The Beautiful Jade

Chapter 43: Poor Sun can't catch a break.

We leave the seamstress’s shop with a promise that the robes will be ready by tomorrow morning.

I take a deep breath once we’re out of the shop, observing the myriad of cultivators walking along the road past us.

Ai walks up next to me, adjusting her fox mask.

“Lady Lin!” A familiar voice calls out.

A rogue cultivator twists through the crowd as he runs towards us. The hulking figure of Lu Kun follows him, the cultivators at a low level of Qi Awakening parting for him.

Sun reaches us with a large smile on his face.

Ai grabs my robes with her hand, partly hiding from the two cultivators.

“I was hoping to see you again.” Sun says, his eyes landing on Ai for only a second before returning to me. “Would you join us at the tavern for some food?” He slaps Lu Kun on the arm. “Kun is happy to pay.”

Lu Kun raises an eyebrow, but doesn’t object. He studies Ai carefully, she shrinks from his gaze into my side.

“I’d be happy to join you, Sun.” I place a hand on Ai’s shoulder, startling her. “This is Ai, please be kind to her.”

Sun turns to her, giving her a martial artist’s bow. “It’s a pleasure to meet such a cute friend of Lady Lin’s.”

Lu Kun bows as well, “I am Inner Disciple Lu Kun of The Heavenly Truth Sect. The impolite rogue next to me is known as Sun.”

Sun looks at me, almost pleading that I don’t believe the harsh words of his companion.

Ai slowly steps away from my robes, bowing back to the two cultivators. “It’s nice to meet you both.”

“So what’s the story behind the mask?” Sun asks.

I frown at him.

Sun gets the hint and continues awkwardly, “I mean- It’s an awesome mask! Did you pick it out yourself?”

Ai shakes her head. “The Lady of Music and Death gave it to me.”

I cringe at the title, I never did tell her not to call me that.

Sun furrows his eyebrows, “Who’s-?” His eyes land on me. “Oh. It does fit.”

I pinch the bridge of my nose in annoyance. “Didn’t you offer food? I’m sure Ai is hungry by now.”

“Of course.” Sun says, motioning for us to follow him.

I keep Ai close to me as we walk through the crowd, ensuring that we don’t separate. The demonic spirit inside of her is nearly covered up by her own spirit, but occasionally the faintest trace of it comes to my attention.

I’ll have to ask Shia what can be done about that, I’m not the only one who can sense a person’s spirit after all.

“That’s him! That’s the man who killed Tun Kul!” Someone calls out from the crowd, causing the four of us to stop.

I look in the direction of the voice, seeing an older woman with a face fully covered in makeup. She’s surrounded by four cultivators in the late stages of Qi Awakening or Early Foundation Establishment. She herself is in Early Qi Awakening, but wears ornately designed robes with the symbol of a sect I don’t know on them.

I follow the direction of her finger, seeing it point to Sun. Sun looks stunned, caught off guard by the accusation. He meets my eyes, holding his hands up in innocence. “I haven’t killed anyone! Well… except for the people I killed with you. But they’re the only people I killed. I swear!”

I hold his eyes for a moment, then nod, looking over to Lu Kun. His hand is on his weapon, his face grim.

I nod for him to speak for us. Technically, as a Core Disciple of a great sect, I hold higher standing, but he is older than I am. Plus, I’m not good at dealing with these kinds of situations.

Lu Kun steps forward, hiding Sun with his body. “What proof do you have of your words?”

The woman hesitates as she takes in our appearances. I’m still wearing the robes of my sect and Lu Kun is wearing the robes of his. “I-I saw him do it! The bastard stabbed him over a few spirit stones.”

She’s lying. She’s not very good at it.

Lu Kun hesitates at the words of the woman, looking back at Sun as he considers the possibility. I sigh, stepping forward. “Your words hold no truth.” I say simply to the woman. “Leave now.” I look into her eyes, challenging her to deny my words.

The woman flounders at my directness. Unfortunately, one of the cultivators with her steps forward, a young man in Early Foundation Establishment. “Do not expect that you can bully us smaller sects around simply because you come from one of the great six. I will not stand your insults and we will arrest the rogue cultivator for his crimes.” Anger fills the man’s voice, his words dripping with venom.

I step back, caught off guard by the man’s emotion. Something tells me that if we do hand Sun over to them, he will not come back alive.

I unbuckle the flute case at my waist, causing some of the men across from us to reach for their weapons.

Carefully, I pull out my flute, surprising those watching. The cultivators across from us relax. I’ve never met someone that uses their qi through music other than those that live in the requiems. So those who haven’t seen me before, usually don’t know how my techniques work.

