The Dramatic Dungeon - A Dungeon Core Story

Chapter 60 - Flynn: Craftsmen Concerns

A day ago

This morning begins like any other. I shake myself awake groggily, the alarm enchantment blaring in my mind. Turning towards the side, I see my wife has once again left the bed, and probably the house, far before me.

She has been incredibly busy lately while I have been getting easy shifts… I should probably do something for her, but anything romantic I can think of depends on her having some time off…

Wracking my brain, I finish my morning routine, get dressed and uniformed up and head to my station. The adventure gate is somehow both the laxest and the most critical assignment, and I am happy to be stationed there. Most of the time, nothing is going on, but sometimes more powerful beasts are chasing adventurers around and I get to flex my skills a little.

However, today proves to be different, as my captain is waiting for me at the guard post, a short elven man with even shorter blond hair and attentive green eyes, which he focuses upon me as I enter.

“Flynn, there you are. Missive just came in from the Mayor, we have a special assignment, something about escorting a supply caravan to a new dungeon. You are to meet a representative at the Adventurer’s Guild HQ for details.” he announces.

“At once, Captain Ivy.” I reply with a crisp salute, but I can’t help the wry grin on my face which he mirrors.

“Off you go then, Wall Sergeant Thorekson. Give your wife my regards.” he adds, dismissing me at once.

The walk to town center is short, my brisk steps carrying me there within minutes. As I enter the lobby, Miss Sindri immediately looks up to meet my gaze, smiles and indicates the staircase before returning her attention to the older gentleman at the counter, a middle aged man in traveler’s garb.

I make my way up the stairs and to my wife’s office, where I knock and wait patiently. The door swings open and I see her sitting there in her office, her natural height somehow offset by the enormous presence she has as the other people in the room immediately quiet when she waves for me to enter.

“As I was saying, your concerns for the security of the operation are appreciated, but not an issue. The solution to your problems has arrived. Take a seat, Wall Sergeant.” she instructs, and I nod and comply. There is no chair that would fit my size or weight, but as I go to sit I feel her magics taking hold of me. I let them, negating my innate resistance for a moment, and feel my body shrink even as I lower myself onto a chair.

I love watching my wife work. Something about this interplay seems to have shocked the two individuals into complete silence, which I know is exactly what she went for, though nothing of the sort shows on her face as she continues.

“Chief Artisan Fuller, Chief Supplies Officer Fowler, this is Wall Sergeant Flynn Thorekson. He is a peak third tier berserker with lots of experience operating in the wilds. I assure you that any delivery of materials entrusted to him will be seen to its destination without fail. Now, for his sake, would you elaborate on the plan one more time?”

The two men look at each other, and I can almost hear their brains rattle as they hear my name. Giving them an assured smirk, I wait till one of them opens his mouth.

“Right. The construction of a permanent outpost on a recently discovered dungeon has not technically been decided on, but the mayor and Guild Leader Thorekson here have made it clear that it is a high priority project and so plans have been made to deliver materials and some necessities preemptively. Worst case, they can simply be taken back again without a large loss in monetary investment. The guild would like the shipment to be as safe as possible, however, as it includes a teleportation pad to be installed for safe artisan transit. With the recent rumors of cultists on the rise and activities in the mountains, we were concerned about the proposed plan of sending a single guard with the enchanted bag, but we have since… reconsidered our position.” the Chief Supplies Officer stammers.

“The Living Landslide being the one charged with this is a sufficient guarantee for our investments.”

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