The Lecherous Prince and His Playmate [BL]

Chapter 84

“How could you humiliate me like this?” General Kwon hissed at his daughter. “Generations upon generations of my family have served under the royal family and you, YOU! HOW DARE YOU!”

He grabbed her by the neck and squeezed.

Ae Cha’s eyes widened as she struggled under her father. Her mother, consort Chan, was sitting not too far from them with a grave expression on her face. Her husband’s reputation was ruined by this greedy child of theirs.

He threw her to the ground, where she knelt down, holding her knees as she whimpered. Pointing his finger at her, “You ungrateful wench! You begged me to marry the Crown Prince, knowing full well that you have no chance at being the empress. Who knows what you have done behind my back over the years? Couldn’t you be happy with your position? You asked for it! You even have a daughter and for what? You did all of this for it to fall into the hands of a child! That very child who will be the empress in the future?”

Ae Cha’s eyes widened. She squeezed her knees. She had heard that Youxia accepted the crown prince’s hand in marriage. Why was she stealing everything she wanted?

“You have everything you need. Why do this? The very child you wanted almost died, and to who? The very person you despise? What do you have against that child that you feel you must go to such lengths to get rid of her?”

Glaring at her father, she was about to speak, but he slapped her across the face.

Sitting on her side as the stinging rang through her ear and face, she sobbed, “Why are you being so harsh, father? You used to praise me as being ambitious as you. What is so wrong for wanting to be the empress? And you of all others know how much I love His Majesty.”

“Why would you love a man who wants another man?” He asked her in an almost begging tone. General Kwon loved his daughter, yes she was ambitious like him, but she was so stupid!

“I begged you, didn’t I? I told you not to love him. He loves no one but himself and his children. What you are fighting for is impossible. You wouldn’t have stood a chance if Youxian didn’t leave. He does not even like the crown princess, let alone you. You care for him, gave him a child. What more do you expect?”

Scrambling to her knees, she hit her chest, angry at her father’s words, “How can you say he doesn’t care about me? He loves me. He said those words himself.”

The tears streamed out of her eyes, broken. “I’ll never believe that he doesn’t love me. We spend so many days and time together. He listened to every word I said. He smiled whenever he was around me. His majesty loves my cooking. He calls me out to practise with him. I’ve been to the battlefield at his side. Father, he loves me and I love him! How dare you say his majesty doesn’t care for me?”

General Kwon shook his head after her rant. He looked at his daughter, then at her mother, saying, “This is your fault!”

“How can you blame me?”

“You spoiled her when I told you you shouldn’t?”

Consort Chan stood up. Glaring at her husband, “If I remember correctly, I was the one against this marriage in the first place. I wanted her to marry my cousin’s stepson.”

“And I told you no child of mine will marry someone with a status lower than ours.”

She flicked her sleeve and sat down. Glaring at her child, she said, “You always do what you want and look what it’s gotten you. That very husband you love so much has locked you up in your chamber. What will you do now? Live your life in here? I’m certain they will send you away. And what about your daughter? She’ll live under the same roof as the one who almost killed her.”

Ae Cha shook her head, “No, no. That won’t happen. Yerim, Yerim, how is she doing? I haven’t seen my child.”

“She is recovering. The princess gave them a list for a tonic to help her recover from the poison. I’ll go see her and update you later.”

Crawling to her father, she grabbed his legs, “Father, please, I need to see my child. I need to know if she’s okay. I need to hold her.”

The doors swung open. Changling stood at the door looking around and by his side was Tian Cao. “General, if you mind, I’d like to speak with my wife.”

The general and his wife rushed to him and bowed. Looking at him, General Kwon said, “Your majesty, if I may, please, be lenient towards your wife. She acted on out of—”

Holding up his hand, Changling dismissed them. When the doors closed, he looked at his wife, who was still kneeling with tears in her eyes. Walking up to her, he knelt down and held his hand out to her.

Ae Cha looked at his hand, that seemed to be dusted with angelic dust. Placing her hand in his, he was surprised when he helped her to her feet. Leading her to the chairs, he sat down beside her.

Staring at his wife, then at his son, he smiled, “Ah-Cao, can you arrange tea and cakes?”

He bowed and as he looked at Ae Cha; he saw she looked incredibly uncomfortable. 

