The Castle in the middle of nowhere.

49. Sebastian returns.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold your horses!" I was trying to make sense of what Amber and Irene had just tried to explain to me. "What do you mean by the days of darkness are coming?"

Luna stared at them, opening and closing her eyes rapidly. She had finally gained more confidence when she levelled up and unlocked more of her unique racial skills. She had even started obtaining the Sage class entirely on her own. To boost her, I came up with a simple exploit we had been doing since she was level 8. I just lent her my Angel Feather, and she returned it whenever I was about to level up. I needed it only for additional skill points anyway, and since I was level 90, leveling took a lot of time. It was an older tactic, but it checked out, as any gamer veteran would tell you. Anyway... Luna had unlocked the first stage of becoming a Sage, acquiring a unique skill called The Wise One. It allowed her to obtain an answer to the one question she asked of this skill daily. She was still learning how to formulate a question in the best way possible to receive the most detailed answers.

"It's nothing particularly unnatural, Theon." Luna started explaining with her eyes still closed. "It's a phenomenon similar to the polar nights you may remember from your old world."

"Are we that far to the north? Or south? But the flora doesn't match the climate..." I fidgeted on a chair, looking outside the window. Yes... The distant forests were made up of leafy trees of temperate climate, not evergreen pine trees of the tundra.

"No, we are not. It's a similar phenomenon, not the same..." She smiled and looked at me. "It's not exactly explained outside of vague signs pointing to dark magic."

"Mhm...*sigh* I guess." I rubbed my eyes. "Anything in particular we should expect during this time? Mysterious thefts of right-footed socks? Unexplained disappearances of alcohol? Winter beast attacks on fortified cities?"

"I got nothing more from the skill today." Luna rolled her eyes and smiled at me.

"Girls?" I looked at Amber and Irene.

"Sorry, Theon." Amber shrugged.

"Hmm... I heard rumours that some people have gone missing during days of darkness, but I can neither confirm nor deny it." Irene fixed herself in her chair, allowing the maid to refill her teacup. "I think there might be something to these rumours. Often, you can feel this overwhelming sense of dread during the days of darkness..."

Irene looked at Amber, who nodded in agreement. "Now that you mention it, I have also heard rumours that the winter beasts are responsible for people disappearing."

"Mhm... And how long does this last?"

"Usually about one week." Luna shrugged and took a second helping of scrambled eggs for herself. "I have never experienced the days of darkness, and I can only be thankful. How you describe them is nothing pleasant."

"Aargh..." I growled and sighed with resignation. "Ok, fine. There’s nothing we can do about it, I guess. In about an hour, Sebastian will return with the people he rescued. I want to ask you, Irene, for help."


I was wondering exactly how I wanted to handle this. I was not exactly thrilled with exposing Irene or Lanka to any danger. Maybe I was paranoid, but I didn't want to take any risks. However, I already had a solution available for this particular problem. That's why we were now in the special room over the gatehouse, and both women looked around with curiosity.

"I had no idea, my Lord, that gatehouses have such a room." Lanka looked carefully at her feet. "But why are there holes in the floor?"

"These are murder holes," I replied, briefly thinking that explained everything without watching her as I observed the road to the castle.

"Murder holes?" The shock in her voice finally made me look towards her.

"Yes. During a siege, if the enemy manages to breach the Castle Gate, they will be stuck on the series of inner portcullises. While trying to breach them, they will be constantly harassed by the archers and mages who will use these murder holes to kill our enemies."

Lanka looked at Irene, who just shrugged. Irene accepted most of the unusual solutions I employed in various parts of Avalon without comment. Lanka was still learning the difference between Avalon and everything else she knew. The room was big- it covered the entire floor over the passageway, with small storage rooms on the sides full of arrows and spare bows. Over it was another floor with grandeur guest rooms. It was better to keep official delegations in guarded gatehouses like it was done back on Earth.

"What about these pipes?" Lanka's curiosity was unquenched. She pointed to the complicated system of pipes that lead to the nozzles below and a few large tanks near the walls.

"Water." I shrugged, but seeing her expression, I smiled and explained properly. "It's used to put down any fire caused by the attackers. Eventually, it can be boiled using a runic system and poured on the enemies as well."

"That's...pretty gruesome, my Lord," she said, but I saw a satisfied smirk on her face.

I looked outside just in time to see Sebastian approaching Avalon. I nodded with satisfaction and turned towards Irene.

"Sebastian is approaching with the people he rescued. As I told you before, two of them show symptoms of some sort of infection. I do not want to risk something contagious spreading over Avalon, so when they pass under us, just cast purification, heal, or whatever to clear and heal them," I once more explained the idea, earning their tired smiles. "Hmmm... Can I ask you, Irene, to cast on them the most powerful curse dispel you have?"

"Yes, I can do that..." She blinked, surprised. "But why?"

"Zephyr warned me that the winter beasts are Chaos Spawns. During a skirmish in Gorn, my legionnaires were attacked by some dark magic. Let's just say that after the Lich and his dark magic and remembering the amount of curses he employed, I decided it is better to be safe than sorry."

"All right." Irene nodded.

Soon after our exchange, Sebastian, who led the cohort, entered the gatehouse and stopped. He used this occasion as an excuse to disembark the wagon that had transported the people he rescued. Sebastian's muffled voice echoed in the passage- he seemed to be explaining to them that they would be healed soon. Lanka opened her magic book while Irene just focused and raised her hand, forming large magic circles. It was, as always, a sight to behold: her black hair changed colour to gold, and she shimmered with each move as if she was covered in gold glitter. A halo manifested over her head as she gathered her powers to cast, and she started shining with golden flames.

