The Divine Anime System

Chapter 73. Framed

Rei could be seen holding two swords in the training area opposite Meliodas.

"Right then Rei chan. For the sword, we need to be both aggressive and defensive at the same time. Use the sword as an extension of yourself. The blade to attack and use the pommel and the hilt guard as defence to throw off your enemies." Meliodas explained as he pulled out a sword.

"You have to be free with your style but also follow a system of attack. Keep your movements and attack unpredictable. Include faints and attacks with your arms and legs to confuse them. Now then Rei chan you got all that?" Meliodas asked as he looked at Rei.

"Un. Got it dad." Rei said as he ran towards Meliodas and swung one of his blades. Before it could come into contact with Meliodas, Rei fainted it with a kick.

Meliodas grabbed Rei's kick easily as he said.

"Kicks are good but they're a double edge sword. Facing an enemy with greater strength then kicking with you leg is like jumping into a death trap. Now try again and remember, it is also good to continue with and attack without fainting and change up the pace of the battle."

Rei nodded as he tried again. Everytime, he attacked Meliodas would help Rei out by pointing out what would happen in a fight and how he could correct it.

3 hours passed as Rei was on the ground tired and could barely move.


"Dad, it's a lot harder than I thought." Rei said between breaths.

"Hahaha of course. I can't give my son a shoddy way of fighting can I?" Meliodas said with a wide smile.

"Then I should live up to your expectations then." Rei said as he sat back up.

"Go for it, next should be Escanor." Meliodas said as he could see Escanor walking over with a training axe.

"Rei chan are you ready?" He asked looking at Rei.

Rei nodded as he grabbed a training axe.

"The prideful way of the axe is to obliterate everything in front of you with unstoppable strength. As a user of the axe, we are the perfect people for dealing heavy or even mortal damage. The axe is all about momentum, move your body to increase the momentum which results in the increase of power." Escanor explained while showing different sets of movement.

"We should always be on the offensive as an axe user. We are the vanguard who plow forwards with no equal in strength." Escanor continued his lesson while Rei listened seriously and tried to follow Escanor's movements.

Rei started to train with each of the members everyday, excluding King much to his sadness, and learnt their ways of combat. Ban required Rei to be fast on his feet and adaptable to all situations with superb control over all of his body part and Diane required Rei to be able to flow through all of his movements without flaw as well as to use magic during the combat.

Rei was now six without much change to his appearance except for the increase of height. He was currently sparring against Meliodas again trying to improve how he uses a sword.

"Come on Rei chan, you have to flow through your moves more. There is a pause everytime you move it is fatal if the opponent can take advantage of it." Meliodas said as he pointed a finger at Rei's heart.


"But it's hard dad, I have to think about if I should faint or not. And with someone of your calibre I have to think about every move." Rei said truthfully as he sighed.

"Nishishishishi, then just don't think about it. Engrave the movements into your body as move of instinct." Meliodas said as he put the sword away.

"I'll try-

"Nope don't say try, what have I told you to say?" Meliodas said cutting Rei off.

"Fine I will do it!" Rei said as he put away the swords in his hands.

"So what's your progress with Merlin?" Meliodas asked as they walked away from the training area.

"Haa my control and efficiency only increase by a small amount. Now I can make 3 blades and 1 medium fireball before I'm empty." Rei sighed at his progress.

"Hahaha don't worry about it Rei chan, it takes time after all. If you hurry too much your foundations will crumble." Meliodas patted Rei on the back.

The duo walked towards the barracks of the seven sins.

"Yo!" Meliodas said giving the group a wave.

"Oh captain, you finished." Ban said over his shoulders.

"Ban nii san!" Rei called out as he jumped towards Ban.

"Hahaha I know I know, here." Ban said show his neck as Rei nibbled on it again.

"Hahahaha Rei chan can't give up his snack every time he finishes." Diane giggles seeing Rei bite on Ban's neck.

Rei stuck his tongue out at Diane while he went back to drinking Ban's blood.

"Yare yare Rei chan." Merlin said as she watched Rei with a gentle smile.

"Sorry, it's refreshing after training after all." Rei smiled blissfully as he finished his quick snack.

Merlin could only giggle and shake her head.

"Now then, Zaratras wanted to see us about our last mission you think he will scold us or praise us?" Meliodas asked.

"Scold!" Rei said as he was still smiling from drinking Ban's blood.

"I second that." Ban said to which everyone else agreed also.

"Hahaha, we did a pretty good job. Why so negative?" Meliodas smile as he had a quick drink.

"Well, it's us afterall." Diane said with a smile. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

"Now then dad, I'm going to find Eli chan ok?" Rei said as he stood up.

"And I know I know, 'Don't touch Elizabeth, she is off limits' Right?" Rei said imitating Meliodas' voice causing everyone to smile. Meliodas could only laugh and shake his head.

"Go on then." Meliodas said shooing Rei away.

"See ya!" Rei said as he exited the room.

Walking down the halls, Rei could see a severe lack of servants around the place. Dismissing it as just a coincidence, Rei found Elizabeth playing around the area.

"Eli chan!" Rei called out as he approached her.

"Rei chan!" Elizabeth called out in joy as she went over to him.

"So what did you want to ask me again?" Rei asked as Elizabeth wanted to talk to him.

"Umm...can you tell me more about Meliodas?" Elizabeth said while she fidgeted.

"Hahaha you really like my dad don't you?" Rei said with a smile to which Elizabeth nodded and blushed.

"Hmmmm, well he likes to play around alot. And just be yourself, dad likes playing around with you after all." Rei said as he smile.

"But you tell me that all the time. I want to know more." Elizabeth pouted.

Just before Rei could say anything, the holy knights jumped to attack him from every direction.

"Blood wall." Rei was as he made a cut on his finger tips and made a wall around him and Elizabeth.

"Eh Rei chan? Why did they attack us?" Elizabeth asked frightened.

"Technically they attacked me, but that's besides the point. They should chase after meif I leave first. So take care ok Eli chan." Rei said to Elizabeth as he made a small opening for himself. Quickly running out, Rei made sure the wall protected Elizabeth while the holy knights chased after him.

Once he was far enough he dropped the blood wall and ran towards where Meliodas went as he realised that today was the day the seven sins were framed.

"Dad!" Rei called out as he saw Meliodas with a bunch of injured knights around him.

"Rei you ok?!" Meliodas said as he turning around. Seeing the knights chase after Rei, Meliodas swung his sword as the pressure knocked the knights down.

"Dad what happened?" Rei asked even though he knew.

"We were framed. Zaratras was killed and we were framed." Meliodas said quickly as Merlin appeared next to them.

"I've already made a way for the others to leave now it's just us." Merlin said as she picked up Rei so that they could move faster.

They turned around and they could see Elizabeth running after them.

"Why did you come here Eli chan!" Rei shouted as the knights could harm her with her being near them.

Just like he thought, a knight shot and ability towards them but it missed and landed near Elizabeth.

"Shit!" Rei said and shot a blood spear piercing the guy's head.

Rei then saw Meliodas crouched near Elizabeth with dark purple energy rising around him.

Merlin quickly appeared besides and extracted Meliodas' power knocking him out.

"Rei chan, I'll send you and Captain away from here ok? Be safe." Merlin said as she hugged Rei and kissed him on the forehead.

Before Rei could say anything, Merlin teleported them to a cave near Camelot.

Rei froze because it happened way too fast for him to process. In the end he could only sigh as this followed the timeline of the seven deadly sins.

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