Looking at his wife after his son left. He took her hand in his, asking, “Are you jealous of Youxian?”

She stared at him for a moment, then slumped in her seat. Ae Cha started bawling her eyes out as she fell to her knees in front of him. “Your majesty, I just need to know if Yerim is okay.”

He nodded his head. “Yes, she is. The tonic Youxia gave worked. She’s looking healthy, but she needs to rest.”

Her gaze flew to her husband. “Your majesty, Princess Youxia is dangerous.”

He nodded his head as he leaned back against the chair. Looking around as he thought about her. He and Tian Cao just came from Youxia’s palace, but she wouldn’t say anything. She didn’t even look at them—it seemed as though she was in a world of her own, not caring for the crime she just committed.

Focussing on his wife, he asked, “If Youxia didn’t find out about your plot, what would have happened? Would you have really killed Youxian?”

She stared at him without a response.

Leaning forward, he asked, “What would have happened, Ae Cha?”

Wiping her tears, she shook her head. 

“Shaking your head isn’t what I want. Speak to me so I can understand you. Was it jealousy? Why? I don’t see how you of all could be jealous.”

“What do you mean, your majesty? I am human too. Am I not allowed to feel jealous?”

“So then tell me, you’ve always spoken your mind and I’m here to listen to you now.”

Staring into his eyes, Ae Cha felt her soul tremble. She had no choice now. She needed to prove that she was innocent, but how?”


Walking with confident steps towards the kitchen, Tian Cao’s thoughts were in the clouds—the grey clouds. 

“Wh—what are we going to do? She’ll die at this rate and we’ll be blamed!” A servant voiced.

Stopping at the kitchen door, he asked, “What is all the commotion about?”

The servants turned to the door and the one who spoke immediately dreaded her words. 

Bowing to him, the assistant chef came forward, “Your highness, thank the heavens that you are here. What are we to do? The crown princess refuses to eat. It’s been two days already. At this rate, she might even die.”

“The crown princess? But I was just with my mother and we shared a meal last night and this morning.” He said, confused.

The assistant chef looked at him confused, asking, “Crown Princess Youxia?”

Hearing her name with the title beside it made his heart sink. He should be jumping for joy, but this was an unfavourable outcome for him now.

“You say it’s been two days?”

She nodded and held her hand out, showing the tray from this morning and from lunch. “Today will be day three. If she doesn’t have dinner, then she’ll fall sick. Not even a sip of water touched her lips.”

The servant who spoke out earlier said, “Your highness, please convince her to eat. She may seem well, but she isn’t. It’s almost as if her soul left her body.”

He frowned, thinking of when he went to see her with their father. Now that he thought about it, she really seemed to be in another world—she isn’t dead, right?

Panic washed his face. “Arrange tea and cakes for His Majesty and the consort. Give me a bowl of soup. I’ll see to it that she eats.”


Walking into Youxia’s chamber, he looked at her. She was still sitting in the same position as before.

Walking up to her, he placed the tray on the table beside her, then knelt down and looked up at her face. Her eyes were closed and her skin was paler than usual. 

Cupping her face, she felt cold to the touch, but in this moment, Youxia opened her eyes and stared into his soul.

Tian Cao felt a sting in his heart. “Why are you doing this to yourself?”

She looked at him, confused.

He stood up, still holding her face, and placed a kiss on her forehead. Looking at the bowl of soup, he said, “I heard you haven’t eaten. After killing Yerim, you’ve thought of starving yourself to death?”

She smiled as she looked at him, then shook her head. “No.”

He looked at her, surprised, not voicing his thoughts. He asked, “Then what?”

“How sure are you that what comes from the kitchen hasn’t been tempered with?”

He frowned. “They wouldn’t dare?”

She shook her head and looked at the bowl. “All my meals are cooked by my father. I only eat from the kitchen when we have meals together.”

Tian Cao looked at the soup and recalled how Consort Kwon was in charge of their meals. Youxia never ate her food unless it was necessary and she would barely finish it. Consort Kwon had also gone beyond to make all of Youxia’s favourite food. It’s just that she was never impressed. 

He lifted the bowl to his lips and took a sip. They waited for a good while, then he looked at her, saying, “Nothing happened to me. Will you eat now?”

“I don’t know, brother, should I?”

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