The blood of the Anti-Japanese War stained the mountains and rivers

Page 69

The routs continued to retreat after eating the yams and resting for a while. The routs left. The gunshots from the east gradually weakened, and the guns started to fire again from the north. Jiangqiao seemed to be forgotten. Same, dead silence.

But Yang Ling didn't think that the devils would give up their place. After all, it was close to the Beijing-Shanghai Railway, so the devils would definitely come. It was a matter of time.

The machine guns exchanged for sweet potatoes were placed in a house on the left side of South Street. Their original machine guns were placed in a house on the right side of the street, which could be used for crossfire. In the middle of the street were a few sandbags and various bricks and stones Stacked bunker trenches.

The machine guns were not arranged in the center of the position because they were easily knocked off by the devil's grenadier, but they were arranged together to overlap the range of fire, which restricted the firepower, and the two houses arranged on the side could form an angled fan, the largest possible Provide fire support to infantry.

There were also a few trenches dug outside the street, but they were several hundred meters away from the machine gun positions on both sides of the rear, and they could not get fire support. For the people in the two classes, the early warning effect is greater than the actual effect.

Text 1 Chapter [-] Fire Power Exploration

ps: Thanks to book friends Xiao Yue-Fengchen and Sima Xiaojie for their great rewards, and also to the rest of the book friends for their encouragement and support, Xiaobai hereby thanks.

Fighting has already started in the north, with rumbling gunfire mixed with intensive rifle fire. Although it is far away, it can be heard just from the sound of gunfire that the fighting was fierce.

Liu Ming, deputy deputy of Supplementary Tuantuan, was very nervous, and the fingers holding half of the cigarette couldn't help shaking slightly. The shaken ash landed on the dirty trousers, and then slid down to the dark ground.

He was originally just a battalion deputy, but after all the senior officers were fired, he was promoted to be a regimental deputy. The higher-ups may have been too busy or had completely forgotten about it, and never sent a commander to their supplementary regiment.

Without the head of the regiment, Liu Ming, the deputy of the regiment, is the highest officer of the supplementary regiment. At first, he hoped that the division would never send the head of the regiment. After all, without the head of the regiment, he can do whatever he wants and be at ease , as long as there is credit, it is his.

But as the devils got closer and closer, Liu Ming felt empty and flustered. Instead, he hoped that the division headquarters would quickly send a regiment commander to command the battle, and desperately hoped to find a backbone. People are like this, a combination of contradictions.

From time to time, Liu Ming raised his head and looked towards the rumbling east and north. Several hours passed, and the people he sent to the division headquarters never returned. The wish of the head of the regiment to command the battle also fell through.

The burning ash of the cigarette caught in his finger burned his finger like a needle. He hurriedly let go, and the cigarette butt mixed with ashes fell to the ground. He stretched out his foot to extinguish it.

Taking a deep breath, he stretched out his hand and loosened the belt around his waist, letting himself relax as much as possible. His wish to ask the division headquarters to send a regimental commander was defeated, and now he, the regimental deputy, had to shoulder the burden of guarding Jiangqiao. Task, thinking of this, he felt heavy on his shoulders.

"Pass my order to the four company commanders. The devil is coming soon. Without my order, you are not allowed to retreat. If anyone dares to retreat, don't blame the gun in my hand for not recognizing people—"

Although he knew that it was difficult for the four improvised companies to defend Jiangqiao without weapons and ammunition, but Liu Ming was not willing to withdraw in such a disheveled manner and be dismissed and investigated by the superiors or directly shot. He was going to fight once. .

After a reply, the communications soldier ran out of the temporary regiment headquarters, and then disappeared into the dark night.

Now Liu Ming can only pray that the four improvised companies under his command can persist for a while longer, even if they persist until dawn or the order to retreat arrives.

"Company Commander Li, the order of the regimental deputy..." The signal soldier jumped into the trench of the third company out of breath, and repeated the order of the regimental deputy Liu Ming.

Li Tiezhu, the commander of the third company, stretched out his hand and pushed the British helmet on his head: "Go back and tell the regimental deputy that our third company is a man who is not afraid of death. Even if everyone dies, the position will not be lost."

The communications soldier heard the decisiveness in Li Tiezhu's tone, nodded and turned out of the trench again, heading straight to Erlian Yangling.

Yang Ling is not as brave and passionate as Li Tiezhu, the commander of the third company. He just wants to get out of the battlefield alive, so he didn't say that he was in the battlefield. The trenches may not be able to be defended, if it is really impossible, our second company will retreat into the town to fight street fighting, and it is recommended that other companies also prepare for street fighting."

"I will report the truth to the regimental deputy." After saying a word, the communications soldier hurriedly disappeared into the darkness.

Yang Ling did have his own considerations. Outside the town were dark cotton fields and criss-crossing water nets, which were unobstructed. The fortifications they built outside were the best live targets. The devils only needed grenades from grenades. Then a charge can be won. If you want to defend Jiangqiao, you can only put the devils into the town to fight.

Although the town was bombed by the Devils' aircraft, there are many houses, which are easy to hide and have room for maneuver. As long as the Devils enter the town, their firepower advantage will be limited, which is easier for the defenders to defend.

The battle first started in the north of the town, which was the position of Company Commander Qin Feng. There was a sudden burst of crackling gunfire, mixed with the explosion of grenadiers. Judging from the gunshots, there were not many devils. Just the vanguard.

