The Beautiful Jade

Chapter 42: Preparations

“Your music is beautiful.” Ai says, startling me from my thoughts.

I turn away from the window to look at her. She stretches in the bed, rubbing her eyes.

“You are too kind.” I respond.

I stand up from where I’m sitting, I’d been staring in the direction that Qiu Tai’s construct had flown, there's no changing my mind now. Hopefully, she’ll understand.

I move over to where I’d had some plain gray robes delivered. I grab them and set them in front of Ai. “We’ll leave when you’re ready.” I say.

She stares at the clothes in surprise, reaching out in reverence to feel the soft cloth. She pulls her hand back, looking up at me. “These are for me?” She asks tentatively.

I nod.

She stares at me with an emotion I’m not sure how to describe. She quickly lowers her head, her hair hiding her expression. “Thank you.”

I smile slightly, hiding the expression with my sleeve.

While she puts on the robes, I place my flute into its case, attaching it and my sword to my own robes.

“I’m ready.” Ai says a few moments later. I turn to look at her, doing my best not to laugh at what I see. Her scarlet hair flows messily down her back, and she mis-tied the cloth around her waist.

I walk over to her, kneeling down to fix her robes. She freezes as I touch her, but relaxes when I simply retie her cloth.

I have her turn around as I grab a brush from my things. Her hair is incredibly tangled, but it doesn’t take me long to brush through the worst of it. I combed Lai Ming’s hair when it was in way worse shape. She never did tell me how it got like that.

Once she looks more presentable, I pull back. Ai blushes cutely from the attention. “Stay close to me.” I say.

I don’t know who knows about her, and without me nearby… I don’t even trust Master Meng An.

She nods seriously and I can’t stop my full smile.

I leave my rooms, avoiding the servants in the palace as best I can. Ai stays exactly one step behind me, hurrying to keep up with my pace. I slow down for her, making sure she doesn’t have to try too hard to keep up.

Ai looks with awe at everything we pass, her gaze lingering on the wealthier displays of the palace.

I nod to the outer disciples acting as guards at the exit to the palace. Both of them bow to me.

The walk to the Rose Palace isn’t too long, but I’m still amazed that Ai manages to keep up the entire way.

Guards wearing the colors of the Lin family greet me at the front gates of Shi Da’s palace. They bow to me, sending a runner to fetch a servant to guide us in.

A male servant I don’t recognize arrives a few minutes later, greeting me politely. “The Fourth Princess is excited to hear of your visit, Core Disciple Lin. I will lead you to the waiting room.”

I acknowledge the servant while Ai just stares at us wide eyed.

The servant leads us into the newly renovated palace. The palace looks completely different than the last time I saw it. Now filled with life, every room and hallway is perfectly clean. Servants bow to me as I pass by, busy with various tasks.

The male servant leads us to a waiting room, motioning us to sit. “Princess Shi Da will be with you as soon as she finishes her meeting with Minister Lung.” He says. He bows, then leaves the room.

“We’re going to see royalty?” Ai asks, awe clear in her voice.

I pause, caught off guard by the question. I nod, not sure what kind of answer she was expecting.

Ai’s eyes widen.

A few moments later, Shi Da walks into the room, three servants trailing behind her with their heads bowed. She wears a flowing dress that trails behind her. Her hair is done up with an expert touch, beautiful golden pins holding it together in spite of its short length. An older man wearing the uniform of an Imperial Minister follows behind her.

I bow as a martial artist, my hand cupping my fist. I keep my head lowered, waiting for the Princess to welcome us. Ai copies me a half second later, glancing up at me from her bow.

The Fourth Princess waves her hand in a motion for us to rise. “For what reason do I owe the pleasure of your visit, Lin Jia of the Flowing River Sect?”

I rise as she speaks, Ai following my movement. She speaks formally in the presence of the minister, so I follow suit. “I come here as the daughter of the Lin family, not as a member of the sect. I received news that you have been proven innocent of any crimes. I wish to offer my congratulations.” The speech and mannerisms of the imperial court take a second to come to me, but I think I performed well.

Princess Shi Da smiles, “The support of the Lin family has been invaluable to me. Ah! Forgive me,” She motions to the Imperial Minister next to her. “This is Minister Lung. Minister Lung, this is Core Disciple Lin Jia of The Flowing River sect, first daughter of the Lin Family and a personal friend.”

The minister nods his head and I do the same. “It is an honor to meet you, Lady Lin,” He says dryly. His voice is monotonous, with no fluctuations in tone. “The Princess and I were just finishing up our conversation. I will leave the two of you alone to… discuss your own matters.” He bows, leaving the room.

Shi Da motions for me to wait after he leaves. A few seconds later, a servant enters the room, whispering something into her ear. She relaxes, her body loosening. “Thank you for your timing, Jia. Minister Lung is such a bore.”

I nod, motioning to Ai. “This is Ai. She’ll be traveling with me for a while.”

