The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 95: Snatched Away

Amid the vast search, the celestial herb seemed within grasp just as the old saying goes: "In countless searches, when you least expect, there she stands."

The trio's hearts raced. The elusive path lay tantalizingly close, its allure impossible to ignore. Old Chen, ever the voice of reason, cautioned, "Perhaps the herb is revealing its final glory before fully vanishing into the deeper realms of the clouds."

Taking a measured approach, Wang Xuan directed Qing Mu, "Let's pull the ship back. We must appear indifferent, not desperate. We should respect the whims of nature."

Yet, regardless of their position, the herb and the gilded soil stood unyielding and unchanged.

Wang Xuan pondered aloud, "That golden patch seems like a medicinal garden." He was confused by the enigma of nature. How could such a terrain exist amidst turbulent thunderclouds?

Old Chen intoned, "With this rate of healing, my injuries on the forehead, arm, and scalp will recover by dawn."

Though Wang Xuan's injuries were more pronounced, a tingling sensation in his fingers suggested a rapid recovery. He surmised that his nails would regenerate within a day.

In a last act of hope, he invoked, "Sword Immortal, are you there? This celestial herb is present; could it aid you?" He silently willed the Sword Immortal to emerge.

To his dismay, only silence greeted him. The bone relic remained motionless. Recalling their last encounter, he remembered that the Sword Immortal would slumber for three years. It seemed she had already commenced her rest, and he considered returning her to her original resting place.

Unexpectedly, a wave of drowsiness washed over Old Chen, making him yawn incessantly. Soon after, a wave of lethargy also overtook Wang Xuan and Qing Mu. In their dazed state, they saw the ghost monk, not the Sword Immortal they had hoped to summon. The old monk, with eyes full of desire, seemed to dash towards the golden celestial herb, desperate to harvest its power.


A surge of unique lightning streaked the sky, connecting numerous orbs of electricity that glowed a sinister red, engulfing the area. The very fabric of the void tore apart, the luminance from the explosive orbs illuminating the vast expanse. Through the monk's eyes, the black clouds transformed into a blood-red hue, drowning in the electrifying brilliance. Yet, to the inhabitants of An City, all remained oblivious. Those who did chance a glance upward only witnessed the usual obsidian sky with occasional arcs of lightning.

The old monk's face turned ashen, a stark contrast against the vibrant backdrop. He returned to his initial spot, looking at the celestial herb with palpable longing and fear. He could faintly discern multiple veils behind the herb, and behind them, a subtle crimson silhouette seemed to stand in a world apart. Gazing at his own hands, the old monk noticed a luminescent barrier separating him from the external realm. With a sigh of resignation, he vanished.

As Wang Xuan and Qing Mu slowly opened their eyes, their fatigue was gone. They exchanged a puzzled look, sensing something amiss. Old Chen, now awake, exclaimed, "The ghost monk appeared in my dream! He attempted to pluck the celestial herb but was repelled by the lightning."

Wang Xuan nodded gravely, "I too saw the skies bathed in a fiery red as he was driven back."

The three pondered deeply on how to harvest the celestial herb. Missing out on such an opportunity would undoubtedly be a lifelong regret. Suddenly, an idea struck Wang Xuan’s mind. "What if the celestial herb, like the Inner Landscape, isn't truly present in this world?"

Qing Mu inquired, "What are you suggesting?"

Wang Xuan elaborated, "If I activate my Inner Landscape here and then leap towards the herb, do you think I can capture it and plant it within my inner world?"

Old Chen's eyes widened, intrigued by this unorthodox idea. It seemed audacious, yet feasible.

Qing Mu hesitated, "The key is that you can't voluntarily activate your Inner Landscape. If you could, there'd be no need to take such risks here."

Wang Xuan replied with gravity, "I've never tried to force myself into the heightened sensory state; it's always been a reflexive response to external threats. Today, I'm willing to push my limits. I'll attempt to self-hypnotize, jump from the ship, and see if nearing death can trigger the activation. And Qing Mu, you must ensure my safety. Activate the energy shield to protect me. We can't afford any mishap; I don’t want to be struck dead by lightning. Think about it, even the ghost monk risked it all just to pluck the celestial herb. Its value and power are beyond our wildest imaginations!"

Qing Mu nodded confidently, "Don't worry, our ship's energy shield will protect you. It's designed to withstand dense lightning."

Old Chen, however, was more cautious, "I remember seeing a peculiar ball-shaped lightning earlier. It was hauntingly beautiful, resembling a series of connected Buddha heads. It was genuinely terrifying."

