The blood of the Anti-Japanese War stained the mountains and rivers

Page 68

Yang Ling caught three devils and spies, but it was a great achievement. Although the final credit will fall on Liu Ming, he has to thank Yang Ling, so he has a lot of enthusiasm for Yang Ling.

"Lieutenant Yang, I've already sent people to send the devils and spies to the division headquarters. The rewards should come down soon. By then, you will be the best. If you get promoted, don't forget me, brother, haha." Liu Ming gave Yang Ling poured a glass of water, handed it to Yang Ling, and joked.

Yang Ling smiled, but he really didn't take Liu Ming's compliment to heart, so he changed the subject directly: "Deputy Tuan, I'm not here because of devils and spies."

Liu Ming hesitated for a moment: "Oh? Then what kind of difficulties did Company Commander Yang encounter? Just tell me, I'm definitely able to help."

"The devils sent spies to our Jiangqiao town to investigate, which means that the devils have already set their sights on our place. If the front line cannot hold, our place may bear the brunt. After all, the Beijing-Shanghai line can be cut off from our place to the north..."

"Then what do you mean?"

"First, we should report the situation to the division headquarters to see if we can send some reinforcements to us. Secondly, we should act immediately to build fortifications."

Liu Ming was also quite frightened by Yang Ling's words, because the excitement of catching the devil's spies was like pouring cold water. If the devil really wanted to attack here, it was hard to say whether he would have a chance to live to receive the reward.

Liu Ming originally thought that guarding Jiangqiao would be an easy task. After all, this place is located at the rear of the battlefield, but now that the devil's spies have arrived, the attack should follow one after another. At this moment, he is crying in his heart, he is so unlucky Woolen cloth.

But without the order from above, he didn't dare to evacuate without authorization, so the only way was to stick to it, relying on the supplementary regiment to temporarily pull up these four or five hundred people to hold here, in a word, it was difficult.

But the only good thing now is that the devils haven't come yet. It's all their guesswork that the devils want to attack here. The front line is still fighting hard, and they still have time to prepare. Therefore, without hesitation, Liu Ming immediately ordered the four companies under his command to attack. While rushing to repair the fortifications, they sent people to the division headquarters to ask for reinforcements.

Yang Ling and the others still guarded the street to the south. According to Yang Ling's instructions, they built several barricades along the street. The bombed-out houses on both sides of the street were also used and piled with sandbags to form a stronghold for retreat.

The soldiers of the supplementary regiment hurriedly built the fortifications in Jiangqiao Town, sweating profusely every day, but after some hard work, the fortifications of Jiangqiao Town were basically formed. Shouldn't be a problem.

Because the old Wangtou was scratched on the arm by the devil spies, although he still hangs the life of the platoon leader, he actually resumed his old job and was responsible for managing the logistics and food of Yang Ling and his second company.

Under Old Wangtou's management, although they didn't get any supplies from the division headquarters, every meal was a big bowl of fish and meat per person, and they lived in style.

The big fish were caught by the old Wangtou and the cooking team in the Suzhou River in the south. They were all plump and huge, and they directly became the food for Yang Ling and the others. The rest of the companies followed suit, but they were hungry no.

It didn't take long for them to live in peace like this. On the 27th, the broken soldiers 66 who had withdrawn from the front line continued to retreat to the rear through the river bridge, and the air was once again shrouded in the smoke of war.

On the 28th, more and more rout troops were defeated and withdrawn. They retreated in groups. All the withdrawn troops were covered in ragged clothes and blood stains, and there were countless wounded. There were people crying along the way. The screams made the supplementary team guarding Jiangqiao panic.

Yang Ling sent someone to inquire about the battle situation at the front line, but he knew that the devils had already entered Dachang Town from the north and the east.

At the very beginning of the war, the troops in front suffered heavy losses and could no longer withstand them, so new troops were replaced. However, after three months of fighting, all the troops were destroyed and there were no new reinforcements. .

They stayed in the trenches outside Jiangqiao Town all day long, watching the retreat of large numbers of remnants of soldiers, and spent the whole day in tension.

The old Wangtou sent someone to deliver the dinner to the battlefield, the atmosphere was tense, the sound of the guns in front was getting closer and closer, and everyone's hearts were in their throats, so they still had time to eat.

In the evening, gunshots rang out from the north of Jiangqiao Town. Yang Ling thought the devils were coming from the north, so he hurriedly ordered to prepare for the battle, but the gunshots stopped after only a few shots.

Yang Ling sent someone to inquire about the situation, and the person who came back told Yang Ling: "There were two deserters in the company who wanted to escape, but they were shot by Deputy Liu Tuan."

Before the devil saw it, two of his own people died first, and all the people lying in the trenches were covered in a haze.

Body 1 Chapter [-]: Lost in the field

ps: Thanks to the book friends Erdayoufu, 16112o15o7151o5, and Tang Jiajiu for their rewards, and also to all the book friends who voted for recommendations and book reviews. Xiaobai is here to thank you for your support and encouragement.

The night became more intense, and the field of vision turned into a monotonous black, occasionally mixed with flashes of light from explosions, reflecting the soldiers holding rifles tightly in the trenches.

Although the soldiers had fought face to face with the devils, but when they thought of the ferocious faces of those devils, and the mountains of corpses and seas of blood on the battlefield, their hearts were involuntarily shrouded in tension.

Not afraid of death is a lie, no one wants to die, if possible, they can run far away, hide in the mountains and never come out, but they wear this skin, become soldiers and eat military rations, so they can't betray the country and the people .