Golden light encompassed Lanka as well, who started forming her own magic circles. When she finished, she raised her hand as well and started chanting a spell.

"By the Fire and by the Air,

I shall call the might of the flame,

May it bring hope again,

May it burn the wounds away.

By the Water and by the Earth

I shall call the spring of health,

May it bring hope again,

May it cleanse their souls of pain.

By the Light that dwells in the sun,

I beg you, pierce the Dark of night,

May it shine upon them all,

May it restore and heal them all!


I looked at her, genuinely surprised. This was the first time I ever heard a legitimate magic chant in this world. I must say I was a big fan.

"Mass Dispelling Purification!" A gold flash briefly engulfed the entire gatehouse.

Irene used the same spell that had purified Katia's body from the Lich's curse. I shook my head in disbelief- the mass version was even more mana-draining, but she had managed to cast it without batting an eye. But I had no time to admire this actual piece of so-very-real-now fantasy because an ear-piercing scream turned into a monstrous growl under us. The Wolfkin woman and Elf man started attacking the legionnaires who were standing close to them. With a quick thought, I equipped my battle gear and looked below.

Both of the strangely behaving rescued people had started changing. With painful roars and screams of agony that echoed in the now cut-off gatehouse, they flailed their hands at my soldiers. The steel portcullises were dropped immediately, trapping everyone inside the passageway. They, however, had not paid attention to their surroundings. Their clothes were soaked with blood, and the skin on their faces started to break. With every hit and move, they became taller and more massive. Their skin ripped, but instead of flesh and bones, blood-stained white fur had broken free.

I didn't wait any longer. With a blink, I disappeared from the room, summoning two short and wide-bladed scimitars. I reappeared just above the closest monster, and utilising the full potential of my monstrous strength, I tried to cleave my weapons across its back. But I grossly underestimated my own strength. The blades shattered into pieces, barely scathing the still transforming monsters. Thankfully, the steel splinters bit deeply into its flesh, and blood started flowing. But I had already blinked away, tossing out the useless handles of the broken scimitars. Stupid mistake: I rarely used my full strength, and honestly, I should have trained more to have the proper reflexes.

I called upon my mana and activated Mana Infusion, a skill that fortified any weapons I wielded to be able to withstand my strength. My scimitars started glowing with dim, cold blue light. The monster I had wounded finally registered my presence and rushed towards me. With a cold smile on my face, I raised my swords.

"Oblivion." Irene's voice, barely heard in the commotion, heralded her spell.

A bright golden ray pierced the second monster like a lance, annihilating it without a trace. I loved it. This girl kept her calm even in situations like this, just calmly saying her spells. Without further delay, I rushed towards the beast, and with a series of blinks and dashes, I cut and slashed the chaos spawn without any mercy. I created a series of magic rings that simulated portals around the monster, and using my Blink, I delivered my attacks. Now that my blades were in a protective field, nothing could break them. In rapid succession, I delivered bone-shattering blows, cuts, and staggering thrusts that barely left a carcass behind. This particular monster was weak, and when I finished my attack, I was more than sure it was dead; no limb was still attached to the body. I glanced once more at the dismembered corpse to make sure it was not going to stand up somehow.

In silence, I walked towards the remaining three people. The Legionaries stood at parade attention, moving gracefully away from my path when I came close. I was fully focused on the trembling people, and I used my skills to identify them. They looked normal, but I didn't want to risk it.

"Did you know them?" I asked, pointing toward the corpse.

"No, my Lord," one of the women managed to reply as she bowed deeply, breaking into tears. "Please... Spare us, my Lord..."

"Don't worry," I said softly but with authority. "You will be held in a special isolation facility until we are certain you are safe. Right now, I don't think anything is threatening your life. During your isolation, try to remember all the events that led to your capture, imprisonment, and the time you spent in custody of the winter beasts. I want you to tell us everything, no matter how insignificant it may seem to you. Do you understand?"

The Wolfkin woman looked at me in disbelief. She had been certain I would order my soldiers to kill them or kill them myself. I saw a glimmer of hope in her eyes and a faint smile of relief on her face. Keeping them isolated and alive cost me nothing. I would see if they would change as well- if the rumours that Amber and Irene had told me about had anything to them, these three might change during days of darkness.

"Yes, my Lord! I understand. I will do everything you ordered!" She was nervous, but her relief was almost palpable.

I looked at the Elf and the second Wolfkin woman, seeing the same relief visible from their poses and facial expressions. Upon seeing my gaze, they bowed deeply to me and murmured their thanks.

"Sebastian, take them."

I stayed in the passageway, looking cautiously at the remains of the winter beast I killed. Normally, it took about half an hour for monsters with a high level to crumble into dust. But this one was maybe level 10- nothing special compared to my level 90. I waited patiently, and in the meantime, Irene and Lanka joined, waiting in silence. We stood there for a dozen silent minutes.

"Theon..." I heard Irene's concerned voice, but I just raised my hand to silence her.

"It's not turning into dust, Irene," I stated calmly.

Irene nervously grabbed my hand, and Lanka went closer but dared not to move further than where I was standing. They were curious but afraid of the winter beast and were not keen to check if whatever had transformed those two was contagious. As a Dungeon, I was immune to such things... probably.

"What does that mean?" Irene looked at the dark blood that had created a pool near the corpse.

"*sigh* It means that we know something."

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