“Sun and Lu Kun.” I say quietly as I kneel down offering Ai my back. She understands quickly, climbing up and holding on tightly. “Run” I place the flute to my lips.

The Sixth Requiem: The Tomb

Darkness engulfs the cultivators and I, the world turning silent as only the long drawn out note of my flute is heard.

Immediately, the auras of the other cultivators flare, pushing against the illusion.

I keep playing, pushing my qi through the music.

Something moves in the deep and dark, moving with the pulsing of my music.

A scream echoes out. No one will die in the dark unless I will it, but that doesn’t stop the terror from settling in.

Knowing the illusion will soon break under the force of the four cultivators in a higher realm, I activate The Movements Of The Silent Monster, adjusting slightly to account for Ai on my back.

Carefully, I move away from the scene. Once I feel that I’ve brought enough time for Sun and Lu Kun, I dispel the illusion. The darkness disappears to reveal a familiar alleyway, the same one that Sun and I fought in a few days ago.

I put my flute back in its case, coughing slightly as I do. The taste of blood on my lips makes me frown.

“Are you alright Ai?” I ask, kneeling down and wiping my mouth with my sleeve.

Ai steps down from my back. “Yes. The dark wasn’t scary with you next to me.”

I sigh, taking in the sight of the young girl. “Let’s get back to the palace.” I hold my hand out for her to grab.

Ai looks at my hand for a moment, then carefully places her own in it.

The trip back to the palace is uneventful, and I take care to avoid anyone on the way.

A disciple of the sect greets me at the gate, informing me that Master Meng An wishes to see me.

I look over to Ai, who still wears her fox mask, wondering if I can leave her alone or not. After a moment of deliberation, I decide to take her with me.

The disciple looks at the girl questioningly as he leads me to Master Meng An’s rooms. Thankfully, the disciple doesn’t seem to recognize her. I’m not sure who Master Meng An told of her existence.

The disciple knocks on Master Meng An’s door, then lets us in.

The Master Swordsman’s room is sparsely decorated, with only the single bed and a table with a pot of tea brewing on it.

The Master turns to look at us as we enter, his gaze turning to one of disapproval as he sees Ai.

Ai hides behind me, away from the man’s gaze.

I bow to the Master, waiting for him to speak.

“A messenger from one of the lower sects tells me that you helped a criminal escape justice.” Master Meng An’s voice is calm, each word carefully chosen.

I rise from my bow, surprised by how fast the message reached Master Meng An. They must have sent for him as soon as they got out of the illusion.

I watch Master Meng An carefully, wondering what his goal is. “The man was innocent.”

Master Meng An raises an eyebrow. “How do you know that?”

“His accuser was lying.” I answer.

Master Meng An snorts. “You protect those you shouldn’t.” He says, his gaze moving to the girl behind me before focusing back on me. “If you are to see the man again, you will bring him to the sect after him.” He motions with his hand for me to leave as he turns around to the pot of tea on his table.

“No, I won’t.” I say honestly, the qi in the room seeming to pause at my words. I won’t turn in Sun, and I won’t claim to the sect that I will.

Master Meng An spins back around, his gaze burning through me. “You forget your position, Disciple. I have forgiven your rebelliousness out of respect to Elder Qiu Tai, but do not insult me so.”

“I do not let innocents be killed.” I say simply, smashing the small portion of fear that pops up. “Death is not a pretty thing, and I stop it where I can.”

“Leave, now.” The words come out low, his anger clear. He can’t touch me as long as I am under the protection of Qiu Tai, but when I am to return to the sect, there will be punishment.

With what I am planning, the sect won’t be happy with me anyway.

I turn around calmly, walking out of the room.

I know that I am a hypocrite. I kill with my sword just as easily as others do with theirs. I have lost count of the number of men dead because of me. Still, I have to keep my honor where I can.

I will not let Sun die. I will not let Ai die.

I take a deep breath, calming my thoughts. I walk quickly, passing the Disciple who led us here. Ai runs to keep up with my pace.

Servants bow to me as I walk towards my room. I ignore the bows, anger rising up in me. How dare Master Meng An order me to turn my own friend in to be killed? He doesn’t trust my judgment, and he lets evil walk where it will. Like the Third Prince, or the Second Prince. He turns a blind eye to their greed, their sadism.

Xia Jing told me that the investigation into who ordered me killed has suddenly stopped. I wonder what the Second Prince did to convince Master Meng An to turn a blind eye?

I hate him.

I pause on the threshold of my door. Closing my eyes to calm my anger.

I don’t hate him.

I know why he does what he does.

But, I will be glad to be away from him.

I enter my room to find two men waiting for me.

Sun smiles guiltily while Lu Kun hides his face in his hands out of embarrassment.

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