The Ascension

Chapter 67 – Good Morning To You Too


"She feels heavier." Elena said softly as she was the only one strong enough to lift their beloved Master. Nuri was strong, but couldn't yet carry her own body weight plus their beloved Master's. Elena carried her inside and laid her on the bed.

"Let me look at her." Nuri said, but she swallowed the tears that clogged her throat. Ellie slid into the bed and laid her hand on Aila's skin.

"She's warm. We need some water from the spring." She said quickly. Elena went over to the rack, and pulled off a sword.

"I'll get it. I'm strong enough to fight a flame wolf now." She looked at her precious Master, and grumbled. "Master has to wake up so she can help me grow strong enough to protect people." A few minutes later, she returned with the wheelbarrow, and two full buckets.

Nuri sat down beside her, and touched her chest.

"I feel so much power inside her, but I can't read her yet." She frowned heavily. "Elena, can you take the ax and get a few trees? See if she sucks away the life elements, and see if she needs some energy replaced." Elena took off again, while Ellie took a cup and slowly put it to Aila's lips.

"If I didn't see it, I wouldn't believe it!" Alara said. "She sucked up the water like a sponge!" As each woman started to understand the reason Ellie did this, she filled another cup.

"She's too warm from the heat of the lightning." Ellie said. "The water should help cool her down." She lifted her eyes, but she looked unsure. "I hope." Her soft words reflected their outlook.

Their Master was an existence well beyond them, and now she was injured. How could they, untrained elementalists, help her to survive?

When Elena brought in two lengths of wood, as soon as they touched her skin, they disappeared, and turned to dust. Elena looked at Nuri.

"What does this mean? Should we get more? Master will suck up everything we put in front of her, so shouldn't we treat what we can and not try to do other things?" Elena asked Nuri.

"Honestly, I do not know. Should we....eeep!" Strong arms came around Nuris waist and pulled her into the bed.

"Shush. I'm tired. Let me sleep." Aila closed her eyes that had only opened for a few seconds, and she was asleep again. Nuri blushed as her Master had pulled her in, and rested her head on her breast, using her as a pillow. Shaala chuckled, while Kaala suppressed her smile.

"You heard Master." Kaala said firmly. "Nuri, you'll keep her warm for now. In a few hours, let Nadya take your place." Nuri nodded slowly. Kaala looked at Ivadra.

"What?" The brown eyed young woman said.

"Nuri is occupied, and Master trusts you. Discuss with your sister, and see what should be done. Water. Firewood. Organize, and help us." Kaala sighed. "I have enough on my plate with the kitchen, and the food. I can't push others to do the jobs they should." Alara grinned.

"Alright, we'll help." Her grin softened as she looked down at Aila.

"She did the impossible again. Master is not ordinary."


* * *


"Master is still asleep." Elena said as it was hers and her sister's turn to sleep beside Aila. They touched her shoulders, arms, and belly.

"She looks stronger. Thicker." Ellie said. Her eyes followed her fingers as she stroked her Master's arms, and down to her belly. Elena nodded, and snuggled in closer to Aila.

"Master was always beautiful and strong." Elena said softly. "And kind. And gentle." She lifted her head. "Those people hurt us for fun. Master likes to have fun with us by running fast with us on her back. She likes to play, and tickle. She likes to hug, and show her affection for us." Alara came over to sit down on a corner of the bed.

"Those who are strong don't have to prove they are strong." Alara said softly. "They don't use their strength to humble others because they don't need to." She lightly ran her hand over Aila's muscular thigh.

"Master is really strong." Ellie said and smiled as she pulled Aila's arm around her shoulders. "She doesn't try to prove it to me. She shows me by protecting me. She lifts me up, and swings me in her arms. We have fun together." Elena did the same as Ellie, and pulled Aila's arm around her shoulders. She put her cheek to her Master's chest, and sighed happily.

"Doesn't it feel like she's telling us this is how we are supposed to behave? That if we are strong, this is how strong people act?" Elena asked. Alara smiled.

"I have to agree." Alara sighed. "Master is our example."


* * *


After another full eight hours, it was Ellie's and Elena's turn to lay beside Aila and keep her company while she rested and recovered. She hadn't woken up after that one time, and stayed quiet the entire time.

Her sister was sleeping on one side, while Elena slid Aila's undershirt up, and gently sucked on her thick nipple. Her chest was still small, but her nipples were thick and looked like a plump berry that Elena couldn't help but taste.

She soon felt a soft hand on the back of her head, combing fingers through her hair, and soon, soft gentle lips on her head.

"You scared us, Master." Elena said and continued to suck and lick her nipple.

"I am sorry, little bear." She said, which made Elena smile. She hugged Aila's hips. "I was arrogant, and didn't assess the situation. To channel in a storm does provide a lot of elemental essence, but it will draw lightning to me."

"Is that why the lightning kept falling there?" Elena asked quietly, and sucked her nipple up into her mouth and held it with her teeth.

"Mm. Yeah. Path of least resistance. I channeled that massive amount of energy right into my own body. If I had stopped, it would have went towards the forest instead of my body." She felt Elena's teeth bite her nipple firmly before she let it slide out of her mouth.

"Don't scare us like that again, Master. You couldn't handle so much energy at once. That was your first time channeling lightning." Elena said and lightly slapped her belly.

"I know, little bear. It won't be so rough next time, because I'll let myself rest a bit between each strike, but I still need to channel lightning in the future." She felt the young woman slide down her body, and under one of her knees. Once she felt a soft pair of lips latch onto her button, she moaned softly.

"Good morning to you too, little bear."


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