The Married Life Of Immortals

Chapter 114: Demon King Baalaniur

The guards led Bane to the single path that led up to the cube, and right before they reached the massive black wall, the section before them melted away.

"Wow, fancy. This is pretty high tech stuff for a bunch of demons, eh?" Bane asked, but got no answer from the silent guards. "Whatever, not like you two would know how this thing works."

Bane just followed along with his arms crossed, and soon the black halls that were unnaturally lit up with a somber ended at a pair of sliding doors that looked like an elevator. One of the demons waved his hand in front of the two doors, and they slid open while the other gestured for Bane to go inside.

Not hesitating, Bane entered the elevator, and the door closed as it started to move on its own. With his arms still crossed, he went to stand and lean in the corner as haunting and eerie music started to play. Bane rolled his eyes at this and waited for the elevator to stop, but after about ten minutes, it was still moving.

Taking in a deep breath, Bane stood up straight and looked around, but the box he was in had nothing else but him in it. There were no buttons, lights, or anything but the sliding doors to signify Bane was even in an elevator and not a closet.

"What is the deal with this? Did I just walk into some kind of trap?" Bane mused, and then raised his fist.

'Baalaniur must be changing things in the Hall of Darkness around to make it more challenging for you. Once he is ready, then you will be brought to speak with him,' Onyx explained, but Bane didn't lower his fist.

"What you are trying to say is that he is going to do something to get away from me? Then make me go back to the bottom to fight my way back?" Bane asked as he converted all the demonic energy inside of him into mana and filled every mana formed cell in his body.

'What are you planning?' Onyx asked in an uneasy voice.

Bane smiled. "Bane go smash."

Ignoring the feeling of Onyx rolling his eyes, Bane put his weight into his fist and drove it straight through the sliding doors. He had expected some resistance, and there was, but he punched clean through and was surprised to find himself in a massive room full of demons.

"BANE GO SMASH!" Bane shouted, and with a grin his body coiled up like a spring, and he jumped into the air, punching through the floor above him.

Bane had no idea where he was going, but he kept on smashing his way upwards, blowing demons in every direction as he did. Some tried to fight him, but with his mana enhanced muscles and strength, he just kicked them like a football.

After a minute, Bane was in the dark and was surrounded by darkness, but his fist collided with something hard and made him come to a stop. His punch had enough force that it shook his arm, and it took him a moment to realize he was surrounded by stone, and had hit a wall.

"That was not supposed to happen," Bane said, and Onyx laughed.

'You're in a tower, idiot. Of course there is a ceiling,' Onyx pointed out, and Bane tossed up his hands.

"It is a cube, not a tower. You told me that, so don't go changing your story! Also, if he is not at the top, then where is this screw ball?" Bane growled back, but then frowned as the environment around him changed.

"You are a real pain in the ass, you know that, right?"

Bane turned around to see a massive 13 foot tall red demon with two massive horns coming out of its head and frowned. The frown wasn't because of what the Demon King looked like, but what he was wearing. Black armor covered every inch of the demon, save for it's head, but it was giving of a strange purple and black aura that made Bane feel wary for once in his life. He had been scared before, but this was more of a gut feeling, and he didn't like it.

"King Baal?"

The demon nodded. "That would be me. I was told that you were the one that was going to take me down. How is that working out for you? Are you having fun?"

Bane narrowed his eyes. "You think I can't kick your ass? You're the size of a small building. Hard to miss."

Baal snorted. "Size means nothing, but you are right. You have a decent shot, but what if I could offer you something even better that what Gustave has? I know you found my estranged wife, and brought her back to the city, but I can give you her, and any number of other demon women of all shapes and sizes! I can make sure that you always have the softness demons to sate your hunger! Want demon hearts? I will send my army to kill demons by the thousands to feed your hunger."

Bane remained silent. Mostly because he hadn't expected this, considering that Gustave hadn't even asked him to do this, let alone offered him a reward. The asshat just dropped Bane out of the sky, and he happened to land beside the only demon in a thousand miles that would have known about Cleaverland, or this problem.

"Damn, mother fucker is playing me like a harp!" Bane muttered, and Baal nodded, but then Bane narrowed his eyes on the Demon King. "So what do you want? To stay king?"

Baal shook his big red head. "No, I want you to kill Gustave. Do this, and help me become the Emperor, and I will make sure you live a life of luxury and excess."

Bane rubbed his chin. "You strike a hard bargain, you know?"

Baal nodded again. "Yes, and I also know that you are stalling. Do we have a deal, or do you want to try and smash your way out of here?"

Bane put his hand over his mouth. "This is a difficult decision to make, but I kind of just want to kill you, and get all this over with. I am sure that there are more idiots that I will have to deal with, and I don't want to waste time."

Baal's face fell and he shook his head, as a wicked smile spread across Bane's lips.

"BANE GO SMASH!" Bane shouted, and his body coiled like a spring, launching him forward, but as he did, the room shifted and Bane flew into a glassy pond of ice cold water.

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