The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 93: Convene part 3

Najenda massaged her temples having just heard the full story come out of Parc's mouth. The ridiculous notion of him having converted Esdeath to their side. Which for anyone who knew the genocidal maniac would be a feat no easily achieved. Who would have thought that the way to do it would be to get her pregnant? No one, that's who.

"So… you're not going to try and kill us?" Leone asked glancing between the Jaegers, locking on Seryu who was staring with twitching eyelids at Sheele as if she was still pondering what she should be doing.

"Hopefully?" Parc shrugged; this really wasn't a wrought iron development by any means. It just sort of happened. Chances were some of the Jaegers could still harbour some resentment to Night Raid. His eyes wandering to Seryu much like Leone's had. "Just don't piss them off. That goes for you four as well," he eyed the jaegers minus Kurome.

"I have no intentions of doing anything Parc, you needn't worry," Run said leaning against the wall besides Wave who looked to have grown a few bags under his eyes.

He knew that, of those four Bols and Run were the least likely to start anything, Wave taking a sizable third position far ahead of Seryu. Who Parc was not going to enjoy dealing with if she saw Stylish's puppet.

Turning his head, Parc soon came to the sight of Najenda and Esdeath, both stuck in a war of glares. Either seeing who would be taking the top spot on their new hierarchy of this truce between the Jaegers and Night Raid.

"I miss my arm and eye," Najenda spoke lifting up her sleek silver arm to clench and unclench her fists.

"Should I care? You defected, you should by all rights be dead." Esdeath huffed crossing her arms just under her breasts. "you were lucky reinforcements had come to save you."

"Oh, I know," Najenda grumbled. Grunting out a sigh not a minute later, "This… is a mess. So what now? What are your terms?"

"I don't have any terms, they on the other hand, do." Esdeath nodded in the direction of the four Jaegers. "You can question them at your own will. But I have no want of anything. I will simply follow whatever it is darling asks of me."

Najenda's twitched, hearing Esdeath of all people calling someone darling, a word so sweet it shouldn't be in her vocabulary. And that someone being Parc who was standing with a wide grin on his face as if he were expecting something from her.

"You've changed," Najenda said.

"Being sodomized does that to a woman."

Parc grin faltered, flaring into a raucous of guttural coughs staring in horror at Esdeath, then onto a wide eyed Najenda and Night Raid. "Was that necessary?" Parc whined rubbing his eyes with his palms.

"So…domized?" he could barely hear Sheele mutter in the background, drawing his eyes up to her to see her bring a hand to her backside. Directly besides her a red face, steaming Mine. Sheele soon giving Parc a tilted, curious look that conveyed her own thoughts of 'maybe he would like that?'

Najenda slowly blinked her eyes, mechanically turning to Parc. "Of all the ways to convert Esdeath… its not a child… it's not love… it's getting it in the ass? Really?"

Parc lifted his shoulders into a shrug, a nervous scrunch of his expression, "yeah, let's not talk about that. Let's all just accept that Esdeath is now on our side and forget about that little off handed comment, okay?"

Leone suddenly burst out into raucous laughter, "no way! Hahaha! We're going to be holding this to you for a while."

"Leone," Parc's voice took a cold turn, sending shivers down Leone's spine, "I remember a time where you seemed sensitive around the a-"

"OKAY!" Great, I look forward to working with you. No need to say anything else, ahahahaa…" Leone interrupted him, stopping his little revelation on point.

Parc gave the cat girl a slow, smug nod. Off the corner of his eye, Parc caught a glimpse of another heated exchange of glares. One of Akame staring cautiously at Kurome while Kurome returned it in kind but in a more subtle, smug puff.

'This is a mess…' Parc thought.

"Kurome," Akame said, holding Murasame's blade tighter.

"Sister," Kurome hummed rapping her fingers along Murasame's sister sword, Yatsufusa. Sparks seeming to fly between the two in a silent exchange of words.

"Has Parc abused you?" the question came out giving Parc a slight spine tingling shiver.

Kurome hummed giving Akame a small smile, "only when I've been bad," not that she was ever bad. She preferred getting praise instead of his punishment. "Master is very kind, his pets make me happy."

Akame shot Parc a suspecting glare, "you are controlling my sister to say this?" a threat veiled thinly behind a question.

"No. Master doesn't control me anymore. I don't resist him anymore," Kurome hugged Parc's arm, nuzzling her cheek into his shoulder letting out small, happy whines as she did so. "But if master orders me to do something. I won't resist."

'Thanks for digging my grave Kurome, I'll just go lie in it now,' Parc sweat dropped as a dark mist took to Akame.

"Parc… What did you do to my sister?"

