The Fat God System

Chapter 146: Secret

Hugh panted as he gathered his breath after a long battle. His clothes were tainted with red blood spurted from the body of the bald wolf.

Hugh sat down on the ground as he felt the strength leave his body as his transformation came to an end. His body started to deflate like a soggy balloon, losing all of its weight and mass.

His skin sagged and his bones showed. He was no longer the perfect embodiment of health itself, just a shell of a severely underweight teenager.

Finally, Hugh's knees buckled as he sat down on the ground next to the wolf.

*BLRRR…," his stomach growled. He was beyond hungry at this point as he had used all of his energy to activate his transformation.

He was resisting every urge he had to devour the wolf to his side right now. He knew that his three classmates were looking directly at him, so he could not show his cannibalistic side.

With his bloodlust for meat right now, Hugh decided to run away from the wolf. He stumbled as he walked away, his eyes unfocused and his limbs shivering.

"Hugh?" Serena asked as she saw Hugh's pathetic side. She had seen Hugh in his peak before, but now, he was as weak as a twig from a tree. It looked like one big breeze would throw him out.

Serena wanted to help Hugh as she moved closer to him and gave him a helping hand.

However, Hugh swapped the hand away. He did not want any help right now as he knew that he could not control himself. He was worried about what he would do to Serena if he truly lost control of himself.

Hugh continued to walk towards the other end of the room. He was eyeing the broken pieces of pavement on the wall. It looked scrumptious enough, but he still could not ignore the smell of freshly butchered wolf behind him.

Like a deprived being, Hugh grabbed the pieces of pavement on the ground and started to devour them like there was no tomorrow.

With one hand shoving the food on his mouth, the other was busy prying more pavement from the wall.

Serena, Jane, and Aric all watched Hugh as he consumed the inedible pavement. Serena had a worried face as she looked at Hugh acting like a deranged animal.

Jane had a look of 'eureka' on her face. Back then, she had witnessed Hugh consuming the metal parts of the lockers back at school.

She had not found any reason for Hugh to do that until right now. With her intellect, she was able to guess that Hugh ate the pavement as fuel for his energy.

She still remembered the reverberations in the ground as Hugh punched the wolf into submission. The strength that Hugh assessed was abnormal, to say the least. It must have used a lot of energy to do that.

As Hugh continued to eat the delicious material on the pavement, his body continuously started to fatten up. It was not long until his whole body was the same as he was before, severely obese.

"Ahhhh," sighed Hugh as he finally satiated his hunger. He regained his sense of self and rationality with his energy refilled.

When Hugh looked back, he realized that his classmates were behind him. Hugh quickly stood up and faced them with an awkward expression.

"Umm…," Hugh uttered as he scratched his head. He was having trouble finding the words to express himself. He did not even know if he should tell the truth to everybody.

As Hugh opened his mouth, Jane quickly interrupted him. "You do not have to explain. We all have our secrets."

Hugh felt relieved when Jane said that. It was a load off his back as he felt safe. He had been hiding his secret for so long, and now, a few handful of people know about him.

"What about that guy? We killed him!" Serena exclaimed as she pointed at the dead wolf a few meters behind them. She looked anxious and worried.

"So what? He wanted to kill us first," reasoned Aric. He crossed his arms as if killing a person was a completely reasonable act.

"That won't hold up in court as they hold us away into prison for 20 years to life!" Serena shouted. She was in complete and utter confusion and anger as her actions just landed in her brain.

At the heat of the moment, Serena did not think about the consequences. She did not even think as she helped Hugh murder someone.

"What do we do?! What do we do?!" Serena uttered as she paced left and right. She was burying her head in shame as she tried to think up a plan to get out of this situation.

"Calm down Serena. No one saw us here," Jane said. She seemed utterly calm in this situation. She quickly calmed Serena down.

"What should we do?" Serena questioned as she looked at everyone. She was born with a silver spoon, and she did not think that she would ever be in this situation.

"We should just leave before anyone sees us," Aric said with a nonchalant voice. There was even a hint of poetic justice in his voice as the person that blackmailed him had died.

"What? That's terrible! Our fingerprints are all over the place," Serena argued. She was getting more and more anxious as time passed.

"Then, we get rid of the body and the evidence," Jane quickly said. She was already looking at every part of the room to survey the situation.

"I can burn the whole building down," Aric suggested. He already activated his black fire and worked on lighting the whole place on fire.

"Stop," Jane shouted as she extinguished Aric's black fire with her air pressure. "If we burn the whole building down, it will only attract more attention."

"Just the wolf then?" Aric said as he started to walk towards the wolf. However, Jane stopped Aric just in time.

"No, that will smell," Hugh said as he put his hand on his chin and tried to think of a plan. Then, he got an idea that would benefit everyone.

"I got it. Leave the body here with me, and I will dispose of it," Hugh said as he nodded to himself. If the body was left with him, he could eat the wolf to himself and get rid of the evidence.

"What are you going to do with it?" Serena asked, but she quickly stopped herself by slapping her mouth. "Ignore it, I don't want to know."

"Yeah, it's better if you don't know. Plausible deniability,"

With the plan set in place, Aric, Jane, and Serena walked out of the room and waited outside. They let the time pass in silence as they all guessed what Hugh would do to the wolf's corpse.

After a while, Hugh came to the entrance of the room and gestured for them to come back. "I'm finished."

As they all walked back to the room, Serena and the others realized that the wolf was gone without any trace of it left.

There was not even a single strand of fur left on the ground. The only thing left was the bloodstain on the ground that Hugh could not devour.

Serena tilted her head in confusion as she did not have any idea what Hugh did with the corpse. Jane seemed like she knew what Hugh did, but she did not comment on it.

"Aric, burn the bloodstains," Hugh said as he pointed at the bloodstains. "Serena, can you remove the smell?" Hugh said as he looked at Serena in the eyes.

Serena was a bit flustered with Hugh looking at her, but she did not know why. She shook her head to calm herself down and nodded to Hugh.

"Jane, can you clean up the place?" Hugh said as he asked Jane. She smiled and wordlessly used her air pressure to clean the place up a bit.

The group worked endlessly in the night to remove any evidence of their sin. They made sure that Sebastian's death will not be traced back to any of them.

With Sebastian dead, somebody would surely come looking for him. This would at least give them a few days at most to stay low for a while.

After a while, they had finished their job. They met back up at the center of the room and looked at each other.

"This will be a secret we keep to our graves," Jane said with a serious voice. They all had an agreement to keep their mouths shut regarding this incident.

Then, Serena put two of her fingers on her mouth. This confused the three of them.

"This is our signal to keep things quiet," Serena said with a muffled voice as she still kept her pointy and middle finger on top of her mouth.

Even after Serena explained it, the three of them still kept quiet and looked at her with uneven eyes.

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