The Fat God System

Chapter 133: Vomit

Hugh gulped as he heard what Ace threatened him with. Due to the nature of the threats that he would be facing Hugh would be in a lot of trouble.

If he failed, he would die. Simple.

Hugh had no choice but to nod in affirmation to Ace. Right now, he was also interested in researching the creatures from the outside.

"Good. I will contact you, so stay alert."

As Ace said that, he turned around and started to walk away from Hugh having said everything he needed to say. Hugh was left alone in the dark room contemplating his life decision.

Hugh also walked out of the cage after a few minutes that Ace walked out. He was busy thinking about the implications of his promise to Ace while he was walking down the street.


A sweet voice interrupted Hugh from his deep thoughts. Hugh immediately raised his head and looked at who had spoken to him.

The first thing that he had noticed was that he was already right in front of Marshal's house. He did not remember ever walking away from the cafe itself.

"Are you okay?"

Jane waved her hand across Hugh's face as she tried to get his attention. It worked as Hugh finally got a grip on the current reality he was seeing.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm all right."

Hugh nodded to Jane as he responded to her. Truthfully, he did not feel well at all. He had a lot of troubles in his mind, but none of them should be spoken to an outsider.

"So, what happened?"

Jane put her hands behind her as she walked closer to Hugh. She tilted her head to convey her curiosity in the matter.

Hugh saw Jane's straight dark hair fall to her face under the moonlight. Hugh was a little bit speechless at the sight since he had never seen Jane as beautiful like this.

"What? What do you mean?"

Hugh stumbled out words as he tried to get out of the trance he was currently in. He shook his head to try and get those thoughts away from his head.

"The invader. What else?"

As soon as Jane said that, Hugh immediately sobered up. The alarms in his head started to ring as he got alerted to the current situation.

"What about the invader?"

Hugh tried to play it off, but Jane's piercing eyes kept prying in the windows to Hugh's soul. His eyes started to wander around, clear evidence of his untruthful statement.

"I'm not stupid, you know. You were talking about an invader, and I also noticed Marshal's weird actions. I put the two and two together."

Jane seemed to have figured out the truth by herself. Hugh wanted to tell her the truth, but he could not. He did not if Ace was listening in on them at the moment.

"I don't know what you are talking about."

Hugh started to walk away from Jane as he tried to get out of the situation. It was clear to Jane that he was avoiding answering the question, so she did not press any further.

"Fine. We'll talk about it some other time. Goodnight!"

Jane did not pursue Hugh as she waved to him goodbye. Hugh did not look back as he tried to get to his house as soon as possible.

After walking for few hundreds of meters, Hugh finally reached his house. He opened the door and immediately headed for his bedroom.

As soon as he reached the comfortable pillows of his bed, Hugh laid down headfirst. He was beyond exhausted, and he immediately went to sleep to recover his energy.

The time passed and the night quickly turned into the bright sun. A bright ray of light passed through the window and hit Hugh's closed eyelids.

Hugh was immediately blinded as he opened his eyes. He immediately tried to go back to sleep, but the light was interfering with his sleep.

After a few minutes of sleep, Hugh finally decided to wake up. He performed his morning routine; he washed his face, brushed his teeth, went for a warm bath, and ate as many calories as he could take.

As Hugh finished his last crumb of bread on the plate, Hugh stretched his arms. Then, he looked at the clock when he realized that he was still a few minutes away from going to school.

With all these luxury minutes that he had to spend, Hugh decided to slouch in the bed for the time being. However, as he stood up, he felt a wretched feeling in his stomach.


Hugh started to heave as if he was very close to vomiting. His cheeks produced more saliva and his throat started to close and open up.

At first, he thought that his sickness was brought to him by the food he ate. However, his daily meal was the same as it had ever been.

It was improbable to think that that same food would give him food poisoning. Hugh guessed that there must have been some other reason.


Hugh continued to gag. It felt like his vomit was getting bigger and bigger with each heave, and it was harder and harder to alleviate it.

Hugh rushed to the sink as he got ready to throw up. He was very uncomfortable as cold sweat started to flow out of his pores.

Hugh felt a cold chill even though it was a warm sunny morning. With one last heave, he finally felt like he would throw up.


Hugh closed his eyes as he threw up his vomit. He did not want to see the result as it would only worsen his desire to vomit.

After one large vomit, Hugh immediately felt relief. He opened his eyes expecting to see a disgusting mess in the sink, but it was sparkly clean. There was no such vomit in the sink.

Confused by this, Hugh looked at every part of the sink to see where it went. However, he could not see anything. Hugh was sure that he had vomited, but there was no output at all.


Hugh suddenly heard a shout behind him. Alerted by the intruder, Hugh immediately went in his defensive stance as he activated his eagle eyes and his claws.

The man that was in front of him was muscular. It was as if his body was chiseled by the gods, making Hugh feel inferior about himself.

The man was the same height as Hugh, but it felt like the man was towering over him. The man was sweating so much that it almost seemed as if he was steaming.

With this intruder in his own home, Hugh immediately felt hostile towards the man. Without any warning, Hugh attacked the man with all of his power.

His claws traveled through the air and aimed directly at the man's eyes to gouge them out. The man did not move at all even when Hugh's claws were only a few centimeters away from him.

However, at the very last second, the man seemed to have disappeared from Hugh's sight. The only things that Hugh sliced with his claws were the air and a single strand of white silver hair from the man.

"Wait! Stop!"

The man tried to stop Hugh from attacking, but Hugh was still filled with adrenaline all over his body. It was very early in the morning, and Hugh was still acting through his instincts.

However, Hugh felt like he had heard this voice before. Thinking that it was just his imagination, Hugh ignored himself. He attacked the mysterious silvery-white-haired man.

With both of his claws, Hugh attacked in a cross direction. It seemed that the man would not be able to dodge away from this one.

Just as Hugh's claws closed in on the man, Hugh suddenly felt a strong resistance in his wrists. He looked down and realized that the man had seized his wrists and prevented him from attacking.

"Stop! Look at me! Look at me!"

The man restricted Hugh's movements and forced Hugh to look at him. With this forced stoppage, Hugh got a closer look at the man's face.

Hugh scrutinized the man's face and he realized that it was very familiar. However, he could not pinpoint where he had seen it from.

He looked at the man's nose, his sharp jaw, his thin eyes, and his blemish-less complexion. Hugh admitted that the man was handsome, which was accented by the man's silvery-white hair.

Silvery-white hair? Hugh suddenly got a blast from his memory. Then, it all came to him like a tsunami. With this realization, Hugh stepped away from the man.


Hugh pointed at the man with fear, familiarity, anger, and confusion. His arms trembled as he tried to get as far away from the man as possible.

"Yes. I am."

Hugh could not believe it. Hugh would have thought that he was still in a dream if not for the pain that he was feeling in his wrists.

Hugh was looking at himself. Hugh was looking at his transformation.

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