The Married Life Of Immortals

Chapter 111: I Get That A Lot

Onyx had been doing his best to keep everything on track, but Bane was a loose cannon. One that was starting to frustrate him and he felt like it was time he personally put this child in his place.

In a burst of energy, Bane was blasted back, and Onyx's form changed into a divine looking man with smooth jaw line in black and red robes and long black hair that was partially tied up in the back of his head. He also had one gold and black eye.

"Fine! You want to piss around and make jokes? Let me show you a portion of what you are training to defeat! I will even unlock all of your potential with magic and all the cultivation you have gained so far!" Onyx snapped in a much deeper voice, and his hand reached out, touching the shocked Bane's head.

Suddenly, Bane was filled with an intense pain that felt like his insides were on fire. All his magic, and the strength he had gained, it was all unlocked, and he could feel it pulse off his body. All the hairs on his body stood on end, and his muscles bulged, causing his clothes to rip apart, and the ground beneath his feet to crack.

"OH YEAH!" Bane roared out, and without hesitation, burst forward with a punch that caused a rippling shockwave that blew one armed Sally and all the other demons flying into the air.

"Do you really think that is enough to stop one of the Supreme Ones?" Onyx asked, casually stopping Bane with a single finger.

Bane tried to push past the finger, but Onyx used his free hand to make an upwards gesture, and he was sent flying into the air like gravity had been reversed. In almost an instant Bane was above the clouds, but then he was suddenly ripped back at the ground. He barely had time to create thirty four layers tier two Barrier spells to protect him, but it was shattered as Onyx hit him with a 6 foot long metal bat enchanted with tier eight Eruption Rune just before he could hit the ground.

Bane's body was then blown through nearly a mile of buildings that blew apart like they were constructed from matchsticks, but then dug his hand into the ground to bring him to a stop. Onyx was there with his fist to punch Bane in the face, but Bane was getting tired of this one sided battle. Tipping his head to the side and turning his body, Bane avoided the strike, but Onyx's first that he had just avoided hit him anyways.

Bane's entire body exploded with blood as all his internal organs ruptured as he was sent flying again. It was a feeling unlike anything he had ever felt. Pain. True pain. The type of pain that could only be inflicted by a god.

Onyx stepped back and crossed his arms, smirking as Bane dropped to the ground, unable to breathe, and choking on his own blood. He didn't know how his body was still moving, but Onyx raised his finger. He knew the boy was made of much stronger stuff.

"You take everything as a joke, but what do you have to say in the face of true power?" Onyx asked as he appeared beside Bane, but the man was smiling with blood stained teeth.

"I always have something to say," Bane coughed and blood came out to splatter on the ground. "Man, the roof for pain is high, but how do you like it?"

Onyx was about to ask what Bane meant, but his body suddenly froze after two hundred and twenty two tier one Containment spells surrounded his body. The spells were incredibly weak, but they had to be broken one at a time, allowing Bane to slowly wipe the blood from his mouth with a smile.

"You are right. I don't think I am ready do fight a person even half as strong as you are right now, but sometimes you just have to be a bit clever," Bane coughed, and then held his hand above his head and tier three Fireball spell circles started to stack and slowly grow larger as Bane incrementally increased the spell tier every thirty rings. In a matter of seconds, red spell rings hovered above Cleaverland, nearly covering the entire city by the last ring.

"Do you really think you can take me with something like that?" Onyx growled, but then the spell rings all collapsed down, and Bane pointed to his hand that had a tiny white flame floating in front of it at Onyx.

"Not trying to take you out, just returning the favor," Bane grinned, and the last containment spell vanished from around Onyx, who immediately went to cover his head.

With a wave of Bane's hand, the flame that looked no more threatening than a candle burst into a roaring white hot ball of fire that swallowed the entire city, but then a black light swallowed the flame. Bane and Onyx were left standing in a thirty foot deep perfectly cut out crater.

"Seriously? Just canceled it like that? What was this supposed to teach me? Or did you think whooping my ass was going to suddenly change who I am?" Bane growled, wiping his mouth. He was bleeding a lot less now, but was still bleeding, and was pretty sure he had several fractures, if not outright broken bones.

"You are the most arrogant bastard I have ever met," Onyx said, and then he vanished, leaving Bane alone in the crater.

"Yeah, I get that a lot," Bane mumbled, and then dropped onto his back.

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