The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 92: Convene part 2

The plan was simple, Leone, Susanoo, Najenda and Sheele would take on the task of the diversionary forces. Making use of the tunnel that had been found not a day earlier to crawl their way to the outer fringes of the cathedral and stir up a commotion to drag out Esdeath and the guards.

All whilst Sheele, Lubbock and Akame took a sky manta and made an aerial assault, taking the cathedral from the roof. The only person without a proper task being Chelsea who they had opted to leave back at the ruins as she wasn't in any shape to assist in the nights operations.

While the effects of whatever ailment she had been suffering from had lessened over the days—to the point she had been released from her shackles—she was never quite there. Often she would spend night curled up in a ball hugging her stomach as an agonizing urge coursed through her body, a desire unspent clawing its way out of her body.

Every morning someone would go to check on her and pass along her breakfast, lunch or dinner there was always this unnerving aura exuding from Chelsea's eyes as she stared at them. Well, everyone except Lubbock who she just blankly stared at like a dead fish.

A fact that didn't bother him as much nowadays, strangely enough.

"They've certainly got their work cut out for them," Mine said, her hair whipping behind her from the sky manta's speed as it flew through the sky. Staring down at the army of soldiers surrounding the cathedral. Seeing Najenda and the others clambering up a rope onto the first of the cathedrals walls about to jump down and go on a bloody war with the Bolic's soldiers.

Najenda now sporting a sleeker, more advanced looking arm more in line with her other, non-mechanical one. The flexibility of which and ease of use had quickly improved upon Najenda's previously waning strength, even if it wasn't as perfect as a real flesh and bone arm.

"Do you see any of the Jaegers?" Akame asked from the side lines.

"No, just grunts. They're probably inside waiting for us anyways." She said scanning through the courtyards and cathedral. "Wait…" she muttered spotting something atop one of the rooftops. A man with his hands raised, pointed to the sun and a black haired girl with… dog ears?

Adjusting Pumpkins scope, Mine zoomed in closer iuntil she could see the face of the man. "Parc?" she mumbled in surprise moving the scope to focus on the girl besides him. "Hey… Akame," Mine said getting the girls attention.

"Yes?" Akame paused her inspection of Murasame to look to the pink haired sprite.

"Why does your sister have dog ears?"

Akame's eyes widened in confusion, head tilting, "my sister has what?"


"Esdeath's taking her sweet damn time," Najenda grumbled kicking one of the knocked out guard who'd ogled her body for a minute to long as they fought.

"Maybe she ran away…" Sheele said rapidly opening and closing extasy to flick the blood off. While it wasn't a perfect cleaning it was enough to get rid of the more persistent human meat chunks that may hinder its abilities.

"Yeah-no, she's here, I can smell her." Leone added, sweat running down her cheek feeling the oppressive aura just emanating from the building before them. "She's ready for us."

Najenda tapped her foot against the ground, hearing Susanoo mention that Akame and the others assault would be starting soon. Only problem being they hadn't been able to lure Esdeath nor one of the Jaegers from the Cathedral. 'What is going on?' Najenda chewed on the tip of her thumb, she had expected to at least have to deal with one of the Jaegers, yet none decided to show themselves. Not a single one of the five appeared before them. 'Are they laying a trap?' she thought turning her eyes to the sky to see the large underbelly of the sky manta high above the cathedral still a good thirty minutes away.

'They can't deal with them all,' making her decision she barked, "Change of plans! We're going in, they won't be able to deal with six teigu users on their own. Susanoo, is the trump card ready?"

"Say the word and it will activate," the human shaped teigu responded in kind.

"Good, we're going in."


Parc crossed his legs as he watched one of Bolic's guards rush into the hall only to have his body severed into several bloody chunks by his favourite scissor wielding assassin. Who came to a stop when she saw the six jaegers, including Esdeath all huddled around the room their teigu's at the ready.

"I… don't think I should be here…" she mumbled nervously backing out of the room only to collide with the chiselled chest of Susanoo who had been following behind her alongside Najenda and Leone who burst into the room not a second later. Both taking up combat ready poses. Leone taking on her activated form of frizzy blonde hair, cat paws, ears and a tail.

