The Castle in the middle of nowhere.

50. Lanka Goldentail

I sat in my office, comparing notes and reports from yesterday's gatehouse incident. Sebastian was sure that Irene's purification spell was used too late for those people, but also that their transformation had yet to be fully completed. I could agree with that theory, especially considering the convenient, awfully close days of darkness. It felt right that the Chaos Spawn would make such an event an important part of this entire conversion or transformation process. I froze the body of the winter beast I had killed since it refused to crumble into dust. I would keep it for future studies when I properly developed the science of bio-engineering. It must be properly studied, but I would not allow any person to touch it. Only my denizens would perform an autopsy and other tests. It was better to be safe than sorry.

Knowledge is power... And I didn’t know enough about my enemies...


Lanka finished her patient observation report and combed her now much longer hair. She slowly exhaled. The three people saved by Scion Sebastian were afraid at first, and she couldn't blame them after what they had been through. When they saw their isolation rooms, they reacted in the same way that Gloria did. Lanka smiled and tapped her finger on the table, rolling her incredible fountain pen over the clean sheet of paper with her other hand. She once more read the report she had prepared and nodded with satisfaction. After a while, she stood up and gave the paper with the report on it to one of her maids.

"Take this to Queen Irene."

"Yes, my Lady!" The maid obediently nodded and left with the report.

She thought it was only natural to feel confused in the Righteous Dungeon. Lanka straightened her dress and slowly walked out of her office. A little over three months ago, she was an outcast and had no one. Her life had been focused on gathering and scraping enough together to live another day for as long as she could remember. Every single day could have been her last- being an adventurer was dangerous and rarely paid off well enough. But she had reliable companions now and the feeling of being needed, which gave her the strength to push forward. There was also Idna, her sister, who was too afraid to be an adventurer but worked as hard as possible as a janitor or waitress- wherever her help was needed. Lanka walked through the richly decorated corridor of her mansion with her mind already affected by the World's Words. Now...

Now, she was a noble of Avalon, and her life was full of luxury she had never thought possible. Never again would she be hungry, never again would she be afraid of what the next day would bring. Yes, she might be in danger one day; she might face inconveniences or other dangers she doesn't yet know. But right now, she was the most powerful priestess she knew of because Queen Irene was no longer a simple priestess. Lanka was no longer a simple Person of the World but a Resident of the Righteous Dungeon. In his service, Lanka's life would never be boring, and she would carry out his will for whatever he asked of her. However... She shook her head and sighed when she entered the wardrobe. This particular wish made her very anxious...

She picked a dress and armour for her first meeting with The Flower Girls.


The Flower Girls sat in Dahlia's living room after they had prepared a small welcome party. They knew Lanka already because she had been training with Stella and the Queens, which had made them jealous. However, she was a resident, and by decree of King Theon himself, she was to join them as their dedicated healer, so the girls eased up.

"What should we do, exactly?" Iris asked, breaking the silence that had started to become uncomfortable.

"I don't know..." Rose sighed.

"I think we should just talk with each other..." Lilly said with a thoughtful facial expression.

"Exactly! We are a party now. We should learn more about each other! Now is the perfect occasion." Dahlia waved her hands excitedly and looked at her friends with a grin. "It's a girl talk tea party!"

A very gentle knocking at the doors made Dahlia run there with a happy face. "I'm coming!"

Iris, Rose, and Lilly looked at each other with nervous smiles. Their true life had just recently started, and they had actively avoided girl talk. They had spent their lives as slaves, and it was only recently that King Theon had given them freedom and dignity alongside their names and a new purpose in life. However, there was no one to teach them... girl talk. Dahlia quickly returned with Lanka. She wore a simple dress similar to the ones they were wearing, appearing as anxious as they were.

"Hello, my name is Lanka. Lanka Goldentail," she nervously introduced herself.


Luna stood alone in the war room, studying the map. After she had unlocked her newest racial skill, she was able to see the lay-lines of the world, and what she saw terrified her. She now believed that it was not a coincidence that Theon was dropped right here by Eriar. This particular place was one of the biggest, if not the biggest, lay-line junctions, also known as Gates in this part of the world. Here was the Gate of Dragon, which normally should have been brimming with power, but it was almost dry. The world was dying...

"Luna? Did you want to see me?" Irene's voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Yes, Irene. Do you know about lay-lines?" She decided it was time to be as direct as possible.

"I heard about them..." Irene nodded slowly as if she recalled something she had learnt a very long time ago. "They were the mana lines of the world, right?"

"They are, Irene. Yes, thanks to them, we can all use mana. I can see them now; something is disturbing their mana flow." Luna pointed right at the Palace on the map. "Somewhere here is something that does not belong to Theon. Something that is quenching or closing the mana gate of the world. My skill, the Wise One, told me that you, Irene, are capable of restoring mana flow. Can you really do it?"

"What? I..." Irene wanted to laugh at the idea but suddenly had a flashback.

