The Fat God System

Chapter 134: Task

"How is this possible?!"

Hugh shouted out his disbelief towards the current situation. He was looking at himself in his transformation mode. It was as if he was looking at a completely different person.

"I don't have much time."

Hugh prime (Hugh's transformation) stated his concern over time being wasted. He approached Hugh closer, but Hugh only stepped away from him.

"Listen. I only have less than a minute left until I get sucked back into your body."

Hugh prime explained his current predicament. There was clear worry and anxiousness in his eyes. He was trying his hardest to calm Hugh down so that they could have a proper discussion.

Hugh blinked several times to see if he was only seeing things. Even when he rubbed them, Hugh prime was still in front of him, alive and well.


Then, Hugh suddenly got an idea to confirm if Hugh prime was a real person. Hugh closed his eyes and concentrated as if he tried to activate his transformation.

He clenched his fists as he got ready for the nauseating transformation. However, nothing happened. There was no Hugh internal body heat, no sweating, no headache, just his plain old self.

Once he figured out that he could not transform, Hugh was more willing to believe that Hugh prime was true.

"You are me?!"

Hugh started to come back to his feet as he went through that realization. Once he knew that Hugh prime was genuine, he was more willing to get closer to him and inspect him.

Hugh looked at Hugh prime with wonder. Back when he would transform himself, he would not see his own body. He could only catch a few glimpses on glasses, but he did not have any time to get familiar with it.

Now, he was looking at an Adonis of a man. Hugh prime was the alpha of the pack, the king of the jungle. Not only was his body suited for efficiently fighting, but his aura was also enough to subdue everyone who comes before him.

Hugh was fascinated thinking about being him. He now knew what other people saw as he transformed, and it was truly astonishing.

"There's no time for this. We are being invaded!"

Hugh prime grabbed Hugh's wurst and got his attention. It was only now that Hugh realized that Hugh prime's body was starting to melt like a candle.

Hugh prime's voice was also a little bit choppy as if there was some interference in his system. Once Hugh noticed this, he got serious and listened closely to what Hugh prime had to say.

"What do you mean invaded?"

Hugh prime grabbed Hugh's shoulders and shook him. He wanted to express to Hugh how serious the matter was. It seemed to have been effective.

"Aric. He is inside our soul, invading it for his own."

Hugh was more than completely overwhelmed as Hugh prime mentioned Aric. He did not think that Aric would be involved in a situation involving himself.

"Once we are his heart, we obtained his powers and his memories. However, Aric's survival instincts were also thrown into the mix."

Hugh was speechless as he heard Hugh prime's reasoning. It was true that he had gotten Aric's memories and powers, but he did not think that it would harm him.

He had eaten Aric's heart on a whim. It was as if his instincts were telling him to do so, so he did.

"There were times when you blank out, right? It was as if you had lost time. You blink, and suddenly you are at a different place and time with no recollection of being there."

Hugh thought back to those weird times that he had experienced. He would not have any memories of doing something, but it was clear that his body did it.

Hugh did not think much of it back then, but now that he knew what was happening, it chilled him just by thinking about it.

"Aric is trapped inside my soul?"

Hugh furrowed his eyebrows as he said those words. It did not feel good thinking that someone was invading his soul.

"Not literally. Just a remnant of him. An instinct. However, it will get stronger as time passes, ultimately taking control of your own body."

Hugh dreaded Hugh prime's words. It was a ticking clock that was winding down to his doom. It left him feeling anxious and worried every second of his life.

There was a feeling of helplessness in his bones. Knowing that his time was limited felt like a wrench in his plans. It made his legs go weak and jelly.

"Don't worry. We still have time. You can stop it."

However, Hugh prime held Hugh up and prevented him from falling. Underneath all that anxiousness in Hugh prime's eyes, was a tinge of hope.

Hugh listened closely to the light of hope that was given to him.

"Find the real Aric. Help him fulfill his task; only then will the instinct feel at peace and dissolve."

Hugh frowned at Hugh prime's words. It seemed simple enough, but it only got more and more convoluted as he thought about it.

Hugh remembered his confrontation with Aric back then. Aric had no memory of who he was or what he was doing, but there was only one thing in his mind; kill Maverick.

Aric wanted to kill his father. It was a monumental task that Hugh was sure that Aric could never pull off. Hugh would have left Aric to do what he wanted even if he died since that was Aric's choice.

Hugh took a big breath as he took in all this information. Helping Aric kill his father seemed like suicide, but not helping Aric was also suicide.

It was a forced-choice that Hugh did not want to make. However, given the circumstances, Hugh would gladly help Aric if it gave him a chance to live.

"I don't have much time left."

Hugh prime was starting to get weaker and weaker as he said those words. His skin started to melt down and spill on the floor. His confident bravado was being torn down by the second.

"If you need me, just summon me again. It's thanks to that nucleus that you swallowed that allowed me to come into existence."

It turned out that Hugh had gained another power from consuming the invader's nucleus. It was a delight of a consolation prize as it would be useful in his quest to kill Maverick.

Hugh prime's body started to fall like sand. He was disintegrating at a fast rate now that his minute of life had passed.

As the last remnants of Hugh prime were left, he was able to speak a few final words.

"Good luck."

As Hugh prime said those words, all of his body finally turned into liquid form. Then, like a magnet, the liquid started to crawl around Hugh's body and got absorbed into his skin.

Hugh got a breath of fresh air as all the liquid got absorbed into his skin. When he checked, the cooldown for his transformation was at its peak with 1 hour of waiting time.

Hugh took a big breath as he stood alone in his room. It was strangely calm and peaceful like being in the eye of the storm.

It was only seconds ago that he was told that he only had a limited time in this life. It all felt like a dream, but he knew that it was the cruel reality.

Hugh readied his supplies for school and headed off in the shifting room. Throughout his journey, all he thought about was his quest to first find where Aric had gone.

Without any memories, Aric would be left scraping for any information about his father. Since killing Maverick was a tough job, it would be better if they both worked together.

Hugh dragged his feet back to the classroom and sat down immediately. He put his head down on the desk and closed his eyes as he waited for professor Kain to come inside.

While he was waiting, Hugh was formulating his plans to help Aric. His first order of business was to find Aric. If that did not work, then he would search for Aric's father, Maverick.

Both of them were not easy tasks, but Hugh was forced to do them. There was also another thing that was weighing on his mind, his promise to Ace.

Ace was also expecting Hugh to deal with the extraterrestrial threats that the school faced. It was as if the world was bearing on his shoulders with work.

Even with all this work piled up on him, Hugh did not feel slightly sad or angry. Unexpectedly, he was a little bit excited.

With all the contact with extraterrestrial threats, Hugh would have the chance to consume them and get their powers for himself.

If he can do that, then killing Maverick would become easier and easier. It was a valid plan that Hugh came up with.

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