The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 96: Will Of A Master

The interior of the ship was silent, save for the labored breathing of the trio. Their recent encounter had shaken them to the core. The ethereal appearance of the woman in red, although alluring, felt like a terrifying scene from a nightmarish fantasy.

"Would it have hurt her to dance a little for us? If the Old Monk were to charm me with his celestial moves, I'd probably look the other way!" Wang Xuan quipped, wiping away the sweat that clung to his brow, in a bid to alleviate the palpable tension.

After a brief pause, relief washed over them, making the recent ordeal seem like a distant memory.

Looking up at the inky sky, Qing Mu pondered aloud, "When she fully emerges in our world someday, I'm curious about what words you'll have then."

A shiver ran down Wang Xuan's spine. "Let's not joke about such things, Qing Mu!"

Upon their safe return to the manor, the ship made a steady descent to the landing pad. It was only when they set foot on solid ground that they truly felt at ease, exhaling deeply in unison. The shroud of night had already settled in. Shielded by the soft luminescence of the evening and the gentle drizzle, they quickly retreated to their rooms, where they began to unpack the day's harrowing events.

As Wang Xuan peeled skin from his arm and face, Qing Mu looked on with a mix of astonishment and envy. It was clear that Wang Xuan's dedication had enhanced his physical resilience.

Old Chen, eyes wide in disbelief, remarked, "Are you pushing yourself too far? Practicing the Golden Body Technique again?" In Old Chen's eyes, investing so much time in such a draining technique was unfathomable. He himself would never attempt it.

"The skin I've shed from the sixth layer of the Golden Body Technique is quite a treasure," Wang Xuan observed. "Light, yet resilient. I think I'll keep it as a sheath for your sword. It's much more robust than any crocodile hide."

Old Chen, looking both surprised and pleased, posed the question, "Guess my age based on my appearance now."

Wang Xuan studied him briefly before venturing, "Around fifty-five?"A shadow of displeasure crossed Old Chen's face. "I'm only fifty-two," he retorted a touch frostily.

Seeking to smooth things over, Qing Mu added, "Master, you certainly look rejuvenated. Some of your wrinkles have vanished."

Old Chen, unable to hide his excitement, quickly grabbed a mirror. He noted that he did look several years younger. His previous premature aging was a side effect of practicing an arcane Taoist technique.

"Now I look like I'm in my early fifties," Old Chen remarked with a twinkle in his eye.

Wang Xuan, taken aback by this revelation, was about to express his initial assumption when he noticed Old Chen's playful threat of rolling up his sleeves. Switching topics swiftly, Wang Xuan inquired, "Have you attained the 'Enlightenment Realm' yet?"

"Just a bit more to go," Old Chen replied with a hint of melancholy. Pondering his spiritual journey, he mused, "Advancing in the transcendent realm is infinitely harder than the struggles you mortals face."

Qing Mu gave an exasperated glance. He had gained immense insights from their recent venture and was on the cusp of achieving the 'quasi-Master' status. The once perceived end of his path now appeared to open into new horizons. Wang Xuan also felt significantly empowered, both mentally and physically. He felt confident that a rematch with the foes from the previous night would yield a very different result.

Qing Mu observed with widening eyes. "Has Wang Xuan ascended to the Master Realm?" He mused. "The rumors were true! There is indeed a prodigious Master in his early twenties!"

If word of this spread, it was bound to create a sensation. Influential corporations and organizations, particularly those keen on exploring the practice of both arts, would scramble to buy Wang Xuan over, pulling out all stops to have him on their side.

Old Chen, having assessed Wang Xuan, sighed. "While his defensive capability is unparalleled and his offense rivals that of a Master, there's a key element he's missing."

Eager for clarity, Wang Xuan pressed, "What's the missing piece?"

"The essence of a Master," Old Chen replied gravely. "You've cultivated formidable physical abilities, and the initial formation of your spiritual domain is commendable. Yet, its full power remains untapped."

To illustrate, he signaled Qing Mu to bring forth a wooden block. With grace, Old Chen's right hand, resembling a blade, smoothly sliced down along the wood's grain. The block was cleaved effortlessly in two, showcasing technique over raw power.

"How do you presently engage in combat?" he inquired of Wang Xuan, "By taking on your opponents with brute force? It lacks the elegance of true combat."

To further his point, Old Chen executed a horizontal strike against another block's grain. The force needed was visibly greater. Even though the block split, the internal damage was more pronounced, suggesting the amplified force used.

"In battle," Old Chen expounded, "it's not just about strength. There's a rhythm, a sophistication. That's what you need to master."

"Do you see?" Old Chen began, holding the split wood for emphasis. "A skilled woodcutter can effortlessly split logs, saving both time and energy. Others might forcefully hack and chop, yet they can't achieve what a skilled one does with a single, precise strike."

His explanation was lucid and straightforward. Without mincing words, he critiqued last night's skirmish. "Those adversaries, just like you, Wang Xuan, donned transcendental armor that granted them Master-like strength and speed. However, they too lacked the essence of a Master. Had you faced a true Master last night, you would have died. There would've been no doubt!"

"When a Master acts, it's not just about raw strength. It's about finesse, a subtlety that's hard to trace. Their moves are not just devastatingly effective; they're an art, sometimes even transcending ordinary limits."

Though Wang Xuan felt the weight of the critique, he also saw the wisdom in Old Chen's words and reflected upon them.

Continuing, Old Chen remarked, "A tiger is a beast of raw power, yet it stalks its prey, waiting for the right moment to deliver a fatal blow. You, on the other hand, overpower with sheer force, crushing your opponents into submission. But if you face someone with both an extraordinary physique and the essence of a Master, you might find yourself in hot water."

The insights were not overly complicated. Wang Xuan stood up and began to practice his old techniques within the room's confines. Slowly, a certain elegance infused his movements. This 'Master essence' was simply a sophisticated combat intuition. With a nudge in the right direction, and with diligent practice and introspection, it could be understood and mastered over time.

With his formidable physical and mental prowess, Wang Xuan, once enlightened by Old Chen, could rapidly grasp the essence of a Master. He had the foundation, and now with the right direction, it was only a matter of time.

"Individual styles vary," Wang Xuan mused. "I believe I can quickly grasp what you've pointed out, but I'm inclined to lean towards a more forceful style of combat." While he intended to address any shortcomings, the aggressive approach would likely still dominate his techniques.

With this understanding, Wang Xuan's mood lightened. Chuckling, he teased, "You mentioned the tiger's hunting technique. Would a hyena's 'sneaky snatch' count as an effortless and intuitive strike?"

Old Chen glared at him for a moment before sighing, "It would be considered an eccentric yet intuitive strike within certain circles."

Qing Mu looked perplexed.

"Can that really be considered intuitive?" Wang Xuan nodded and said, "It seems the harmony of orthodox and eccentric ways is the true path."

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