The Princess focuses her attention on Ai and the poor girl wilts under the Princess’s gaze. “You’ll be traveling?” Shi Da asks, bringing her attention back to me.

I nod.

“My mother will be sad to hear that. She was still hoping to marry you with one of my brothers.” Shi Da smiles teasingly.

I shudder at the thought, quickly moving on.. “My father will continue his support. I need your help getting on a boat to the portal near Nanxing province.”

Shi Da’s eyes sharpen, her body language turning serious. “Your sect won’t be helping you travel?” Her gaze moves back to Ai. “I heard whispers that something big happened last night involving the Flowing River Sect. The Fourth Prince was arrested this morning.”

I freeze at that, I hadn’t known that. They must have found something connecting him to the house of the Demonic Cult.

“I’ve never seen this girl before. She smells like death and blood.” Ai looks away, crestfallen at the words. Shi Da pauses, obviously regretting her word choice. Her gaze returns to me. “I owe you a great debt, Jia. But hiding you from your own sect won’t be easy.”

I stay quiet, knowing that despite her words, she will help me.

“Give me three days. I will have a boat for you by then, but you cannot enter it as a disciple of The Flowing River sect.” Shi Da frowns, lost in thought.

“Thank you.” I bow and Ai does the same.

“Just don’t do anything too stupid.” Shi Da says, worry leaking into her voice. She walks over to me, pulling me into a hug. She whispers into my ear, “My power is still weak. Give me two years and not even your sect will be able to touch you with my protection.”

“I expect you to be the next Empress by then.” I respond as I pull away. She stumbles, nearly falling back into my arms. She gives me a thoughtful expression, then smiles widely.

Ai and I leave the rose palace soon after that.

I leave the noble district quickly, heading towards the now familiar cultivator part of town. Ai follows me with a blank expression, her thoughts unreadable.

I stop in the middle of the street, suddenly realizing that the little girl is too easily recognizable in the cultivator district. What if one of the people that were attempting to summon the demon is still alive and recognized her?

She continues walking forward, not having realized that I stopped, nearly running into me. She looks up at me with worry. “What’s wrong?” she asks.

“I’m going to carry you.” I say.

Ai’s eyes widen in surprise as I pick her up.

Her body shakes slightly in my arms, but she doesn’t complain. “Hide your face in my robes until I find you a mask.” I tell her quietly, continuing forward. She does as I ask, her shaking slowly calming as her breath evens out.

Cultivators stare at us in curiosity as I enter through one of the cultivator entrances. To my surprise, it isn’t too hard to find a stall that sells masks. Many of the masks on the stall have qi infused into them providing special effects, but I grab a simple mortal mask without any abilities.

The mask is in the shape of a fox, painted in colors of muted red and brown.

Ai’s grip tightens as I loosen my grip. I pause, considering the now calm girl in my arms, her face still buried in my robes.

“I have a mask for you.” I tell her.

She just tightens her grip, her body starting to rock with sobs.

Oh. She’s crying.

I move off of the street, ducking into an alleyway and ignoring the stares of strange cultivators. I hold the poor girl in my arms for a few minutes before she calms down enough to let go.

I gently wipe the tears away from her eyes. I’m not sure what set her off, but I’m not heartless. “It’s going to be okay.” I say, gently placing the mask over her head. “Even with all the death and horror in the world, there are still joyful and good moments, don’t forget that.”

Ai, now looking extremely cute with her fox mask, nods. “I won’t.” She says it like a promise and I trust her words.

I lead us out of the alleyway, heading towards a familiar tailor shop. The seamstress that Xia Jing introduced me to greets us joyfully.

I request multiple sets of clean robes for Ai and another set for myself. The last set she gave me is in no condition to be worn at the moment.

The seamstress happily measures Ai as I watch, ensuring that she gets a good fit. Ai’s eyes keep wandering over to me, her thoughts hidden behind her new mask.

I sit down at a nearby table, meditating and consolidating my qi as the seamstress works. I suspect I’m close to another breakthrough, but I’m not quite there yet.

The sound of paper flapping in the wind brings me out of my meditations. A paper bird construct flies through the open window, landing on the table in front of me. The construct unfurls itself, revealing a message and a single ring.

I pick up the ring, injecting my qi into it. I nearly sit up from my chair in surprise as I feel a hidden space connected to the ring. Books, robes, food and Spirit Stones fill the hidden space.

I pick up the note, gripping it tightly.

For your journey, disciple of mine. I don’t know why you must leave, but I trust your judgment. Whatever comes, I will always be there for you.

I fold the paper up carefully, placing it inside the space of the ring. To my surprise, tears drip into my lap. I hide my face with my sleeve, waiting a few moments for the tears to stop before wiping my eyes and turning back to the seamstress and Ai.

The seamstress is so absorbed with her work that she didn’t see anything, but Ai watches me with worry.

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