The world around her darkened, and she heard that powerful voice one more. "You will be our Living Saint, Irene va'Theon. You will one day wield the power to banish all evil and bring this world back to the light..." She pursed her lips and clenched her fists. She desperately tried to recall more, but she could not do so.

"I think I can, Luna." Irene's eyes shone mysteriously.

"Good. I wanted to talk with you before I tell Theon about it." Luna smiled a bit and nervously exhaled. "It's bad, Irene..."


I entered the war room since Luna and Irene wanted to discuss something, only to see a commotion worthy of minor battle preparations. Sebastian argued with Galahad about something, while Luna and Irene argued with Stella. The best part was that no one noticed me when I sat on my throne and studied their plans.

"So what exactly do you want to do?" I asked after briefly reading the extensive article, which looked like it was about the world’s lay-lines written by Luna.

"We want to restore the Gate of Dragon, Theon." Luna almost managed to hide her surprise at my presence.

"Okay..." I nodded with an unreadable facial expression. "How exactly?"

"By using a Miracle, Theon!" Irene stated without a doubt.

"Okay..." I nodded, once more putting my hands together on the table. "But how exactly?"

"We just try to use a Miracle and restore..." Irene stopped when she heard my sigh.

"Honey... I’m not questioning if you can restore it or not." I smiled faintly, making both of them relax a bit. "But judging from the sheer size of the entourage you gathered here, I assume this Gate of Dragon is in some remote place. While I do not oppose your trying- after all, I was sent here to fix the world, and I think the world's lay-lines should be on my list- I want to know where you want to travel to exactly. While I would gladly allow you to go wherever you want, I simply won't! It's dangerous out there, and I can’t give you the entire Legion right now as I would any other time you would put a foot outside Avalon! Not before I resolve what's coming for us in the spring!"

I yelled at the end of my speech. I would not risk their lives...

"We know, Darling, we know you won't allow us to go anywhere without proper protection." Irene and Luna smiled widely at me, properly reading the reason for my irritation. "But this time, we won't go far. I promise! You can even go with us."

"What?" I asked, feeling dumb now.

"We will go to the basement," Irene told me with a smirk, and I even got to look stupid as well.

"The Gate and whatever is disturbing it is here, under the Palace," Luna added with a victorious smile.

"Hold on. What do you mean by 'whatever is disturbing it,' Luna?"

"I mean that the Gate is being artificially disrupted, and whatever is doing that is right here, under the Palace." Luna pointed at the floor.

I rubbed my chin and hummed. I saw that Galahad and Stella were a bit angry, but Sebastian nodded in satisfaction. I was about to ask why when the doors opened, and Thor entered the room accompanied by a Shadow Fenrir. Thor nodded to me and looked at Irene.

"Queen Luna is correct, my Lady," Thor said with another nod. "There truly is something hidden in the darkness over there. If not for the Shadow Fenrir, even I would not find it."

The silence that fell in the room after the Fenrirs's brief statement was absolute. Luna, Irene, and Sebastian smirked, while Galahad and Stella looked defeated. The fenrir was stoic and devoid of any expression, well almost- he wanted to deal with the problem at hand, or paw, immediately. I stood up.

"Let's go then..."


The summoning from the Palace was unexpected, and The Flower Girls left quickly after equipping their best battle gear. Lanka looked with awe at her new friends' insanely powerful gear and was simply jealous. She couldn't imagine where they could find such exceptional equipment, but she certainly would ask them about it as soon as possible. When they reached the Palace door, Rin was already waiting for them.

"Welcome, my Lady, Misses, we are expected in the basement." She welcomed them and led the way.

"You have a Maid?" Iris whispered into Lanka's ear.

"It's a long story... She is my familiar." Lanka shrugged with a soft smile.

The rest of the Flower Girls squad looked at her with strange gazes, and Lanka, only after a couple of seconds, noticed she was walking alone. With a few shrugs, Iris, Rose, Lilly, and Dahlia caught up with her right before she walked down the stairs. They had never been in this part of the palace before, so they looked around with curiosity, but honestly, it was nothing exciting. It was filled with things you would expect in a basement. The King, the Queens, and most of the combat scions were already there discussing something with a Shadow Fenrir and Marie.

"Lady Lanka, please follow me." Lanka was tugged into the adjacent room by Wendy. The 'please follow me' part was absolutely useless in this case.

The doors closed behind Rin, and Lanka looked around without much understanding. However, she knew Wendy and...

"Take off this garbage." Wendy threw the words casually over her shoulder while she prepared something Lanka couldn't see.

"Excuse me?" Lanka managed to ask in shock.

"Take off that rubbish equipment! Allow me to quote Queen Irene: 'Wendy, take care of Lanka's battle gear. We don't have time to prepare her a custom robe, but I trust you can make something for her in the time we have.' So I will try to gear you well enough!" Wendy turned towards her with an ominous facial expression. "Girl... Why have you never found the time to come to my shop and secure proper battle gear for yourself?"

"I... iiik!" Lanka squealed when Rin stripped her naked and threw away her best armour.

