The Divine Anime System

Chapter 72. Training plan

"Urg...." Rei opened up his eyes. Looking around, Rei could see that he was in his room. Sitting up, Rei held his head as he tried to remember what happened. He could remember rewiring the seals in Merlin's room and then he could remember biting into Ban's arm and drinking his blood. Remembering how he had drank Ban's blood for such a long time, Rei quickly jumped off the bed and ran towards Ban's room. Rei ran pass a mirror to which he paused and walked back.

Looking into the mirror, Rei could see that his skin had became smoother and than his hair became longer.

"You're kidding...." Rei said as he looked at his face. His hair is around the length of his shoulders, pure white in colour. His eyes are scarlet red with a slightly viable slit down the middle.

Remembering that he can use blood manipulation, Rei made a small cut on his finger tips and made a small blood blade. He then proceeded to sit down and cut his hair. The servants watched as Rei started to cut his own hair, his concentrating face as he did this brought a smile to their faces.

Rei was soon finished as his hair was back to how it was like before.

"Un better." He said as he looked at the mess he made.

"Maid san? Are you able to help me clean this up?" Rei asked looking at the maids.

"No problem Rei sama." They bowed as they cleaned up for him.

"Don't call me sama, I don't like it." Rei said as he didn't like the honorifics.

"We cannot Rei sama. We have to respect the rules." The maids bowed.


Rei sighed as he understood this fact. He could only continue his way towards where Ban stayed.

"Yo little guy! You feeling better now?" Ban called out as he was also walking to Rei's room.

"Un! umm....sorry for drinking your blood." Rei said with some hesitation as he fidgeted a little.

"Hahahaha don't worry about it. Hey at least you can't drink my blood dry right hahaha." Ban laughed as he placed a hand on Rei's hair and ruffled it. Rei let Ban ruffle it as Ban was like a big brother to Rei.

Rei then climbed onto Ban's back and onto his shoulder. Ban only smiled at this as he took Rei with him on a walk around the castle.

"Hey Ban niisan, did you know that I'm also immortal now?" Rei said as he glanced at Ban.

"Yeah I do. Now we're both immortal now hahahaha, how long do you think it'll take them to make a nickname for us?" Ban said grinning at Rei.

"It shouldn't be long should it?" Rei smiled back.

"Oh yeah little guy, how often do you need to drink blood?" Ban asked as he was most worried about this.

"I should be able to last 5 to 10 years with the amount I drank." Rei said after some thought.


"Well if you need any more blood I'll be there ok? I know that even though you can last for 5 to 10 years it's like having beer. I can go without it but if it's in front of me I should have a bit. So just ask for a drink when ever you feel like it ok?" Ban said with a smile. Rei hesitated a little.

"Are you sure?" Rei asked.

"Of course I'll let my adorable little bro have a drink." Ban said with the kind smile.

"Then....Can I have a drink now?" Rei said as he looked slightly away from Ban.

"Go for it." Ban said exposing his neck.

"Then thanks for the meal~" Rei said as he opened his mouth exposing his tiny fangs which had reduced in size after his first feeding.


Rei bit into Ban's neck as he started to drink slowly savouring the taste. The servants gave the two weird looks as all they could see was two people, one with white hair and one with light blue. The kid on the mans back and nibbling on his neck, while the man walked nonchalantly not minding it at all.

Soon, the duo reached the barracks of the seven sins.

"Yo! Ban, Rei chan." Meliodas greeted with a smile.

"Yo!" Ban greeted while Rei opened his eyes and gave a muffled 'yo' to Meliodas while still keeping his mouth on Ban's neck slowly drinking blood.

"Rei chan, you shouldn't drink too much blood ok?" Merlin said as she walked over and pulled tried to pull Rei from Ban's back. Rei could only plead with his eyes as he didn't want to stop his meal just yet. Merlin dismissed it as she continued to try pull Rei off.

'Do I have to use it....For my meal, this sacrifice is nothing.' Rei though as he looked towards Merlin with the puppy dog eyes move causing her to falter slightly.

"This...." Merlin said as she looked at Rei giving her the puppy eyes while nibbling on Ban's neck.


Merlin sighed as she allowed Rei to continue his meal.

"Nishishishishishi!" Rei gave off a Meliodas style laugh and made a V sign with his spare hand for victory causing the rest of the sins to chuckle at this.

"Hahaha Rei chan, I think we're going to push your training forward a little is that ok?" Meliodas asked while Rei nodded with his mouth still on Ban's neck.

"You will be training in different types of weapons with me, Diane, Ban and Escanor. While you will learn how to have control over your mana with Merlin ok?" Meliodas explained the training plan to Rei.

"We shall be starting training tomorrow and we will hammer in the basics so that you can protect yourself in case something like what happened with the vampire happens again ok?" Meliodas continued.

Rei nodded as he was about to finish his meal.

"Puah! Thanks Ban niichan!" Rei said as he removed his mouth from Ban's neck.

"No problem Kiddo." Ban said as he handed Rei over to Merlin.

"So Rei chan what are you able to do right now?" Merlin asked.

"Umm, last time I think I made 2 blades and 1 fire ball before I ran out of magic against that vampire." Rei said as he checked his mana reserves.

'Hmm with this I should be able to make 5 blades and 2 fireballs now.' Rei though.

"Well, with you control you'll run out with 2 blades and a fireball while if I were to do the same I could make 10 fireballs and 15 blades. It all boils down to mana control Rei chan." Merlin said as she smiled at Rei.

"How would I train in mana control then?" Rei asked as he wasn't sure how to go about doing this.

"It's easy, I'll seal a portion of your mana so that there is only the bare amount to make 1 fire ball. And you'll have to adapt to using less mana to make 1 fire ball so that when you use more mana, the magic will also be more powerful." Merlin explained.

"Un." Rei nodded as he agreed that with his reserves right now it will be quite hard to control it unless he seals a portion of it.

"Dad what about king san?" Rei asked as Meliodas never mentioned King.

"Him? He got nothing to teach you." Meliodas said with a grin.

"OI!! I'M RIGHT HERE!!" King shouted out in the background.

"Hahahaha but serious, you and King are essentially right now the same type of fighters. The all round type with the exception that you will also go close quarter combat." Meliodas laughed.

"Yeah..But I can teach you etiquette." King said as he made some cloths and fixed his bow tie.

"Don't need it." Rei said cutting King off causing him to fall to the ground.

"Why Rei chan?! Why are you so mean to me only." King fake cried causing the group to chuckle.

"Because your reactions are funny." Rei said with a smile.

"HAHA!! HEAR THAT GUYS!" King stood up straight as he showed off to the rest of the group.

Rei chuckled as he saw the shenanigans of the group.

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