The Married Life Of Immortals

Chapter 123: Just No

"Yeah, no. You clearly have no idea who my wife-to-be is. I might be hesitant to kill you, but my wife wouldn't blink at it. Hell, she would probably ask if I want fries with the beat down and slow painful death both of us would endure," Bane answered.

Zerynthia's brow twitched, and her flames grew.

"You dare speak ill of the woman that would be your wife?!"

"If by ill, you mean true, then yeah," Bane replied, and the flames flared.

"How dare you say that about her! You are to respect your Queens when you are not in the bedroom!" Zerynthia nearly spat, and Bane put a hand over his face.

"When did this conversation get turned around to make me the bad guy? Your the one trying to rape me, and I am being a good man, against my lower brains judgement. How am I the bad guy? Also, you have no idea who Lysia is. That woman is more of a demon than you could ever dream of being."

"You're right, I don't know who your wife is, but I will not take your disrespect towards her! Even if she is the most powerful being in the world, you are not allowed to speak ill of her!" Zerynthia argued, and Bane shook his head.

"This isn't how this is supposed to go. You are supposed to be the seductive bad girl, and I am supposed to have a hard time resisting, but in the end I can't help but fall to temptation. I mean, that isn't how this story will end, but you are just running away laughing with the script at this point," Bane complained.

"Can you also fall for my temptation?" Elexis asked from her place behind the flaming bars with Nia nodding at her side.

Bane tossed his hands in the air. "Why am I even still here?"

'If you are not going to fight, then just leave. It isn't like we need them. Just keep walking till you run into a demon and you can torture him to give you directions. Though, I can’t say that having her would be disadvantageous,' Onyx offered.

'I don't completely disagree or agree with you,' Bane thought, and his vision was suddenly filled with white hair and red eyes.

"My, my, aren't we looking perplexed. Come on, just give us a taste, okay? I have decided to let the other two join if that makes you happy? Then we can have all the sex and fun we can ever want," Zerynthia breathed, and Bane took a step back, then turned to leave.

"Come back! You can't just ignore me!" Zerynthia ordered.

"Wanna bet?" Bane grumbled, and he took a few steps.

"What about us? I am sure that you will need a good hole to dump your stress into over the next month and a half!" Elexis called out, and Bane stopped, turning back.

"What about a month and a half?"

"To fill all my holes? Yes, if you take me with you, I will be your guide to Onorousa, which is a month and a half away," Elexis explained while getting as close as she could to the flaming bars without getting burnt.

"Onorousa is the capital city of the demons, but it is also a month and a half walk away. It is a long walk, and the demons will be on the lookout for humans, so we will need to sneak our way there. If I come with you, I will be able to help you, as long as you can keep me fed and fucked," Elexis offered, but then Nia pushed her aside to ask. "And what about me? I'll suck your dick and do whatever you want!"

"No, you will be a liability," Zerynthia shot back.

"You don't have the choice. Bane is the one who decides who gets to suck his dick, not you," Nia challenged.

"And you are saying that he will pick you?" Zerynthia countered.

"I can prove it. I'll prove to you that Bane would rather have me," Nia boasted, and Bane groaned.

"No, he won't. Now be quiet," Zerynthia growled, and her wings flapped, her eyes flashing.

"Why don't we let him decide?" Nia offered, and Zerynthia narrowed her eyes.

"I will not let a human decide my fate," she spat.

Bane turned away, putting his head in his hands. "This is for all the shit I have done in my life, isn't it? I am being punished with sexual advances. Why?"

'You probably deserve this. Think of it as pre-punishment for all the times you will piss your wife off in the future,' Onyx replied.

"I don't think I can handle this anymore. Let's just kill her and be done with it."

'Weren't you listening to her?' Onyx asked, and Bane sighed.

"Yeah, something about this and that," he mumbled.

'You should have listened to the important parts, not just the sexy ones.'

Bane didn't respond.

'She will lead us to the Capital, and is a former Demon Queen, meaning she has the influence needed to get us an audience with the Demon Emperor, dumbass.'

"Really?" Bane asked aloud, and Zerynthia gave him a look.

"Sorry, I was talking to the voice in my head."

“You are the sexist idiot I have ever met, you know this?” Zerynthia said playfully.

"Probably," Bane agreed.

"I will be able to do anything and everything for you, Master, including letting the others serve you. Please, choose me over the others, and I will make sure to fulfill any and every one of your desires," Nia purred, and Bane's face scrunched up.

"Can I just get a guide? No sexy time or nothing?"

"I could guide you, but then how would I please you? Besides, it would be a waste to not use every hole you have access to, right?" Elexis asked with a coy smile.

"What did I do to deserve this?" Bane questioned, and Onyx didn't answer.

"You can't just leave me here! I won't allow it," Zerynthia demanded.

"SHUT UP!" Bane roared, and then flicked a finger at the bars of fire, making them vanish. "All of you are going to be my guide, but I will muzzle the next person that talks."

"Thank you, master," Elexis and Nia said in unison, and Zerynthia glared at Bane who was tossing his hands in the air.

"I am the ruler here, not you," she seethed, and Bane's eyes started to glow.

"Not anymore, and I will put you over my knee and tan your ass if you keep being mouthy."

"You promise?"

"What about me?" Nia asked, and Bane gave her a blank look.

"Yeah, no."

"But what about me?" Elexis asked, and Bane turned his ghastly blank face to her.


"I can prove myself."

"No," Bane said, and the room fell into a silence.

"You are no fun."

"I would love a chance," Nia piped up, and Bane groaned.


"Come on."



"Oh lord, please help me through these trying times," Bane groaned and left the cave with the demon women following him.

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