The Dramatic Dungeon - A Dungeon Core Story

Chapter 46 - Faevorite Selections

I am interrupted in my tinkering by a query from Siegfried.

You want some of the armor and weaponry? Sure, go nuts. Just don’t break anything if you can avoid it!

Wonder what that was about?

Whatever, I have other things on my mind right now. We have a working prototype for the secret door now, but need to test it still.

Sebastian is currently in the process of installing the mechanism, assisted by Tailor who is no longer occupied fixing up his fellow animated clothes. Anticipating their go-ahead, some of my otherwise unoccupied monsters stand at the ready to hoist the block of stone into the hinges that have been carved for it by yours truly.

After a short wait, it all is put together and ready to be operated. Do the honors, Sebastian. You deserve this!

Full of pride at my monster’s ingenuity, I watch as he steps forward and presses down on the button on the wall, after which with a little creaking the slab swings open, revealing the space beyond!


Behold, the technological marvel of a handcrafted secret door! Well, dungeoncrafted. Semantics. Hands seem highly overrated anyways. My mimics probably agree on that count.

Speaking of… I still have some class selections to take care of. Might as well get to it.

Let’s see… There is one piece of animated clothing that needs a class, all three of my mimics and two of my sprites.

Who to deal with first?

Well, it’s simple really. The numbers go one, two, three, so that's going to be the order now. Sorry, Mimics, but I’m sure you appreciate the bit of extra beauty sleep you can get with this structure!

Clothing, here goes.

Oh, it’s the robe that restrained the dwarf with the help of Juliette. A long, flowing piece of garment.

Let’s see what you have in store for us

Monster Class Selections (Animated Clothing):

Animated Strangler

Animated Servant

Animated Actor

Animated Puppeteer


Seems like mostly basic options, or at least more common ones. Puppeteer is interesting because you likely got it offered for completely different reasons than Tailor…

Strangler? Sure, nothing wrong with fundamentals, and it seemed to work out fine last time.

Class Selection Successful!

Class “Animated Strangler” acquired!

New Active Skill unlocked!

Right, now you need a name.

What about… Robert? What do you mean it’s hypocritical to suggest that and find Tailor too on the nose? Fine, fine, I admit that I went there because it has “Robe” in it.

Wait… you are serious? You like it?

Okayyy then, I will take the win. Robert it is.


Name: Robert

Class: Animated Strangler

Level: 1

Creature Type: Animated Clothing




Constrict - Level 1


One down, five to go!

Next stop, Sprites!

Come here my capricious little Fae!

Which two of you are the lucky ones?

Ah, I see. The one on stage responsible for glamouring the mimic and the one in the audience responsible for hiding me?


The sprites are absolutely indistinguishable by appearance, by the way. The way I can differentiate between them is actually funny. It is by the tone of their "speech".

Each of my monsters sounds unique in my head. I do need to be observing them with my main viewpoint in order to understand which of them is the one responsible for those thoughts, but if I do I can tell them apart easily.

But while not focused on them, the gaggle of Fae before me becomes an indistinguishable mass of chaos.

It appears I have gotten sidetracked slightly…

Your class selections, then!

Starting with… you, the one on stage!

Monster Class Selections (Sprite):

Fae Trickster

Fae Diplomat

Wind Sprite

Radiance Sprite

Treasure Sprite

All right. Never before seen options! Bring it!

Fae Trickster and Fae Diplomat seem to be the two basic classes offered for the Fae Archetype, it seems?

Trickster obviously focuses on glamours and deception to cause chaos. Diplomat on the other hand seems to focus on Bargains. Capital B, even. Important stuff. Wonder why it’s not considered a Fae Merchant if they focus on that, but the way I understand what my inborn knowledge is saying, it is less physical bargains and more promises and agreements of any kind that gives them power. So I guess Diplomat works.

The next two are interesting because they seem to be elementally aligned versions of their creature type. I assume exposure to that paladin's radiance magic has unlocked the radiance variant, if it was not available for my sprites baseline.

Treasure Sprite is a bit of an oddball, but I assume it's to do with Mimic glamouring. Maybe this lets them enchant shinies to make them shinier or something like that.

Of course that one is the pick as soon as I posit those thoughts. It’s just speculation okay?

My only answer is giggling, so I sigh and lock it in.

Class Selection Successful!

Class “Treasure Sprite” acquired!

New Passive Skill unlocked!

Level Up!

Right, for a name… you have a thought? Sure, what is it? Emerald? Certainly. That is doable.


Name: Emerald

Class: Treasure Sprite

Level: 2

Creature Type: Sprite





All that glitters - Level 1

Interesting… their passive seems to make their glamours stronger when affecting treasures or when making items appear as treasures.

Okay, Emerald is done, what about you?

Monster Class Selections (Sprite):

Fae Trickster

Fae Diplomat

Wind Sprite

Fae Servant

Less options here. This sprite was not directly affected by the radiance magic, so this reinforces my theory about that.

Hmm? You want the Trickster? I figured…

Alright then.

Class Selection Successful!

Class “Fae Trickster” acquired!

New Passive Skill unlocked!

What about a name, any thoughts?




Name: Puck

Class: Fae Trickster

Level: 2

Creature Type: Sprite





Force of Chaos - Level 1

There we go, that's Fae done and done!

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