Although I know that there is little hope of survival here, I still have to bite the bullet and stay here, because they are not unarmed civilians, but soldiers with guns.

The common people can drag their families and flee to a safe rear for their lives, but they cannot be soldiers. They have to stand here. If they also escape, they will really be subjugated slaves.

"Bodhisattva bless... bless..." Some people knelt in the trenches and prayed devoutly with their palms folded, while others were holding half a cigarette between their faces expressionlessly, smoking it one after another, and the smoke was lingering.

The guns were rumbling in the direction of Dachang Town in the east. Even though they were so far away, Yang Ling and the others could still feel the violent tremors of the ground, and the devil's attack was fierce.

The old Wang stared at the direction of Dachang Town in the east, where the fire was raging into the sky. Following the rumbling of the cannons, he murmured to himself: "The devil's cannons are getting more and more powerful."

Yang Ling looked across the boundless darkness to the direction of the burning battle field, and sighed helplessly in his heart. It should be the Devil 34th Regiment that pulled up their heavy howitzers, otherwise the sound of the guns would not be so loud, like an earthquake.

Thinking of the defenders in Dachang Town tenaciously resisting the bombardment of the devil's caliber [-]mm heavy howitzer, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and his heart was heavy. This is really using flesh and blood to defend the country. ...

Time passed by every minute and every second. Facing the fierce bombardment of the Devils' 150mm heavy howitzers and [-]mm heavy artillery, at ten o'clock in the evening, the Chinese defenders finally couldn't hold on. After suffering heavy losses, they were defeated and defeated. down.

The last batch of resisting troops were routed, and Yang Ling knew that it was time for them to go up.

In the past few days, the command of the third war zone knew that Dachang would fall sooner or later, so it has already reorganized the defeated troops in advance and arranged them in the second preset position on the front line of Guangfu, Beixinjing, Chenjiaqiao, and Jiangqiao. Daoxin's line of defense is 35 kilometers long.

The Yangling Supplementary Regiment stood at the southernmost end of the 35-kilometer-long new line of defense. It was conceivable that facing such a long line of defense and exhausted defenders, the defense would be even more difficult.

"Company Commander, another rout has retreated." An observation post yelled to wake Yang Ling from his contemplation. He looked up and saw a large number of bloody soldiers who could not hold on and were retreating in a panic.

Seeing these filthy and dejected soldiers, the soldiers guarding the trenches felt heavy, because they were beaten down again and again in such embarrassment and retreated. They knew the kind of aggrieved and unwilling, but now It's time for them to go up.

The defeated soldiers were very aggrieved, very frustrated, and more unwilling. They were equally brave and fought very tenaciously, but their weapons were not as good as theirs. The people here were almost bombarded by the opponent's artillery fire, and the battle was useless.

There were more than a dozen rout soldiers who couldn't run anymore. Seeing that there were still guards guarding the place, they simply sat down on the ground panting for breath, preparing to take a rest.

"Brothers, do you have anything to eat? We haven't eaten for a day, so we can't run anymore." The rout soldier, who was so tired and slumped on the ground like mud, asked Yang Ling and the others weakly.

The soldiers lying down in the trench turned their eyes to Old Wangtou, because the platoon leader, Old Wangtou, was in charge of their food now, and Old Wangtou was also very embarrassed, and looked at Yang Ling who was sitting there silently.

Yang Ling patted his buttocks for dust, stood up and approached the dozen or so rout soldiers, looked around among them, and finally stopped at the Czech light machine gun in the hands of a rout soldier: "We still There are some yams that you can trade in this Czech style if you want."

Yang Ling and the others are really too poor now. There are more than 150 heads in the whole company, and there is only one Czech style. The rest are all kinds of rifles, and there are not many bullets. You can only take advantage of the fire to rob the friendly army.

"Okay, let's change." The leading company commander gritted his teeth and agreed after thinking for a while, and shouted at the broken soldier holding the machine gun: "Third son, give him the gun and the bullets."

The gun is the second life of a soldier. The soldier named Sanzi reluctantly held the Czech light machine gun and was unwilling to let go, but in the end he was dragged over by their company commander and stuffed into Yang Ling's hands: "Many devils died in the Under this gun, I hope you will not insult its reputation!"

Yang Ling nodded and took the Czech light machine gun, and waved to the old Wangtou who was behind him. The old Wangtou reluctantly handed over a dozen cooked yams to the defeated soldiers.

The rout soldiers probably hadn’t eaten all day as they said, so they gulped down the sweet potatoes and stuffed them into their mouths. One of the soldiers was flushed red from being choked by the sweet potatoes. , has choked to death at this moment.

There are not many yams, and they are all saved by Yang Ling and the others. Seeing the rout soldiers devouring them, the old Wang Tou quietly pulled Yang Ling aside: "Company commander, we only have those few yams left." ...You give it to them, and we will be hungry after the next meal."

Yang Ling looked at the reluctance of Old Wang's head, and patted him on the shoulder: "Our deal is worth it. Are you afraid that you won't get something to eat if you have this gun?"

"I can't eat this iron lump..."

Yang Ling pointed to the east side where the sound of guns was getting closer and closer: "Although this iron lump can't be eaten, it can kill devils. Devils have food on them, maybe there are cans."

When the old Wangtou heard this, his frowning face finally relaxed, and he grinned, which was true.

"Okay, you find some people who can shoot machine guns, form a machine gun squad, and assign them to the house over there."

Old Wangtou agreed without hesitation: "Okay, leave it to me."

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