The Dramatic Dungeon - A Dungeon Core Story

Chapter 45 - Siegfried: A knight's determination

I would grit my teeth in frustration, if I had any. As it is, a tensing of my fist is the most I can do to vent the frustration welling up in my chest.

Not good enough. One of my siblings has died, yet again, and I was powerless to save them.

My creator has congratulated us on a job well done, an intruder slain with minimal losses, but I can tell he is disappointed too. I have to be better. I am my siblings' bulwark, their protector. This, I have sworn.

I must be better.

I am shaken out of my grim introspection by the thoughts of my siblings as they rally to the new expansion that our maker plans. He is ambitious, as always, in his endeavors. It is part of why we are so thankful to be part of his dungeon.

And part of the reason I must become stronger even, to protect my masters’ ambition.

I should make my way over to the expansion as well, to make sure my siblings are doing okay and lend my assistance if I can.

Meandering past some of them, including Sebastian, who are busy setting up a contraption to… move a rock, if I got that right… I enter into the new hallway. Unlike the rest of our home, the walls are bare rock, like back when we were first spawned. The floor, however, is slowly being peeled away and replaced by my lord’s power. As is the ceiling, a look up confirms. The walls are to be expanded on, then, so layering them would serve no purpose.


I wonder at my lords’ plans, sometimes. His vision is grand, surely, but to what purpose he does the things he does often elude me. Then again, I am not the smartest of my siblings, anyways. All I need to focus on is defending those I can conceivably save.

Resolute, I step into the newest room. My siblings are abuzz with activity, moving stones to and fro. I don’t think I will be of much help on the excavation front. Looking around the room and taking it in fully for the first time, I consider the room. My vision is drawn to one corner of the room, where a bunch of armor and weaponry is stacked.

My skin is hard as iron, now, but I can’t help but fantasize about wearing proper armor as well. I find myself moving towards the armory as if in a trance, and only stop within arms length.

Several of my siblings are staring at me as I put my hands onto one of the suits of armor and feel some kind of energy in it. Is it magical? An enchanted suit of armor, maybe?

I will have to ask my creator if it is okay to take one. Looking around at my unnamed siblings, several of them also stare at the armors longingly.

Wait. If I alone cannot protect every one of them, maybe…

Siblings! Do you want to join me in protecting our master's ambition? Do you too wish to take up arms to defend our fellows? Then join me, and practice the art of the sword, so that together, we may defend those of us that cannot defend themselves!

Amidst the cheers of several of my siblings, I cannot help but feel elation bubbling up in my chest. Maybe I alone cannot be enough, but my siblings are not incapable of evolution. The unnamed that wish to take up arms shall gather together, and we will form a siblinghood.

Three of them step forward. Three of my siblings wish to take up arms and dedicate themselves to the defense of our fellow monsters. An excellent start.

There are enough arms in this pile to arm many more of us. Time to ask our Lord to let us use these, and then work together on getting my unnamed siblings some classes. I don’t know what exactly causes class options to appear, but working towards the general goal of protecting our siblings should help.

Together with these three, I shall form a knighthood to defend the stage of our master from any that would threaten it. Like the curtain protects the actors from view, we shall protect them from interference.

The Knights of the Curtain are born.

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