The Dramatic Dungeon - A Dungeon Core Story

Chapter 61 - Flynn: An evening Stroll

After the two representatives agreed to proceed, the details were quickly decided upon. I was told to visit them at their Guild building in an hour to receive the package and then set out immediately. As they leave the office to prepare, my wife slumps a little, before turning to me.

“You know, it’s funny. All these important people I'm talking to don't seem to realize that we are not only married, but used to be adventurers in the same party. I always need your name to shut them up.” she says, her tone not so much angry as it is a little… melancholic.

“Honey, you had them dancing in the palm of your hand this entire time. You always do. Gods, I love watching you work.” I respond with the goofiest grin I can muster in an effort to cheer her up a little.

“Bah. You barely see anything in these meetings, the real work is this.” she says, indicating a stack of paperwork. With a sigh, she turns towards it, and the top documents begin hovering upwards as a dozen quills fly over and begin filing documents with data.

“Now get out of here, you big lug. I’ll see you off at the gate.” she says, and I get up, but before I leave I walk over to her desk to steal a quick kiss.

“Love you honey!” I declare before setting out to get ready.

It feels strange, almost, to go home at this hour of the day. I’ve grown accustomed to the guard lifestyle, and while this change is welcome, it is nonetheless disorienting.

Arriving at the home, I head to the basement and find the Armory. Within half an hour, I am suited up not in the guard uniform but my old adventuring gear. My armor has been waiting for me, down here, and as I put it on, I feel it's encouraging embrace along with an eagerness that stems from not being used for too long.

Higher tier items are sometimes sentient, it is said. My armor is not, at least as far as I can tell, but it still feels like it has a presence sometimes. Looking myself over in the mirror, I grin.

A figure stands there, clad in a suit of heavy armor. The material resembles stone more than metal, its features and parts rough and jagged. No decorations or artistry mar the pure, functional piece. It is one of the main contributors to my nickname.

A suit of plate is not normally something people associate with my class, but I have found it perfectly compliments my fighting style, providing a measure of protection while I am on a reckless and dangerous offensive. My daughter has taken after me in that regard, and I cannot help but feel a sense of pride when thinking about her.

Buoyed by thoughts of my family, I lift my sword out of its hanger and sheathe it on the back of my armor, before exiting the basement.

The feeling of walking around in my full gear is thrilling as my heavy footfalls cause the ground to quake even as I walk normally. Some people shoot me annoyed looks as I move to retrieve the package and I can only smile apologetically in response through my open helmet.

Despite the added weight of my gear, I arrive at the Craftsmen’s Headquarter within less than five minutes, faster than I would have despite my leisure speed, and still too early, but as I enter the lobby, doing my best not to damage the flooring, I am quickly greeted by the two representatives that hand me an enchanted dimensional bag which I fasten to my belt next to my own and send me off before I lose focus on my balance and accidentally do crack the fragile decorated marble floor.

At the gate my wife already waits for me, along with my captain who is there to see me off as well, but gives us space.

After embracing my wife gently and kissing her goodbye, she casts some spells on me as she would in the good old days, designed to make me faster, stronger, more perceptive and so on. Giving her a thumbs up and a last goofy grin, I give her my parting words and close up my helmet, the plates of stone moving on their own to cover my face in jagged rock.

“Well honey, I’m off on my extended evening stroll, be back in two days tops. I’ll embarrass our daughter in front of her friends for you!”

With an explosion of dirt and dust, I sprint off along the dirt path away from Aresmouth, towards an unnamed tier one dungeon and towards my daughter.

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