The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 97: Andrew.

Krista walked out of the room and Into the back yard as Andrew picked up the phone. She held a single finger up to everyone in the room to let them know that she would only be a minute.

"It's been like forever. How have you been?" Andrew asked in a cheery voice. The last time he had spoken to his little sister was over twenty years ago.

Krista smiled as she heard the enthusiasm in his voice. She thought that he would be mad at her for not speaking to him for so long. But this was a pleasant surprise.

"I have been good. Luke and I even had two children. I remember how happy you were when Mei was born. Despite how much we used to fight I missed you." Krista smirked as she finished talking.

"You had two kids? The last I heard you had a son right? When did you have another?" Andrew asked surprised.

"Oh, so you knew about Haru? Zen must have told you right? I gave birth a few months ago with our daughter Saki." Krista explained.

"Oh, That's great news. You should have called sooner. I would have come over. I would like to meet my niece and nephew someday. Not to mention it would be nice to see you again after all this time." Andrew spoke through a smile. He felt happy and had stopped the work he was doing and was now strolling around the garden.

"Oh, that isn't necessary. But if you would like to visit you are more than welcome to come over to japan one summer. But yet again that would be impossible, wouldn't it? As for meeting Haru… That will be easy. If he decided he actually wanted to meet you." Krista said with a hint of frustration in her voice.

"Why wouldn't he want to meet his uncle?" Andrew became concerned as he heard the tone Krista had spoken in.

"Ah, He has always been a bit difficult since he was a child. If he doesn't want to do something there is nothing anyone can do to make him." Krista giggled and then sighed as she thought about all of the times she had tried to get Haru to do things.

"I see, You spoiled him and he became one of those bratty kids that will scream when they don't want to do something right?" Andrew began to laugh.

There was a pause for a few seconds before Krista spoke again.

"Actually, Quite the opposite. We might have spoiled him a little bit but he just isn't interested in anything but training. It was a surprise to learn that he had a girlfriend.

I guess he has changed a lot over these last few years. Thinking about it now. He might actually want to meet you. Anyway enough about me. I heard you had another daughter after Mei?" Krista Inquired.

"Oh, you mean Yun? Yeah, she is turning twenty next year. She is… Well, a handful. You should know what teenagers are like these days. Always out partying and getting drunk. I wish she could see things from my perspective for a minute." Andrew sighed.

"She is nineteen? That's actually close to Haru's age. He turned eighteen just last week. Say, Do you still live in Shanghai?" Krista asked.

"Yeah, What is it?" Andrew asked in return.

"Oh, It's just that Haru has decided to go to Fudan University. If you are going to be in the same city then that will be a perfect time for you to meet." Krista explained.

"Hahaha. Fudan university? That is where Yun is currently studying right now. Maybe they will become friends? I hope he can manage to calm her down a little. But that is a great idea. I can pick him up from the airport or something when he decides to come over." Andrew told Krista after a deep grumbling laugh rose from his chest.

"You would be willing to do that? Zen said you were busy with work recently. I don't want to trouble you if you are busy." Krista said before there was silence on the other side.

"It's not an issue at all. But speaking of Zen. When was the last time you spoke to him? Andrew asked.

"About five minutes ago. Haru has been living with him in Shenzhen for the past few years so, me, Luke and Saki came to visit him for his birthday."

"Is that right? I was actually starting to worry about the kid. He borrowed a bunch of money from me and then started ignoring my calls. I thought he had died or something. I only wanted to let him know that he doesn't need to bother paying me back." Andrew laughed again.

As Krista chatted with her older brother outside a scream cried out form the living room as Saki decided to wake up. Luke stood up and entered the living room.

"Aw, What's wrong my little angel?" He picked her up and held her in his arms.

Which only made her cry out more. Luke looked down in shock, His daughter didn't seem to recognize him at all. In fact, she looked at him like he was a stranger as her screams wailed around the room.

"Shh shh, It's okay papa's here. There's no need to cry." Luke tried to reassure the crying infant more but there was no hope. Her screams only became more violent and she began to kick her legs and throw her arms around.

The whole time Krista was outside talking to Andrew. Haru was sat eavesdropping. The heightened senses were useful for many things but it also boosted the volume of the crying child. His head began to ache as the cry droned on and on.

He had enough, The shrieks were too much for him. He decided he would put a stop to it. Haru stood up and then walked into the living room where Luke was needlessly rocking her trying to soothe her. With no luck in sight, Haru gently took her from his arms.

"You want to try to make her calm down? She doesn't even calm down in her father's arms. What do you think you can achieve." Luke asked Haru with a giggle before handing her over to him.

As soon as Luke had let go and Haru held his sister in his arms the crying died down. Saki looked up at Haru with curiosity. After all, she still didn't recognize him as a family member. But his presence seemed t make her calm down.

"Oh, Come on!? Am I just a terrible parent or something?" Luke cried out as in his eyes he had just witnessed a miracle.

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