"I saw it in my dream. I can't be sure if it was real or not," Old Chen responded with uncertainty.

"Enough with the scare tactics. I'll give it a try," Wang Xuan announced. His primary challenge was self-hypnosis, convincing himself that he was in a life-threatening situation to activate the heightened sensory state.

Old Chen shook his head. "I doubt this method will trigger the heightened state. No matter what, it's challenging to deceive one's subconscious."

Ignoring the skepticism, Wang Xuan, ever the man of action, began the process of self-hypnosis. To everyone's surprise, he was remarkably effective. In no time... he was sound asleep! Qing Mu stared in disbelief. Had Wang Xuan overdone the hypnosis? The goal was to trick his mind, not to genuinely fall asleep!

Old Chen was equally flabbergasted. He had been anticipating a dramatic leap from the ship. Instead, Wang Xuan had just lulled himself to sleep. In his dream-like state, Wang Xuan found himself in his forming spiritual realm. Soon enough, he encountered the ghost monk.

"Venerable monk, what brings you to my domain again? Are you here to collaborate on harvesting the celestial herb? How shall we split the spoils?" Wang Xuan inquired eagerly.

Without uttering a word, the monk lunged forward and... started beating him up!

Wang Xuan was dumbfounded. What’s happening? This was the first time he had ever been attacked by the monk, who was stopping him from reaching the herb... He was in sheer agony! 


Wang Xuan awoke with a start, his entire body aching as if he'd been pummeled. Frustration and anger painted his face. "The audacity of that monk to beat me up in my own dreams!" he fumed. "Once we reach the new star, I swear I'll confront him in that ancient temple of his."

Qing Mu looked at Wang Xuan with evident confusion, while Old Old Chen wore a mischievous grin. "So, the monk gave you a beating too?" Old Chen remarked, amusement twinkling in his eyes.

Wang Xuan shot him a glare. "How'd you know?"

Old Chen shrugged nonchalantly. "Let's just say I've had the... displeasure of experiencing the monk's wrath in my own dreams. Not a pleasant memory."

Wang Xuan grumbled, "The sooner we get rid of that ghost monk, the better."

However, upon further reflection, he realized that the monk might've been trying to warn him. In the final moments of his dream, the monk had conjured a vast sea of crimson mist, amidst which stood a hazy, graceful silhouette. Recalling this detail aloud, Old Chen's face turned serious. "I had a feeling," he mused. "That heavenly medicine isn't just something you stumble upon. We're in for some trouble."

Wang Xuan gulped. "Maybe we should leave?"

Without waiting for a reply, Qing Mu hastily steered the ship away. But just as they were retreating, a potent medicinal fragrance wafted over, even stronger than before. They watched in astonishment as the golden tree underwent a drastic transformation. The glittering, gold soil around it dimmed and transformed into a fiery radiance, which the tree swiftly absorbed. Then, before their very eyes, the large golden blossom withered and gave way to a fruit. It started as small as a fingernail but quickly grew to the size of an egg, shimmering with an ethereal, bluish hue.

The intoxicating aroma of the fruit pervaded the air, its richness seeping deep into their souls, stirring their very essence. Old Chen hastily removed the bandage from his forehead. Astonishingly, the gash there began to mend itself, scabbing rapidly and then vanishing without a trace. Wang Xuan unwound the medical wraps from his hands, watching as the tattered ends of his fingers rejuvenated and new nails emerged. In mere moments, his hands looked untouched by any harm.

As for Qing Mu, a sense of euphoria enveloped him. His pores seemed to expand, hinting at a surge in his physical prowess. "Should we depart or remain?" Qing Mu's voice held a hint of tremor, sensing that continued exposure might further boost his capabilities.

"We need to get closer to that mystical tree," Wang Xuan asserted.

"Are you out of your mind?" Old Chen countered, ever the voice of caution.

Wang Xuan explained, "I'm thinking clearly. If it's that damned demoness in red pulling the strings, her influence is likely waning. She can't truly affect our realm. Had she the power to harm us, she would've acted by now. She might be setting a trap, but she risks coming up empty-handed."

"Do you think she's unaware of our conversations?" Old Chen posed, eyebrow raised.

"If she could perceive our every thought and action, she wouldn't resort to baiting us like this. I suspect she's limited to observing our proximity to that unique location," Wang Xuan gritted his teeth. "Qing Mu, move us closer, ready to bait but be prepared to bolt at any sign of danger."

