The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 96: Mystery Solved.

"What? You saw him? Where?" Krista bombarded Haru with questions. After all, it wasn't possible that Haru could have seen him.

Haru sat awkwardly staring at the table for a minute. 'How do I explain this? They won't believe me will they?' He thought and then decided what he was going to say.

"Well, When we arrived at the sect yesterday, the sect master told me that someone wanted to see me." Haru began to explain what had happened when he first arrived at the sect.

"And then after he finished showing me the transporter he brought me back down the mountain to where the person was waiting for me.

As I entered the room I saw him waiting for me at the centre of the room. He was insanely powerful. He could even communicate his words straight into my brain. It was almost like some of the telepathy magic but I could sense the Qi in each word.

As we talked he said that he could predict the future or something and that he saw my face when predicting something and then came to find me.

He then asked me to go back with him to the upper realms. When I told him that I didn't want to leave my family behind he looked kind of satisfied and then turned around and said.

"Try not to make your mother worry. She has always been the type to put her family before everything else. I don't want hurt to get hurt once again." Haru explained and then quoted the words the old man had said to him.

As Haru finished quoting what he said Krista gasped and then brought her hand up to her mouth. Her eyes began to sparkle as they formed tears.

"It really was him!? How is this possible?" Krista asked as she began to weep.

"What are you talking about? It could have been anyone. I don't think that just because he knows about that time you got hurt it makes him our father." Zen stated as he played with his puzzle game.

"No that isn't why. Luke can back me up on this one. A few days ago we went to the graveyard where we buried mom. As we walked toward the grave there was a man who looked like he had just come from her grave.

I didn't recognise him at first. but when he walked past I felt like his demeanour was similar to his. I turned around to check again but when I turned he had vanished. Even Luke joked about it being a ghost." Krista explained.

Luke's face slowly went pale as he thought about something.

"Yeah that's right we did see that guy. You know I kind of thought he looked like your dad. I didn't want to say anything though." Luke agreed.

"See. It must have been him!" Krista exclaimed as she noticed that Zen had stopped talking and looked scared.

Tears also began to form in Zens eyes as his bottom lip began to tremble.

"What's wrong!?" Krista asked.

"I had a dream a few nights ago. We were kids again and at home with mom and dad. We were allowed to stay up late this night for some reason.

When dad tucked me into bed for the night he patted me on the head and said he was proud of the man I had become…

What if he was sending us a sign to let us know that he was still alive?" Zen asked as it all seemed to make sense to him.

There was dead silence at the table as everyone took a moment to take it all in. Luke put his arm around Krista as he saw the look in her eyes. She was on the verge of tears but was holding it in to act tough in front of her son. As soon as his arm touched her she turned around and pressed her face against his shoulder as she began to weep.

Zen lifted his hand and rubbed his eyes. His hands shook the whole time and he was clearly in shock.

Haru and Jake didn't know what to do. They just sat awkwardly for what seemed like hours before they both managed to compose themselves.

"Haru, Thank you so much. If you didn't end up learning how to cultivate then we never would have found out if he was still alive or not. I love you so much, my sweet boy." Krista said as she began to hug him.

Haru felt odd taking the credit for it. The real person to thank would be Li Jun but they didn't know about him and he also wasn't around for them to thank him anyway. He was starting to get worried. It had been over two years since he had last seen his teacher.

"Do you think that dad also sent a sign to Andrew too?" Zen asked Krista.

"If it really was a sign from dad I don't think he would skip out on letting Andrew know he was alive. After all, Andrew did follow him around like a puppy even after he became an adult." Krista laughed.

"Yeah, That's true. Andrew was always like his little clone or something. He even followed in his footsteps and opened a business of his own." Zen added.

"I remember him saying that he opened his own business at mom's funeral but I haven't spoken to him since. I forgot to ask him for his contact information. How is he doing these days?" Krista asked.

"You could have just asked me for it. But he is doing great actually. A few years ago his business really hit it big time. He is probably wealthier than dad ever was." Zen said sounding a little jealous.

"Oh? That's great. I'm happy he managed to achieve his dreams. I remember when he used to tell dad that he would one day have enough money to buy that sports car he always wanted. What was it again?" Krista inquired.

"You mean the Python DC 600? He used to have posters of that car all over his room. I never asked him if he managed to get one." Zen smiled as he thought back to his childhood.

"Call him. I want to know if dad visited him too." Krista demanded breaking Zen from his daydream.

"Sorry what?" He asked with a single eyebrow lifted.

"Call him," Krista demanded once again.

"I don't think that is such a good idea…" Zen stated and then looked at the ground.

"What do you mean by not a good idea? Did you get into an argument with him or something?" Krista inquired into why her brother was acting strangely.

"Um… I borrowed some money from him last year and I may or may not have forgotten to pay him back and then ignored all of his calls when he decided he wanted me to pay it back…" Zen stammered whilst looking like he was going to faint from embarrassment.

"You know, I am not surprised one bit. You did the same thing hundreds of times when we were kids. I don't know why he gave you anything in the first place he should have learned his lesson from the last hundred or so times you refused to pay him back." Krista sighed and then reached over to where Zen had placed his phone on the table.

"I will call him then." She said as she picked up his phone and then began to look through the contacts.

"Wait no!" Zen yelled just as Krista began to call him.

Krista giggled when Zen got up from his seat and reached over the table, trying to take his phone back from her. Krista also stood up so she could retreat further away from him.

Haru, Jake and Luke sat still and silently judged them both as they ran around the kitchen. There were no words that they needed to say to each other. The actions of Krista and Zen spoke enough for all three of them.

The ringing suddenly stopped.

"Hello?" A woman's voice called out from the other side.

"Hi there. Is this the number for Andrew Hao?" Krista asked in return.

"Yeah, But he is currently busy with some work in the yard. Can I take a message?" The woman asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry. If he is busy then it doesn't matter. But who are you? if you don't mind me asking. You don't sound like Nadia." Krista asked the woman on the other side.

"Oh, I'm not her that's why." The woman laughed.

"I'm her daughter Mei. Do you mind If I ask who you are? My father doesn't get many phone calls from women." The woman then said.

"Mei? Oh my… I guess you would be around that age, wouldn't you? You were just a baby when we last met so you probably won't remember me. I am Krista. Your dad's younger sister." Krista sounded surprised as she spoke.

"You're Krista? Dad has told me so much about you. He also told me about all the times you would team up to bully uncle Zen." Mei began to laugh.

"Sorry about earlier. Dad doesn't like to answer work calls on weekends so I was just going to take a message. I don't think he will mind his sister calling. I will take the phone to him. Hold on a moment, please.

"Zen. How old is Mei? It's been years since he brought her home from the hospital." Krista asked Zen who was still playing his puzzle game.

"She is twenty-five I think. Oh, he also had another daughter. She is called Yun. I think she is around Haru's age actually. Or maybe she is a little older? I can't quite remember." Zen said and then went back to his puzzle.

"Hello? Krista?" Andrew's voice asked.

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