The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 78: The Black Star God.

"It all started when I was still back in the middle realm. Maybe about ten thousand years ago." The sect master started to explain what the dark mist was.

"Three men were travelling through space, Looking down upon all of the worlds below them. It was just like usual. They were doing a basic check of the ream to see if they could find any sign of the black star god. Li Jun.

After Li Jun broke through to the Ancient Chaos stage he caused a lot of casualties in the heavenly sword sect. They were the main faction in the middle realm. They were so powerful that their authority passed through to the lower realm also.

The three men were tasked with reporting any information on the Black Star Sect after it mysteriously disappeared seemingly overnight so the three men were to look up and down through the realm in hopes of locating this rebellious sect and their malicious founder.

They had searched the whole realm far and wide but had come up empty in their search when suddenly they saw a dark mist moving toward them slowly. It gave off the same power as the black star. So naturally, they assumed it had something to do with the hidden sect and went back to report it to their leader.

But the only problem was that the black mist was moving and showed no sign of stopping. So one of them would have to stay behind and make sure that it didn't get out of sight. They decided who was going to remain and watch over the thing and then the other two went back to fetch their master.

A few days passed as the journey was thousands of light-years long. But finally the back up had arrived. Their leader was now there. He was an Immortal stage expert from the alchemy association so he thought there was nothing that could make him afraid. And having a cultivation level so high put the other two men at ease.

But when they got back to the location the man they had left there to keep an eye on the mist had vanished. He was nowhere to be seen at all. But the strangest thing was that his presence was still being emitted from the area.

There was no place he could hide though. Apart from inside the mist. They called out his name over and over again in hopes of getting him to come out but whatever they tried was useless.

After a few hours of calling for him, their leader decided that one of the other men would go inside the cloud of black mist and bring the other man out. Why was he disobeying his orders now? After all the years he had served the Heavenly Sword Sect why now?

Their leader looked at the man and then he looked back at the black mist. Something seemed to be coming from the centre of it.

'What is this thing?' He thought as he looked at his servant edging closer into the mist. The man who had walked into the mist seemed to have no idea what was happening. The mist was too think for him to see anything else but darkness.

But both of the men on the outside watched as the mist took on the form of the man who had entered it. It went silent. There was no scream or anything as his life essence was eliminated.

Both the men who had just witnessed this happen looked at each other in confusion as the essence of the man who had just vanished began to appear again. But it wasn't the same. This presence seemed dark and twisted.

The feeling of death washed over both of the men as the turned back in fear to see the man who had entered was now stood in front of them. His body was fine. It looked the same as when he entered but his eyes…

His eyes were just pitch black holes that looked like they were absorbing all of the light nearby. They were like vortexes. Vortexes that could rip your very soul from your body and leave you lifeless and without purpose.

As the two men looked at the corpse of their friend. The leader noticed what looked like strings made out of the dark mist on each limb of the moving corpse.

The mist was using the man's body as a puppet to do it's bidding. The leader pulled out his sword and sent a wave of Sword Qi towards the strings of darkness, severing them in a single flick of his wrist.

As the strings were cut the body of the man fell lifelessly. They wrote a report to the Heavenly Sword Sect that they had found something relating to the Black Star Sect.

After a few days, the Heavenly Sword's men were sent to investigate. They sent a force of two hundred men to try to contain the mist. All of the men they sent were slaughtered by the mist.

After a few weeks of silence from the force, they had sent. A lone survivor from the Heavenly Sword Sect made his way back to the Sect to explain what had happened. But halfway through his explanation his eyes turned black and became void of any life.

His body began to smell like death as black mist rose from his chest and floated into the air. They didn't have any time to react as their whole sect was wiped out within seconds."

"But if they were all wiped out. Who contained the mist in that coffin?" Haru interrupted him.

"Be patient. The story isn't over yet." The sect master told him and then carried on with his story.

"That same day, The Heavenly sword Sect was supposed to have an inspection from their superiors. They were a subsidiary Sect of the Divine Sword Sect. One of the Sects from the Divine Palace.

As the inspection officer arrived. He saw the mist and heard the cries of anguish as the whole sect was being slaughtered before his eyes.

He looked down to see the mist destroying his subordinates and felt no empathy. He was just about to go back to his sect and tell the masters that the Heavenly Sword Sect had been wiped out by an old master of the Catastrophe Sect but then he felt the same feeling the man from the alchemy association felt.

This mist contained the spirit of the black star. And felt oddly familiar to this man. The man who was due for the inspection was called Zhou Bo, He used to be friends with Li Jun. The founder of the Black Star Sect.

But in the race of power, He decided to betray Li Jun and Join his enemies in the subjugation of the black star god. When he felt the power of his old friend he couldn't contain his anger anymore.

If there was even a slight chance that Li Jun was behind this, Zhou Bo had to report it back to the sect. It was likely to start another war. But there was nothing he could do about it.

In an act of anger from once calling Li Jun a fried. He took out his sword and sliced the black mist. The mist vanished instantly and was never to be seen again.

Hundreds of years passed and just as people were starting to forget about the downfall of the heavenly sword sect. The black mist appeared once again. But this time in the higher realm. It spread out far across the divine capital.

All of the guards and masters nearby gathered together in the middle of this mist as someone appeared from the centre.

His eyes were black and void of any life. As the man began to walk closer. A young boy ran into the crowd and made his way toward the mist.

"Master Zhou Bo, I missed you!" The boy yelled as he ran toward the man with lifeless eyes. Before the boy could get close his head was taken from his shoulders and shot up into the air for all to see.

After that happened. Many people began to run in fear. It was true, The black mist had finally returned. The black star god had come to kill everyone who had ever talked bad about him. Or so they thought.

In the midst of all of the chaos, a golden light shone down from the heavens as an old man descended down upon the land. He looked like he hadn't eaten for centuries. He was all but skin and bones.

But despite his appearance, he held out a single hand toward the mist. Chains flew out from his hand toward Zhou Bo and wrapped around his body. He was picked up into the sky and his body was placed inside a coffin made of stone. Just as the Old man was about to take off into the heavens once again.

A young boy. He looked to be around ten or eleven appeared on top of the coffin. He sat down on the stone top and stared at the old man getting his attention immediately.

The old man looked back in fear as he saw the glowing green eyes of the boy sat upon his coffin. The glowing green eyes were a sign of the dragon race. And this man seemed to recognise that fact.

His body froze as the little boy smiled, He then placed his hand on top of the coffin and disappeared just as fast as he had appeared.

And that, Is everything I know about the thing that we are transporting. I don't even know how it got here to the lower realm. But once it is in my hands I am going to get rid of it. A thing like that shouldn't exist on a small planet like this." The sect master finished his explanation and waited for a reply from Haru.

Haru was frozen with shock. "So. You are telling me that a thing that could wipe out a whole sect in the middle realm is here… And it could have killed me?!" Haru yelled into the phone as the car started to approach the gates of the sect.

"Oh, I doubt it could kill you. It is locked inside that coffin after all. It's power right now is only a fraction of its former glory." The sect master said and then ended the call as he walked over to welcome the visitors outside.

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