The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 79: Transporter.

The trucks finally arrived at the sect. They waited patiently for the gates to be opened before driving through. The car Haru was in was at the back of the convoy and as they drove in Haru recognised someone particular.

"That god damn old man." He said as he opened the door whilst the car was still moving.

"Hey, Hold on what do you think you're doing!? We haven't even stopped yet!" Cui said as she tried to reach over toward him as he unbuckled his seat belt.

"It's alright. Go on without me I will catch up in a few minutes." He said before hopping out of the still-moving car.

"That isn't the point!" Cui sighed as the door slammed closed behind him. They were moving at a relatively slow speed but still, it didn't call for the need for him to recklessly endanger himself like that.

Haru looked over to the old man stood at the entrance. He was old although he no longer appeared to be. As he looked over, the man turned to see Haru advancing towards him. He put his hand to his face to try to hide his identity.

"The man you're looking for went over that way." He said in a high pitched voice as he pointed over to the elder's hall.

"Come on, I saw you the second we came into the sect how could I get you confused with someone else?" Haru said as he looked at the sect master acting ridiculously in front of him.

He then took his hand away from his face.

"Fine, fine. Now, what for you want now?" The sect master asked.

"What do I want? Weren't you the one who asked me to come here? I should be asking you what you want. Not the other way around." Haru explained.

The sect master looked down at the grown for a moment and then back up at Haru.

"I was actually kind of hoping that you wouldn't show up… It wasn't actually me that wanted to invite you here. It was someone else. They came here a few weeks ago and said they wanted to see you. I'm not sure how you too are connected but… He is a very powerful man. Be careful if he wanted to kill you there is nothing I could do to stop it." The sect master said.

"So, In other words. You called me here to die? I will have to thank you for that in the afterlife…" Haru said half-jokingly but he was still worried.

'Why now? Someone more powerful than the sect master wants to meet with me? I thought that everyone feared the Black Star Sect. So how powerful is this person?' He thought as he looked at the sect master who seemed to be thinking of what to say.

"I'm sure you will be fine. He said he wanted you to come to him so you wouldn't feel threatened. If he wanted to do something to you I'm sure he wouldn't be concerned with how you feel." The sect master tried his best to reassure Haru. But it just filled his head with even more questions.

"You have come. I've been waiting for a while." A voice seemed to fill Haru's head. He was communicating through spiritual sense. It was much like Lao and Li Jun had done in the past.

'Wait… Who was that?' Haru thought as the voice echoed around his head. A few seconds went by.

"Oh, You aren't proficient enough to talk back to me like this? I guess it is a little different projecting your voice across a distance. Don't worry, You will pick it up soon. I will wait for you in the elder's hall. Come and see me when you have the time." The voice said again as it echoed around the inside of Haru's head.

The sect master looked at Haru. He had seemed to sense the man's spiritual energy.

"He just spoke to you didn't he?" He asked Haru.

"He did. But how did you know?" Haru asked the sect master.

"Oh, Don't think about it too hard. When you get to my age you can sense a lot of things. Like I know you have reached the Qi creation stage. It is something that comes with time." The sect master said as he held out his hand toward Haru, requesting for him to follow.

Haru was a little confused. But he followed anyway.

"What is it? He asked as they began to walk further into the sect grounds. They were beginning to approach the forest he had gone into and gotten lost in the first time he had come to the sect.

"Just follow me. I have something to show you." He said as he carried on into the forest.

'What more is there to see here? And why is he being so secretive about it?'

The sect was situated on top of a mountain. The wooded area inside the sect grounds had many paths that split off into different locations. But the path they were heading down was the path you would have to take if you wanted to reach the top of the mountain.

Haru wasn't too sure if that was the case but the signs he saw along the road told him they were heading towards the mountain's peak.

As they got closer to the top a freezing wind came over them both. The sect master didn't seem to feel it.

"You might want to use some Qi to resist the cold." He said as he carried on walking. Haru was slowly falling behind but then activated his Qi.

It felt warmer instantly. It was like it wasn't even cold. 'Hmm. That's convenient.' He thought before they had finally reached the top.

The wind eased up as they reached a flat patch of grass at the summit of the mountain. It seemed out of place but on top of having grass that looked untouched by the elements, there was also a wooden house.

It was styled similarly to the houses down below in the sect but everything up here gave off a strong force of Qi. Even the wood on the house seemed to be emitting more Qi than Haru had ever sensed in his life.

The clouds tumbled through the sky like a chimney billowing smoke. The sect bellow the was barely visible as they had ascended into the clouds.

Next to the house, there was a stone platform with four pillars in each corner. And on top of those stone pillars, there were small blue crystals. It caught Haru's attention instantly.

"What is that?" He asked and then pointed to the stone platform. The sect master smiled before answering the question. It looked like it pained him just thinking about it.

"That? That is a transporter. It is how we can get to the middle realm. Every single cultivator from our sect are people from different realms. We were either persecuted by big sects our kicked out of their own sects.

The State of the black star sect has fallen significantly. The original sect in the higher realm is currently in hiding. They have been for the last forty thousand years. None of the cultivators have progressed much in that time so even if they did get out of hiding they would be killed by stronger cultivators.

After I was kicked out of the sect by my great uncle. I came to the lower realm to escape the sects from the divine palace. As a direct blood descendant of Li Jun, I would most likely be killed immediately.

That is what I thought when the transporter lit up a few weeks ago. I thought that someone from the divine sects had come to kill me. But It was that man in the elder hall who came through.

As soon as he came through the transporter I came up here to accept my death. But when he saw me he showed me a picture of you. And asked if I had ever seen you before.." The sect master explained to Haru.

"Wait a minute. That man is someone from a higher realm? Then what does he want with me? How does he even know about me?" Haru asked. The thought of someone this mysterious knowing what he looked like was terrifying.

"I don't know. I thought he was up to no good at first and I tried to lie and say I had never seen you before. But he saw right through me.

He said that he picked up a trace of your essence as soon as he stepped through the transporter so there wasn't much I could do to hide it from him." The sect master told him and then sighed.

"Then what are we doing here? Shouldn't I be talking to him right now? What if he gets mad that I am taking so long?" Haru asked.

"Actually, He told me to show you this and then tell you everything that happened. I am just following the instructions that he gave me. But now I have shown this to you and explained everything that had happened. You can go and see him now." The sect master said and then began to walk back down the mountain.

Haru looked around a final time and then followed close behind. They walked back down the windy mountain and through the forest before ending up outside the elder hall.

"I do have to warn you though. Be careful what you say. If my senses are correct then this guy could easily wipe out every single person here." The sect master told Haru as he was about to walk toward the door.

"What!? Don't scare me like that!" Haru shouted.

The sect master giggled as Haru opened the door and walked inside.

"I wasn't trying to scare you." He, whispered to himself as the door closed.

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