The Ascension

Chapter 68 – The First Step


Her little bear, her Elena, kissed her button and crevice like she kissed her lips. She was eager to get as deep as she could go, to taste her inside, and her lips outside.

Elena loved her Master's flavor, and how gentle the young woman was with her during the entire session. She didn't become overly forceful, too aggressive, or completely demanding. Instead, Aila encouraged her onward.

She slid her fingers through Elena's hair, hooked her feet behind Elena's shoulders, and gripped each of her hands in her own. She didn't fight with her for superiority, or to show her strength over her.

Aila wanted to show her affection, and how much she enjoyed the young woman's efforts. Once, Elena became a little aggressive, so Aila lifted her, held her in her arms, and kissed her passionately. Elena kissed her back, and dominated her through the kiss, pushed her onto her back, and forcefully fondled her button until she blew.

When she was done, her Master held her against her chest, and told her that as long as she didn't hurt anyone, she could aggressively pursue her lover's pleasure. It was on the condition her lover allowed her.

That was why Elena aggressively pursued Aila's pleasure now. Her Master let her. When Aila climaxed, it wasn't long before Elena straddled her Master's face, and held her mouth to her own button.

Aila cupped her little bear's cheeks, and gave her what she needed. She gave Elena the attention, and loving she wanted to give her, which made Elena feel her Master's affection.

Once she climaxed, Aila drew her into her arms, and held her firmly.

"Master?" Elena asked quietly.

"Yes, little bear?" She said, and watched Elena's cheeks redden.

"Can you help me to get stronger? When you sleep, or leave the house, we're vulnerable here. I want to help protect the others." Elena felt her Master's arms tighten a little.

"In the morning, we'll start training, and helping to forge your channels completely. You'll have no choice but to get stronger." Aila said, but saw a smile spread on Elena's lips. Aila lifted her head, a little confused for a few seconds, until Elena rolled towards her, and covered her mouth with her own.

She immediately felt another slender woman slide between her thighs. Aila rolled her eyes as both sisters went at her with such exquisite skill and hunger, she couldn't help but get aroused all over again.

'Little devils. I do so love my girls.'


* * *


Elena looked outside and saw Aila sitting on the stone again, while she watched the soil and absorbed a bit of it at a time. Elena couldn't let her do what she did the day before, and walked out to sit beside her.

"Master, are you planning on trying to get another storm to brew?" Elena asked her quietly. Aila chuckled.

"I was torn apart over and over, and my space fairly crackles with the primal lightning element. Because my wind element is low, and hasn't fully formed a proper gem, the lightning can't form its own core." Aila said with a small smile. "I am not in any shape to try again, little bear."

"Then why are you out here?" She asked. She saw that small smile start to spread over her Master's face, and knew that she was going to experience a bit of mischief.

"I'm waiting for you."


* * *


"MASTER!" Elena squealed as she held onto Aila's neck. She had her feet hooked together so she wouldn't fall off of Aila's back as her Master ran through the forest and onto the wasteland.

"Isn't this fun?" Aila yelled, but her voice was lost in the wind as she ran. Once they got to the plateau she once harvested earth elements from, Elena cried out as Aila jumped and landed on the plateau. She came to a soft bouncing stop, while Elena held on firmly.

"Little bear." She said softly. "We're here." Elena heard a soft chuckle, and felt a pair of lips kiss her cheek. "Wasn't that fun?" Elena slowly opened her eyes.

"Master! That was not fun! I was scared to death!" Elena sniffed, but was gently plucked from her position, and moved to Aila's arms.

"Why would you be scared, little bear?" Aila asked gently. "Did you not know that I would never let something harm you? You're my precious little bear, my little lover, and companion. Don't you remember my rules?" Elena pouted, but at the same time, she pondered her Master's words.

"Never bring harm to anyone under this roof, or to yourself. Remember now?" Aila gently asked her. "I would never expect you to follow my rules if I don't follow them myself, little bear." Aila hugged her tightly. The shivering slowly calmed down.

"I don't have as strong a heart as you do, Master." Elena said quietly, with a bit of a whine in her voice.

"Says who?" Aila asked and tapped her nose with the tip of her finger. "Did you not endure that bastard for so long? I really wanted to save him for you to kill, but the guild will make sure his last month alive will be one where he wishes to die, shits himself in fear, and tries to run, but can't get away." Elena looked into Aila's eyes.

"You did that for us?" Elena asked.

"For you, and your sister. Nuri and Nadya warmed the beds of the others, while Kaala and Shaala were too old and wrinkled for him. So I did it for you, and Ellie." She lightly kissed Elena's forehead. "Now, pull yourself together, little bear." Aila smiled warmly.

"It's time I teach you how to channel the elements, and help you to grow stronger." She tapped Elena's nose. "Right? Don't you want to grow stronger?" Elena sniffed a bit.

"Yeah. I do."


* * *


"Take my hands." Aila and Elena held each other's hands, left to right, right to left, and faced each other while they sat on the plateau.

"Now, I'm going to slowly circulate earth essence from me into you, and back into myself again. This will help forge your channels, but also help you to detect earth essence. Are you ready?" Elena nodded.

"Close your eyes, little bear." She watched Elena close her eyes, so she did the same. "Now I'll move it from this hand..." She shook her left. "Over to this hand. It will move through your body. I'm starting now."

Aila began to channel the elements slowly, so she could feel them circulate.

"Tell me when you feel the movements." Aila prompted her.

"I feel something, but I'm not sure what it is." Elena said honestly.

"For those with an earth element affinity, their body is greedy for it. I'm moving it from hand to hand, but your body is pulling it in. It wants to resist me pulling it out. Do you feel yourself pulling, but you're being overpowered?" Aila smiled.

"Yes. Frustrating."

"Focus not on capturing it. You can't overpower me. What you want to do is see it. Not with your eyes, but with your senses. It should look like a brown spark." She said and grinned.

"How do I see it if I don't use my eyes?" She asked.

"When you get up at night to use the pot, can you see everything around you?" Elena shook her head. Aila could feel her body move. "If you can't see everything, how do you know they are there? How do you know the floor is there if you can't see it?"

"I sense it with my feet." She said. Aila smiled and opened her eyes, as she could do this with her eyes open, though most people had to focus with their eyes closed.

"All elemental essence can be sensed, but not seen with the eyes. Your mind sees it, but your eyes can't even when it moves right in front of your eyes. I could place some an inch in front of your eyes, and they wouldn't see it." Aila said. "Now, sense the stone under your feet. Stone is held together with stacked elements. It's dense, and should be...."

"I see it!" Elena said incredulously. "I see it stacked like firewood! In front, in behind, beside and below!" Aila smiled.

"Congratulations, little bear. That is the first step. Sensing elemental essence."


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