Parc naturally finding curiosity in the new silver contraption taking on the form of Najenda's arm. It was much sleeker, almost resembling that of Seryu's in design if not a little more rough around the edges looking very much like a reproduction based off of Seryu's instead of a direct copy like Parc knew it was.

"Huh," Najenda exclaimed at the sight of the Jaegers, "I was at least expecting a few of you to have been going out to deal with the others…" she mumbled. Soon finding her attention drawn to Parc who gave her a light wave of his hand and a 'yo' and the panicking Bolic encased in a capsule of ice behind him and Esdeath.

"Uh, boss. What do we do? They're a little much for us." Leone whispered.

"Distract them. Akame and the others should be here soon," Najenda returned her whisper clenching her new fist into a tight ball.

As if the stars had aligned, the glass ceiling above burst apart and three figures landed within the room. All three coming to stan in between Najenda's group and Esdeath's group. Pumpkin raised up ready to fire and Murasame poised for an attack while Lubbock just flailed his fingers forming a thread spear in his hand.

As they stood there, Parc noticed Akame's gaze fall onto him, then Kurome, then back onto him but much more annoyed from what he could tell from her cold, almost Esdeath cold eyes glaring at him.

"Before you jump to conclusions, the ears were her choice. Let's make that absolutely clear. I had no part in them." Parc said, "even if they are really cute and fit her perfectly," besides him Kurome beamed and wiggled at his calling her 'cute.'

"The collar on the other hand, was his idea. Isn't that right, darling," Esdeath turned to him with a cocky, vengeful smirk.

"Now is not the time Esdeath. Trained assassins in the building," Parc indicated to the wide eyed assassins, each confused as to why they weren't being assaulted without question.

"It is a simple tease darling, nothing to get so worked up about." She snorted facing Night Raid.

"Where is this coming from!?" Parc barked, getting a slight halt from Esdeath who rose a hand to her chin and hummed, just as perplexed where this sudden urge to 'tease' had come from.

"How unusual, I do not usually enjoy teasing others. Too little bloodshed. Curious."

"Uhh, what's going on?" Leone was finally the one to burst the bubble between the two groups.

"One thing at a time Leone. Let's first make sure Akame doesn't gut me."

"I'd kill her if she did." Kurome added her own two cents getting a small flinch from Parc at the now rising tension she just formulated with her hand coming to rest on Yatsufusa's hilt.

Najenda, having watched the relatively calm if not tense Jaegers softened her stance. Striding towards Lubbock, Mine and Akame, placing her new appendage atop Akame's shoulder, drawing the girls head back to see her give a small nod. Getting Akame and by proxy, Mine to soften her own posture.

"I'm guessing you want to talk?" Najenda asked stepping before the Night Raiders taking the lead of the group while keeping enough distance from Esdeath that she might be able to react in time for any attack.

"Indeed," Esdeath nodded resting a hand atop her rapiers hilt, "but I believe darling should be the one to explain just what it is that is going on."

Parc hopped up from his seat at the staircase, lightly jogging to Esdeath's side with a hand on his hip and a Kurome at his side. "Right, so, long story short, During my time imprisoned with Esdeath I have somehow come to an agreement that she and the Jaegers will assist us in overthrowing the Empire."

Mouths hung, jaws gaped. Sheele's head tilted curiously. None bar Susanoo and a few others moving in reaction to his words.

"I think he broke them," Wave muttered to Run.

"I believe so."

And just like that, Parc had discovered he himself held the ability to freeze people in place, albeit, not with ice but it seemed as effective as ice was.

"I'm sorry. I think I'm going to need a little more explanation than that." Najenda's mind churned for answers while simultaneously trying to keep her cool as the leader to her crew.



I am realizing now that I am struggling with writing this ending to the first volume and it is going at a snails pace right now and they are not coming out as good as I would like them.

I've also been procrastinating real bad the last few days barely getting my daily chapter quota done on time. I am unsure if this is due to burnout so I may take a few days to just calm myself and revitalize my writing self.

Also, with the upcoming RWBY world, expect many if not most of the girls to be one shots scenes bar the main cast and several others. This will likely be how things go for the forseable future worlds.

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