He gulped, stuttering out, "j-just a little mind control," as Murasame let out an ominous glint. "but I stopped a while ago! I haven't ordered her to bark-"

"Wan!" Kurome on instinct let out a cutesy yelp. Bashfully raising a hand to her mouth knowing he wasn't actually making an order of her.

Parc's head mechanically turned to look down at Kurome, lip twitching rapidly. Eye portraying four words in unison, 'you have doomed me.'

Though Kurome only met his gaze with a happy intonation to them, "master, I have made a mistake." She said, following up with a soft.

'No shit,' Parc turned his gaze back to Akame just in time to see her make a single step forwards. "Uh, Najenda, stop her, please!" he urgently called the silver haired general who was watching the events with mirth in her eyes.

"Keep me out of this Parc. This is your problem to fix."

"Oh come on! Esdeath!?" Parc stepped back with a little struggle as Kurome kept herself latched to him.

Esdeath snorted barely casting him a sideways glance while saying, "you'll survive."

'of course she'd say that!' Parc let out a gurgled grunt, finally getting his arm free from Kurome to make his back tracking just a bit easier. "Fuck you Esdeath, seriously, fuck you."

"Mmm," Esdeath curled her lips up, showing off her teeth while cupping her slightly protruding belly, "yes, you have done that plenty, darling, and look where that has ended."

"That was your own doing! Gngh-" Parc yelped as a dark object came skirting dangerously close to his ear. Which if Murasame was a normal blade, wouldn't be too much of a problem, but given its whole, one cut killing ability, it was certainly a much, much bigger issue.

"Okay, Akame, why don't we talk this out," Parc activated his own teigu, forming his only possible defense against getting nicked by Murasame. And catching the blade in his metal gauntlet. Akame's strength behind the attack leaving Parc stuck knelt on one knee, hand trembling as he looked into Akame's cold red globes. "I do admit I may have gone a little far. But I've also helped Kurome a lot."

"By making her bark for you?" She uttered softly.

"No, well, that's not really 'helped' I've, uh, gotten her off drugs?" Akame's brow rose at that. She knew just how terrible the assassination corps were with their strength enhancing drugs. A vile thing that would sap the life force of those who used it by straining their bodies until they gave out on themselves.

"She's also been much happier. Isn't that right Wave!" He turned to the blue clad sailor.

Wave rose both hands waving urgently, "oh no, I am not getting involved. I don't want to die. You should have thought about this before you did whatever it is you did."

"That's hard to do when I had a sword to my neck!" Parc wept. Feeling something strange, the weight pressing down on his trembling arm lessened. Akame's body loosing its tenseness as she pulled Murasame up and off of Parc's palm, him releasing it with slight trepidation. Kepping his gauntlet poised for defence.

Yet Akame, she did not go for another attack, instead flourishing Murasame, returning it to its sheath with a sharp metal scraping noise. Her legs moving to move her towards Kurome who was unusually calm for someone who was watching their master get assaulted.

"Are you happy?" Akame asked looking down just a little towards her younger sister.

"Mmm, master makes me happy," Kurome's head bobbed like piston on overdrive. A jovial smile on her face all the while.

Akame's lips, they tilted up, her eyes softening as she opened her arms, wrapping them around Kurome, whispering in her ear, "I'm happy for you Kurome. I'm so happy we don't have to kill eachother."

In return, Kurome's own hands lifted hesitating for just a second before lowering onto Akame's lower back. Pressing her face into her sister's chest for the first time in many, many years. Long gone was the desire to kill one another, no longer was there a hatred buried deep within Kurome for Akame abandoning her to the Empire. Now all that remained was the emotions of two sisters, torn apart by circumstances, reunited once again.

Both slid down to their knees, eyes shut but unable to hold back the soft tears trickling through their eyelids as they both held each other tightly.


"Dawww, I'm going to cry," Leone muttered wiping a paw beneath her eye. Cat ear twitching when she heard muffled grumblings coming from the frosty cocooned man of Bolic staring at her chest with heated eyes, even If they were a terrified at his impending doom. "Hey boss," Leone asked moving up to Najenda's side to ask, "can I kill him now? He's been ogling me since we got in here and its really starting to piss me off."

Najenda shared a look with Esdeath who just shrugged, a sign she didn't care what happened to the man. "Go ahead."

Leone smirking as she cracked her knuckles on a fast approach past Esdeath towards the now thoroughly terrified Bolic. "Close your eyes, this is going to hurt.


Just as a sick squelch of brain leaving body resounded through the room, Kurome sniffled, pulling her head from Akame's chest to face up and look into Akame's eyes. "Hey sis…" Kurome began immediately beginning her question, "will you become masters bitch as well?"

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