been keeping them away, or there is a trap.'

Bane shrugged, and then headed back to where he had set Nia down. 'No point in fucking with it. That Zerry can just take the ring, and we can go.'

"Why did you have to run so fast?!" Zerynthia demanded when she reached the top with Elexis.

"I wanted to experience some quiet. This one," Bane said, and pointed at Nia, who was still passed out. "Stayed quiet and let me think the entire time."

"If you knocked me out, I would also stay quiet!" Zerynthia growled, but Bane gave her a meaningful look.

"Not a bad idea. You might have some potential after all," Bane said with a knowing nod.

"Master," Elexis started, and Bane sighed.


"She was trying to take advantage of you."

"This again?" Bane complained, and Elexis nodded.

"That ring is a slave ring."

"Oh?" Bane said, finally giving her his full attention. "And she was going to put it on my finger?"

Elexis shook her head. "No, much worse. She was going to trick you into putting it on her finger!"

Bane stared blankly at her and then turned to Zerynthia, pointing at Elexis. "Is this true?"

Zerynthia nodded. "Yes, she is just mad because I don't think that they should have the chance to become your slave. This is my ring, so I should have the honor of being your first and only sex slave. You can use me for whatever else that you want, but if I put that ring on, you have to take care of me, since you will own me. I had planned on using it on a strong male demon, but you are too powerful for me to best, even if I tricked you."

Bane nodded. "Honesty is a good thing, in my opinion, so thanks, but how do I get the ring? There is a trap, right?"

"Yeah, you can't touch the bloodstone without activating it, so the ring is stuck."

"So, why don't you go get it? It is yours," Bane told her, and Zerynthia sighed, shaking her head, making him frown.

"If I get the ring, and give it to you, will you accept the other two, and stop making life difficult?" Bane asked, and Zerynthia smirked, walking over and grabbing the two other demons, and holding them close.

"Sure," She replied, and pulled the other two to the edge of the cliff, and then pushed them off. “I will accept that they are dead and I am the only one for you!”

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