The Exorcist Detective

Chapter 1090

The three people in the cave were all shocked. Bullseye, out of professional instinct, took out a recording pen and passed it as far forward as possible to record the words of the Destiny Guard.

The captain squinted his eyes and stared at the sea of ​​​​fire in front of him and pondered for a moment, "It should be soon. Lady Carmilla has long been tired of that stinky female cousin. That idiot Xia Kaila really thinks she is some kind of queen. If it weren't for Degu If La wanted to marry her to suppress the underground world, I would have chopped off her head long ago. But now Dracula has also changed his mind. Xia Kela no longer has much prestige in the underground world. This kind of puppet queen, The succubi will not recognize it. These succubi have been fighting and killing each other since ancient times. They are very sensitive to things like politics. They should have noticed that something is wrong. What Dracula gave us Nuclear bombs may finally come in handy. Human beings are of some use after all. After inventing such a powerful thing, who would have thought that one day we would be able to rule the world with something invented by humans."

The amount of information contained in these words was huge, and the most explosive thing was that these vampires wanted to kill Xia Kaila. According to their wishes, if the succubus disobeyed, they planned to destroy the city of Saint Bei as well.

For the rest of the time, the vampires chatted about useless things. After about half an hour, they probably thought there would be no problem, so they turned around and left.

After the vampire left, Li Kang lifted the blindfold, and the three of them walked out of the cave. At this time, on this hill not far from the black forest, they could also feel the suffocating heat wave coming from the direction of the black forest. No wonder the vampires I no longer persisted. I felt fine inside the cave, but felt very strong outside.

Deadpool said with some worry, "I didn't expect that the vampires wouldn't even let Xia Kela go. My stupid ex-wife was really taken advantage of."

Everyone's thoughts were limited. Even though it was unexpected, it was also reasonable. Although the vampires' actions were cruel, they were also in line with common sense.

Not only Xia Kaila, but also the entire succubus race has no need to exist. Some clues can be seen from Dracula's method of dealing with mutants. For vampires, as long as they are a threat, they must be uprooted. Except, since Kenosha Island can be annihilated, what's so special about St. Bay City? If you don't obey, you can be pacified anyway.

To a vampire, a succubus is just another mutant.

Li Kang took out three burqas from his arms and handed two of them to Deadpool and Bullseye, "We have to act quickly. Xia Kaila is also a queen after all. According to what they mean, it's just Cammy." La has this idea. It will take some time before we actually take action. We need to make a time lag to rescue Xia Kela before they take action. I have cast magic on the original pale cross, but no matter how I investigate, I can't find it. A little bit of clues, I think I can only ask Xia Kaila for the specific situation here."

Deadpool exclaimed, "So you cast magic on that cross... Uh, what kind of magic did it do?"

Li Kang took a breath, "It's tracking magic. Do you think I can trust you completely after I gave you the secret key? Who are you? Your name is Deadpool. The word "reliable" has nothing to do with you. relationship, so of course I have to add insurance.”

Deadpool curled his lips and said, "I didn't expect that you said you trusted me, but you guarded me. What can I say about trust between people? Am I so untrustworthy?" He thought again after saying this After thinking about it, he continued thoughtfully, "Well...actually, I don't seem to be very trustworthy. Good job. As expected, the person who understands me best is you, Li Kang."

Li Kang spat, "I still don't know you well enough.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to leave the secret key to you for safekeeping. You bastard who betrayed my brother, sooner or later I will deal with you severely. "

Deadpool stuck out his tongue, but he forgot that he was wearing a mask. His tongue was stuck on the mask and couldn't stick out, so he raised the mask with his hand and made a face at Li Kang. He saw a flash of white light and died. Half of the waiter's tongue flew up to the sky.

Bullseye pointed at Deadpool's tongue and laughed, "Seconds, why didn't I think of that? I finally found a way to shut up your chatty mouth. Oh my, the world suddenly became so quiet."

Deadpool covered his mouth and whined at Bullseye, not knowing what he was talking about.

Bullseye looked very mean and looked like he was listening, "Ah, I can't hear what you are saying. Can you speak louder?"

Deadpool whined angrily, raised his hands and raised his middle finger to Bullseye.

Bullseye didn't take it seriously and continued to tease Deadpool again and again.

The three of them didn't dare to go too fast. It would be bad if they caught up with the Destiny Guards. From this direction to St. Bay City, they would definitely have to pass through the Black Forest. The Destiny Guards just came back from there and encountered an encounter they couldn't explain.

The underground scenery is characterized by rich colors. Everything around it is not as thick and monotonous as imagined. From the faint light cast by the glowing moss above, everything underground also emits a camouflage light due to radioactivity. This This kind of light is not as strong as the sunlight on the surface, but it is not as dark as the night. It comes from between the two, giving people a sense of tranquility and far-reaching spirituality. Running in this kind of scenery, feeling the breeze blowing, as if Running on an eternal road, Li Kang, Deadpool and Bullseye all had restless hearts, but here, they actually became calm with this tranquility.

About two hours later, the majestic Saint-Belg City suddenly appeared in front of the three people, which shocked their hearts greatly.

Saint Bel City has always been there, but it may be because the entire city is shrouded in defensive magic. From a distance, it looks like a sticker, rigidly pasted on the large map of the underground world, standing lifeless on the There, it was incompatible with everything around it.

But when you look up close, you can see that this city is a living, vibrant giant underground city. Saint-Belgian City is composed of three parts. The lowest level is a civilian area protected by a ten-meter-high obsidian wall. Residents here With 90.00% of the residents in the city, it is no different from the city on the surface. It is also a noisy and prosperous scene. Merchants from all ethnic groups in the underground gather here, bringing their own products to sell in Saint Bei City. A dwarf caravan Loaded with mithril products, he slowly arrived at the gate of Saint Bei City and was stopped by two tall tauren guards.

The leader of the dwarf merchant secretly stuffed two gold coins into the guard. The tauren guard sighed with satisfaction, raised his weapon and let him go. They basically ignored the civilians, but once they saw someone like a merchant, , they will stop you and of course ask for benefits.

In the duty room not far away, the person responsible for guarding the door is an old succubus with only one eye. He is also using his natural ability to make himself look better, but he may be too old and the transformation will not work. He was unsuccessful and looked very ferocious. He was drinking wine slowly and was indifferent to the actions of the tauren guards. Anyway, no matter how much benefits the tauren guards got, he would still have to share in it in the end, so why worry about it? .

Li Kang and the others joined the entry and exit team, lining up to enter the city. Deadpool and Bullseye raised their heads desperately, looking at the hundreds of upside-down pyramids floating above their heads, and almost screamed, looking like two This country bumpkin who had never seen the world was so embarrassed that their actions aroused the ideas of the tauren guards.

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