"All or nothing," Qing Mu muttered. While he recognized the danger in the situation, he was inclined to agree with Wang Xuan. If their opponent had the power to directly intervene in their reality, they wouldn't be facing such subterfuge.

The spaceship edged closer to the mystical tree, a vision of resplendent gold. The soil around the tree seemed drained, nurturing the tree and its single green fruit, which cascaded mesmerizing rays. These very rays penetrated the ship, invigorating the trio with a surge in metabolic energy and enhancing their constitution. Wordlessly, the three of them began to meditate and cultivate their powers.

Without hesitation, Wang Xuan seized this golden opportunity and channeled the tree's mystic radiance to practice his Golden Body Technique.

As hours—or perhaps minutes—passed, his skin began to peel in places, revealing a more robust layer beneath. Incredibly, Wang Xuan's 'Golden Body' technique, which was initially in the early phase of the sixth level, advanced to the mid-phase. Typically, mastering the sixth level would demand over thirty years of dedication.

Yet, how much time had actually passed?

The remarkable progress of his Golden Body Technique astounded even Wang Xuan. The legends about the tree's power held true; without even consuming the fruit, they were experiencing profound transformations.

As the sensations intensified, Wang Xuan felt the familiar surge of his hyper-sensitive state. He was teetering on the edge of accessing his Inner Landscape. But instead of elation, an icy dread gripped him. Was this a manipulative ploy to force him into unveiling his Inner Landscape? Was the mysterious being attempting to use it as a conduit for a return?

"Qing Mu, be on high alert! We might need to evacuate!" Wang Xuan warned, resolute in his decision not to employ the ancient method from the Qin dynasty. Here and now, he wouldn't risk opening his Inner Landscape.

Even amid this tension, he diligently honed his Golden Body Technique. His form started radiating a brilliant light, and as he underwent another transformative shedding, his Golden Body Technique soared to the advanced stages of the sixth tier. With this newfound resilience, Wang Xuan believed that he could easily repel any mundane attacks, including bullets. The marvel of the tree was undeniable. Without even sampling its fruit, in this brief window, his Golden Body Technique had scaled new heights, almost brushing the threshold of the seventh tier.

"We need to leave, now!" Wang Xuan's voice sliced through the charged air.

For, even without activating the foundational technique of the Qin dynasty sages and solely concentrating on his Golden Body Technique, he had inadvertently skimmed the surface of his Inner Landscape. The ramifications were chilling. Could the elusive red-robed sorceress be infiltrating their realm? This revelation made Wang Xuan's skin crawl, drenching him in a cold sweat.

Despite his reservations, Qing Mu, with his unwavering resolve, steered their escape.

"Hurry!" Old Chen seconded, as the sense of impending danger intensified, his own unease palpable.

Suddenly, the skies were ablaze with a dance of lightning, all converging around the luminescent tree. Emerging behind its radiant form were ethereal veils, behind which a shadowy crimson silhouette seemed to lurk.

Endless lightning, tinged with a sanguine hue, lashed towards the flying ship, causing Qing Mu's heart to skip a beat. The bolts were vast, reaching both the heavens and the earth, threatening to engulf them whole. Qing Mu felt a sinking feeling, his eyes tightly shut.

Yet, Wang Xuan's voice pierced through the turmoil, "It's alright! They can't influence our realm. The blood-red lightning dissipated as it neared the ship!"

As the ship pierced through the clouds, speeding away, the illusory silhouette of the heavenly herb receded into obscurity. While the ordeal was harrowing, Wang Xuan truly felt like he had dodged a bullet. As his hyper-sensitive state waned, he harbored no regrets. He was convinced that had he been compelled to unveil his Inner Landscape at that moment, calamity would have been certain. He might've taken the bait, but he hadn't been reeled in. Overwhelmed by a sense of triumph and accomplishment, Wang Xuan couldn't help but shout into the electrified clouds, "Red-robed enchantress, next time, instead of cold calculations, bring an oil-paper umbrella and perform a bewitching dance for me!"

Within the stormy embrace of the clouds, at the very spot where the herb had once been, a faint crimson apparition appeared. The silhouette was graceful, an epitome of allure, holding an oil-paper umbrella and glancing downward.

Wang Xuan: "!!!"

He immediately clamped his mouth shut, words evaporating, as a chill shot up his spine.

Had the woman in red become so powerful that she could nearly interfere with their world? Had she actually heard him? The ethereal figure at the collapse point slowly vanished, leaving no trace behind.

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