The Adventures of Rose Hood

Chapter 94: Thalia Awakening

Thalia POV

The same deity that killed Asura and King Dalis. He is directly responsible for the deaths of all those people.

Raidren was his name.

“Well, Thalia, I suppose that this is where you reunite with that man. Asura was his name, right? I was surprised when he didn’t die instantly to my smite, but I suppose that he was simply stubborn.”

“He was the strongest. And if he was still alive, he’d be here, skinning you alive.”

“Hah, please, humans could never surpass someone like me.”

He was very confident, and for a good reason. He was the first higher being deity that I’ve met. Deities are transcendent from birth. He reached a realm far beyond that.

“Huh, I figured it would be easy, given how you screamed as you fled from those fighters.”

He didn’t take the bait.

“Please, I’m from a minor faction. Only our leaders would stand a chance against one of the Supreme faction’s lower fighters. I know my strength.”

“Then you will be quite problematic for me.”

“How so, Thalia?”

“There is nothing more dangerous than a fighter that knows exactly how strong he is.”

“Such wise words. The overconfident get crushed and the underconfident never grow and fall behind, so I designated to learn my exact power, so I can navigate as I grow.”

“As expected of a deity.”

“Yes. You know, I quite like you. You should join us.”

I grimaced.

“Why is that?”

“You are intelligent and naturally strong, so you may be able to become a higher being even faster than Regala. Also, my leader has a unique ability that none of you have.”

Even Rose froze by his next sentence.

“He can revive the smited.”

“Liar. Even high-powered deities can’t.”

“It’s a useful ability, and I’ve seen it work. Just think, join us, and you could get anyone you want back. Asura? As good as yours. That wolf your sister loved? He could be back too. And that offer goes out to all of you.”

The fighting slowed and I could see some considering, but he had just angered me.

“Do you understand the meaning of forbidden?”

“Of course, dragon, forbidden magic is denied by that ruler, but is the salvation for all of us.”

“I have one question.”

“What is it?”

“If we join you…”


I smiled.

“Then how could we look those you bring back in the eyes?!”

His eyes widened, but I already launched my attack.

After my declaration of denial, the people on my side snapped back into focus.

I drew my blade and slashed at his neck, but he deflected it.

He punched my gut and threw me.

I was already exhausted from fighting several times. He was fresh, and, on top of that, he was a deity, so he had near limitless stamina.

But I wasn’t done yet. I stood up and charged again, this time, I utilized my flame to make wings in my elven form.

“Clever, but I’ll still crush you.”

He kicked me into the sky, but I balanced myself and barely dodged his assault mid-air.

He almost seemed impressed.

“With your knowledge of wings, you made new ones that would work with your size. Impressed is an understatement. It’s a shame I’ll have to kill you.”

He leapt up and kicked my spine before I could react.

He slapped me, causing immense pain.

He punched my gut.

“You know, I would leave you alive, but I get a feeling that if I leave you alive, I’ll regret it.”

“Heh, because I’ll kill you.”

“I doubt it. You know, in my home world I was the god of prophecy.”


“And all I need to do to beat you is continue pummeling you.”

“That’s dumb.”

“How so?”

“I’m too stubborn to die that pitifully.”

“Hah, a boastful dragon is fun to crush.”

He punched me, then I found something.

“Divine Flame!”

He leapt back as though he was surprised that I could use the divine aspect.

“You, how?”

“I’m guessing that wasn’t in your prophecy?”

“Clever girl. You were supposed to die before figuring out the aspect. How did you deny fate?”

“Oh please, we all have free will, so how could you tell me what I can do. You have no knowledge of anything. You’re just an overinflated man that can’t die normally.”

He laughed before striking, but I had my target.

I slashed, and he blanched and leapt back.


“The aspect is quite useful. I can see your weak point now.”

In fact, I could see the weak points of even the people on my side.

“That’s impossible, you can’t identify it before becoming a higher being!!!”

I smiled.

“Look at my sister, you think any of us are normal.”

I slashed, but it passed through the thread of his life. He was shocked then started laughing.

“I see, you are still too weak!!!”

He kicked my gut and launched me into the wall.

“Oh Thalia, now I see what my prophecy meant. But, even if you can see what kills us, you are too weak to cut our lives.”

“Then someone else needs too.”


I leapt at him and grappled hugged him, knocking him down.



“Cut right on the right of his neck to his left side!!!”


“You are too weak!!!”

“Please, Raidren, I am but a dragon, he’s a deity too. If he can’t win, then none of us can.”

“What? WAIT!!!”

Raidren started panicking, but I held him as though he was my sibling, none of them, not even Regala could break from my grasp.

Celios leapt and channeled all of his strength into his blade and slashed where I told him too.

I saw the string snap and Raidren screeched.

He started spasming and lights began shining from his eyes.

“No. NO NOOO!!! I can- dee he. NHHBIUDOAH*YH#BVIO*A(PL*GBIV(*YGI&V#B)F(& “

Flame burst forth from his throat and out of his mouth. An ear-splitting screech shook the world as he died.

But he had one last move.


I felt the shock of power spiral through me.


[You have slain level 423 deity, Raidren, as the main combatant you gained 90% of all experience.]

[You have reached level 98, your health is restored.]

The wound cleared as I leveled. Everyone was in shock as I stood back up. I simply smiled.

“You expect me to die that easily?”

The people on my side realized that my leveling up was the only reason I lived, but to the enemies, who didn’t know my level, I just tanked the strongest spell ever and healed it in an instant.

The morale of the people who we were hunting broke and they started running.

I looked for Rose, but she was far gone.

Leaving my trust to her, I continued to reap those who fled.

I was death. Flame incarnate.

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