Without delay, Wendy approached her with a measuring tape and some sort of pre-made robe. Lanka stood there all red and embarrassed, but after a while, she couldn't hide her excitement. After all, Wendy was a Master Seamstress, and her dresses were the most desired items among the women in Everlight. Wendy gave her a new set of lingerie, incredible and soft, and she put it on with unhidden pleasure. After patiently waiting a few seconds, Lanka went to put on additional needed undergarments, but Wendy suddenly buried her under a pile of incredibly soft material.

"Tsk..." The sound of scissors cutting the material heralded Lanka's return to the light.

Wendy was moving so fast her hands were blurred, and she left an after-image in her wake. That was surreal to watch. She had previously seen some rogues from the Guild who thought they were fast, but compared to Wendy, they were snails. Lanka heard the door open, and someone went inside. A friendly and soft voice introduced herself.

"Hello, Lady Lanka. My name is Ruby, and I have brought you some proper combat gear. The only good gear you had was your Book." Lanka sighed. Her gear was one of the better, if not the best, among the people of Everlight. She knew how bad her gear was compared to the gear of The Flower Girls, but that statement was just harsh. Lanka had worked hard for every piece of her equipment, and she would defend it....

Whoa... That magnificent staff made from polished stainless steel with silver and gold embroidery with the incredible but unfinished head was breathtaking—along with the hair accessories, rings, earrings, everything. Lanka swallowed audibly, looking at all the equipment Ruby brought, deciding to rethink her life choices.

"Can you hold this? Nope..." Ruby put a large gemstone in her hand but took it away with a sour expression and put another, a blue one this time. "Maybe this one? Yes! Excellent. Thank you..."

She took it away as well and quickly moved to the side, outside of Lanka's field of view. In the meantime, Rin undressed her for the second time, and Wendy once again put something on her. Wendy looked at her with squinted eyes and made a few circles around her. Lanka did not even dare to take a breath. Wendy nodded with acceptance, and once again, her movements blurred.

"Done!" Wendy declared, and Rin brought a big, full-size mirror so Lanka could look at herself.

She looked at herself with a dropped jaw in the mirror's reflection because the robe she wore was absolutely stunning. It not only fit her slim body perfectly but was also extremely beautiful. Every single move she made was fluid and unhindered as if Lanka was in a second skin. The material pleasantly flowed over her body and was so soft that she immediately forgot about her old, cumbersome gear.

"It's not the best, Lady Lanka, but we do not have time for better work. However, King Theon ordered that you will obtain proper battle gear after this mission. That's why I expect you back as fast as possible, young Lady!" Wendy pointed her finger at her, and Lanka just swallowed nervously, looking at the World Words.

Item grade: very rare

Spidersilk robe is thought to be the peak of a seamstress's proficiency in creating robes for magic users. This robe set was made by Master Seamstress Wendy and is outfitted with additional effects.

Physical Defence +10%

Magic Defence +5%

Casting Time -5%

Dark Magic Resist Chance 5%

Estimated price: over 100000 gold pieces.

This was not her best? Lanka thought with a pale face, looking at the estimated price of her new robe set as Ruby returned, holding the same staff as before. It was finished now, with a stunning blue gemstone affixed to its head.

"Fortunately, Ragnar has already finished a new staff for you. I just had to attune the proper gemstone for you." She put the staff in Lanka's hands. "Ragnar and Verni worked for the last two weeks to build it. It wasn't exactly made for you, but for Queen Irene. After initial tests, however, it turned out this staff was still too weak to withstand her magic power."

It was impossibly light, and when Lanka closed her grip over it, she felt her power magnified. Almost fearfully, she looked at the World's Words once more.

Item grade: Unique, Legendary

Hope is a one-of-a-kind Sapphire Staff, made by the joined effort of Maestro, Master Artificer, and Master Gold Shaper. It's made to amplify benevolent magic and holy magic to their limits.

Magic Damage +15%

Holy Magic Amplification +100%

Healing Amplification +50%

This item can be only gifted in good faith.

Mana storage item.


"By Eriar..." Lanka uttered in awe while looking at the staff that brimmed with power. It was no wonder why she was shocked. It was completely filled with mana, unlike her book, which merely was at 3000 mana. "I... I can't..."

"Mhm... Tell that to Queen Irene." Ruby shrugged while she gave her a brand new ring of holding, with a capacity five times larger than her previous one.

Lanka just gasped when she was given a runic hair clip that could generate an incredible barrier using just a fraction of mana that she would have to spend on a spell barrier of the same potency. The necklace depicting Caduceus, the symbol of healers brought to this world by the summoned heroes, shined with a green light when it tasted her mana. It was yet another mana storage item that amplified her healing powers. Lanka was way too shocked to comment on this. But...

"We should go, my Lady!" Rin urged her to return to the other Flower Girls. Lanka uttered her thanks to Wendy and Ruby, still astonished by these gifts.

...But it was frightening. King Theon- the Righteous Dungeon, had told them he wanted to save this world. But right now, when she held in her hands a power that probably dwarfed the power of heroes from legends, she trembled, imagining what powers he wielded himself...

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