The Fat God System

Chapter 147: Whimper

A day has passed after that fated night in the darkness. Hugh was lying in his bed looking at the ceiling of his bed, pondering about the implications of that night.

He was still waiting for any news about Sebastian's deaths and how it might affect them. Hugh, Aric, Serena, and Jane made a promise not to tell anything about that night, but Hugh could never be sure that they will keep it.

Hugh sighed and pushed himself off the bed. It was not time to go back to school like things were normal.

As Hugh took one step forward, he suddenly felt a wretched feeling in his stomach. It made him want to immediately vomit as his mouth started to salivate.

He had felt this kind of feeling before, and it was when his transformation came to warm him about his impending doom.

Knowing this, Hugh did not resist and let himself vomit. He closed his eyes as he released the feeling on his stomach.


Hugh coughed as he let out all of his vomit. He got immediately better as if a huge burden had been lifted off his shoulder.

"Ruff! Ruff!" Hugh heard something in his room. He immediately became alert as he looked around the room for the threat. However, he could not see anything out of the blue.

"Ruff! Ruff!" It was then that Hugh realized that the sound came underneath him. He finally looked down and saw a furry creature the size of a small puppy.

Upon closer inspection, it was indeed a black puppy with strangely spiky hair. It looked up at Hugh with sparkly eyes as it tilted its head.

Hugh admitted that the puppy was cute, but this puppy suddenly appeared out of nowhere. It would not be strange to feel threatened by it.

"Ruff! Ruff!" Even though Hugh looked at it with suspicion, the puppy continued to look at Hugh with innocence in its eyes.

Seeing that it was not dangerous, Hugh picked it up with his hands, making sure to hold it as far away from him as possible.


The puppy seemed more than glad to be picked up as it started to lick Hugh's hands. Hugh's gut reaction was to feel disgusted, so he threw the puppy out without even thinking about it.

Hugh realized his mistake as he saw the puppy flying through the air. Strangely, the puppy still had the same carefree expression as it tumbled through the air.

Hugh flinched as he thought that the puppy would collide with the wall, but it did not happen. The puppy swiftly turned its body and performed a landing on the wall.

Without even blinking, the puppy stepped down and rushed back towards Hugh. It had its tongue out as it panted in place.

Hugh was surprised by the sudden athleticism of the puppy. It seemed too powerful to be a normal puppy. Hugh squatted down and rubbed the puppy's head.

"Did you like that?" Hugh said to the puppy. "Who's a good boy?"

"Ruff! Ruff!" the puppy cried out. It seemed to like being thrown towards the other side of the room.

Once Hugh saw how different the puppy was, he started to take a liking to it. He smiled and played with it like a normal puppy, but he realized that it was much faster and stronger than any normal puppy.

"What should I call you?" Hugh said as he watched the puppy jump around the bed. It was as swift as the wind but could be mistaken for the night with its black fur.

"Should I call you Beru?" Hugh questioned and the puppy immediately ran out of the bed and licked Hugh's hands. It seemed to like its name.

Hugh watched the puppy with a warm smile. It might be stronger and faster, but it acted like a normal puppy. It jumped around, licked stuff, and shredded metal pieces.

"Huh?!" Hugh exclaimed as he watched the puppy bite down on the bed's metal frame. Hugh watched it as it tore it to shreds with its sharp canine teeth.

Hugh quickly separated the prey and the predator from each other fearing that Hugh would not have a good night's sleep later.


Beru was sad that it could not finish its meal. Hugh furrowed his eyebrows as he wondered how a puppy could digest metal objects like it was a snack.

The only person that could do that was Hugh himself. The more and more time Hugh spent with Beru, the more Beru seem like a mysterious entity.

While Hugh was distracted with his thoughts, Beru took this chance to wriggle out of his grasp and finish its meal. It continued to chow down on the bed frame.

"Bad dog!" Hugh said as he apprehended the criminal.

The dog circled its tail as if it had been caught red-handed. Then, it rushed towards's Hugh's feet in shame.

Hugh watched as the wolf blended into Hugh's feet like it was nothing. Hugh was once against surprised to see the puppy become one with himself.

Then, it all clicked for Hugh. The vomiting, the black fur, the ability to eat inedible things, everything connected.

Hugh guessed that Beru was made from his clone skill that he acquired from the invader. Then, the puppy took Sebastian's wolf form as its face. Then, Beru got the eating skill directly from Hugh.

"Beru, come out!" Hugh called out. He looked around his feet, but he did not see anything come out of his feet. Hugh tilted his head as he got confused.

It was then that he realized that his head felt heavy. Hugh touched his head and found an unknown entity sitting on his head.

He took it out and it was Beru. Beru still had the same puppy dog eyes that made Hugh forgot its crime of eating the bed frame.

"Return!" Hugh said, and Beru suddenly melted back into his skin.

With this, Hugh got a puppy acquaintance that would follow him wherever he went.


Serena went to school early after the incident. She looked haggard like she had not slept at all. She kept looking left and right as her anxiousness got to her psyche.

She kept thinking about Sebastian's death and how it might come back to haunt her. She was an accomplice which would ruin her life if the word got out.

Of course, Serena would keep her mouth shut. However, she was not sure that the others would do the same.

Even if things got out, Serena would not be the one who would have the harshest punishment. After all, Hugh was the one who killed the wolf.

It was still unbelievable to her that Hugh his that kind of power. Hugh was the person that everyone in the class ridiculed for having weak strength, but it was in fact, the opposite.

If it were not for Hugh, Serena would have died that night. She still remembered how Hugh blocked the wolf's teeth with his back.

Her face heated up as she thought back to that point. After all, being saved by a strong and handsome prince was every girl's dream.

"Strong and handsome?!" Serena blurted out. She realized her mistake when everyone looked at her with weird looks.

Serena shook her head as she tried to forget about that night. It was better for everyone if they just pretended that nothing happened that night.

"Serena, where did you go at the party?" a girl asked. "We searched for you, but you could not find you."

"Oh…ah…I just wondered around," replied Serena. She tried to play it cool, but it was clear that she was flustered.

"Don't try to get out of this, we know what you did that night!" a girl shouted.

Serena was shocked as she heard the accusation. She started to breathe heavier as she felt all the eyes on her. Her first instinct was to run away right now.

"Wha…How did…" Serena muttered.

"We know you got engaged!" the girls shouted at the same time.

Serena stopped moving as they said those words. She had almost forgotten that she announced to everybody that Hugh was her fiancé.

At least, they did not know about Sebastian's death, so Serena was a little bit relieved. However, she was still not off the hook.

She still had to deal with the aftermath of her choices. She only announced her engagement due to her parents, she did not mean it. She did not want to get married too early.

However, when Serena thought about it, being married to Hugh was not so bad. Hugh was the strongest person in the classroom, but he did not brag about it.

Hugh was conservative, but he can be brutal at the right moment. Not to mention, Hugh's transformation was something of a world wonder.

As she weighed the pros and cons, she did not realize that she was daydreaming.

"That's Hugh!" a girl whispered as they watched Hugh entered the room. As Serena's fiancé, he was met with infamy.

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