Gunshots rang out from the north, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense. Yang Ling, who was guarding the South Street, even the soldiers pulled the bolts of their guns, held their breath, and aimed their guns at the dark open area. The soldiers could hear each other's heavy breathing.

After the gunshots from the north, the gunshots from the east also rang out. The devil soldiers had already started sporadic tentative attacks on Jiangqiao Town, but it was too dark to see anything, so the devils could only be judged from the gunshots. Probably troops.

Sporadic gunshots rang out from around Jiangqiao Town, mixed with Czech-style counter-fire from the defenders. Only the south of Yang Ling and the others remained quiet.

"Company commander, the devils probably won't come from our side, right?" Old Wang waited for a long time but didn't see the devils calling, but there was a lot of fights around, and he murmured in his heart.

Yang Ling lay down in the trench and shook his head: "The devils are probing with firepower, maybe the one attacking our side has already arrived under our noses."

He patted Old Wang's head on the shoulder: "Go to the back and tell the machine gun squad not to fire when the first wave of devils attack, and don't expose the firepower."

The old Wang nodded and groped out of the trench, and went straight to the machine gun squad set up in the houses on both sides of the back to send orders.

Yang Ling took a deep breath, lying in the trench and facing the darkness, he gently pulled the bolt of the gun. The bullets were pushed into the barrel, and his calm gaze extended along the barrel of the rifle into the dark cotton field in front of him.

Explosions sounded one after another in the north, and the flashes of the explosions made the night sky flicker. Taking advantage of the flashes that disappeared, Yang Ling moved the muzzle of the gun to the left, aiming at the black shadow wriggling on the ground more than 100 meters away. .

The index finger bent and pulled the trigger. The orange-yellow pointed bullet standing on the starting line spun out from the muzzle with a crisp impact. There was a tail flame from the muzzle, and Yang Ling smelled it The smell of gunpowder.


The gunfire was dull in the dark night, and there was a scream in the darkness in the distance. It was too dark, and it should have only injured the devils who were crawling close. The counterattacks followed one after another, and the bullets kept passing by with the line of fire. Yang Ling's head was hit with smoke and dust flying around.

But when the gunshot rang out, Yang Ling felt at ease. At least he knew that the devil had arrived, so he didn't have to suffer in the silence.

The sudden sound of gunfire startled the soldiers lying in the trenches. They didn't expect that the devils had already got under their noses, and they fired back one after another.

The bullets whizzed back and forth, and the bullets turned into lines of fire flying in the dark night sky, bright and dazzling.

Yang Ling and the others had trenches and bunkers. The weeds and bamboos in front of the trenches were cleaned up by Yang Ling in advance. The devils had nowhere to hide. There were screams from time to time, and the fighting stopped within a few minutes.

"Stop!" Yang Ling yelled to stop the soldiers who were still pulling the bolts to shoot. He listened attentively to the devil's silence, and he probably retreated.

The old Wangtou groped into the trench from behind again, raised his gauze-wrapped arm and wanted to shoot two shots, but the devil suddenly retreated, he was puzzled: "Company commander, what does the devil mean? Why do you fire two shots and then retreat?" gone?"

"This is the devil's firepower test, and it's time for the real attack." Yang Ling's face was a little dignified, and he greeted the brothers of the two squads lying in the trench: "Quickly retreat to the back."

Body 1 Chapter [-] Fierce Battle at Jiangqiao ([-])

The devils followed the rout and arrived at Jiangqiao. There were not many troops, only a small unit of the 1st Division, and their main force went straight to Nanxiang Station in the north along the Beijing-Shanghai Railway. ?

Although only a small squad of devils arrived in Jiangqiao Town, they still had a strong firepower configuration. After testing the defenders' firepower, the lieutenant officer of this squad already had a preliminary understanding of the town's defenders. judge.

The number of defenders is small, only the size of a battalion, and the focus is placed on the north and east. The firepower in the south is very weak. Lieutenant Devil feels that with the strength of his current unit, he can completely eat up the defenders.

Lieutenant Guizi was very arrogant and arrogant. He didn't pay attention to the defenders at all, but they had the capital of arrogance, because they had been advancing, and the Chinese defenders had reached the end of their strength and were retreating steadily. It was only a matter of time before they won.

"Akita-kun, you lead people to attack the north." Lieutenant Guizi decided to attack immediately and take down the town in front of him before dawn.

"Hayi!" A ghost second lieutenant hung heavily.

"Tokugawa-kun, you lead people to attack the east."


The two devil second lieutenants took action immediately, leading dozens of devils to their respective targets.

Lieutenant Guizi led the remaining 40 or so devils to attack the weakest south, but Lieutenant Guizi did not send anyone to attack, but deliberately left a gap for the Chinese defenders to escape when they could not resist.

It's not that Lieutenant Guizi's conscience is now ready to let the defenders go, but that he doesn't want to surround the town to death and cause the defenders to fight back and cause them more casualties.

Counting from the day they landed on the 6th, they have repeatedly seen and seen bloody battles with the Chinese defenders on this battlefield for nearly three months. More than 30 veterans were killed in his unit, although soldiers were added soon. It is said that the new recruits who came in are still a little worse than those experienced veterans.

He intentionally left an opening in the west for the defenders to escape in order to weaken the defenders' confidence in resistance and force the defenders to flee, because pursuit is much easier than a tough battle, and the casualties are much smaller. This is what the Chinese call encirclement. Three que one.

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