The Adventures of Rose Hood

Chapter 93: Dominion's Elite

We started killing them. Me and Darsen grew exponentially stronger even he not only joined the system, but he already was a level 30.

I bit the head off of a human when I heard an announcement.

“People of my faction. Our esteemed guest for tomorrow’s party has showed up a day early, but she came with some uninvited guests too. Please show them the door, but bring the guest here so I can prepare her for the party.”

The density of higher beings increased greatly. They were fighting to kill now.

“Rose, they were going to kidnap you.”

“It seems that they were, no matter, unlike them we are here to kill everyone.”

“Yes Mam!!!”

We fought another group. The whole group was already much higher in level, the lowest was a 15.

“Darsen behind you.”

Darsen ducked and Dallel decapitated the human that attempted to kill Darsen.

I, of course, had already reached level 123.

Given that we just entered this world, this was an amazing amount of level ups.

Thalia was surprisingly the second highest at 62.

Amy and Ausar already used their special move and reached 45.

Celios and Dallel were both at 37

The rest were between 30 and 15.

Now that I could control its activation, I refrained from activating Savage Beast, because the system nerfed it. If I passed out in the middle of battle, my group would lose.

“Give up! You’ll all die!”

“Nah, don’t feel like it.”

I cut one in half and ate his grey matter. I felt like a zombie.

Darsen, by this point, is fighting fully savagely. His Devour skill let him level with every kill. He was just usually beaten to the kill.

At this point, we had lost 10 of our fighters, but we preserved their bodies so we could revive them upon our return.

“A bit more than a million, Rose.”

“I know, but I don’t have as much influence here.”

While we were still demolishing them, they just kept coming. It seemed Dominion hosted more than a billion people. I’d certainly be a higher being after this.

I kept cutting them down by the dozens, but more would start showing up. Eventually I stopped getting experience from half of the people I killed.

“That makes sense.”

“What does?”

“Not everyone here is a higher existence, that’s why it’s so easy.”

“You’re saying that they haven’t even sent the force we came here to slay yet?!”

“Seems like it.”


We had been fighting and were tiring, but they hadn’t even been trying yet. An effective plan if it didn’t sacrifice their lives.

I clashed with a stronger one and had to ask.

“Why do you fight us when your death is all but certain?”

“Because if we manage to take you in,”

I suddenly felt a chill as he continued.

“The Great Lady may allow us a round before you’re sold off.”

I felt disgust as I chopped him in half.

So, Dominion was a faction of perverts… yay. That didn’t explain the women that were attacking though.

“Don’t worry, we aren’t as revolting as those men, but we will get a prize, she may even gift one of you to us as slaves for whatever fun we want.”

“So, yes you are as revolting as those men.”

Thalia retorted before decapitating the woman.

I already felt like something bad was happening, but now this just felt weird, as now I noticed the men’s creepy looks at me, Thalia, and Amy, and the women’s looks at the others.

“I am so happy we didn’t plan on leaving any survivors.”

Everyone agreed, then an old lady attacked quickly, she was definitely a higher being.

“Don’t be so harsh, girly. The Great Lady simply enjoys throwing parties, and her parties are always so entertaining. Especially when she gets someone she wants.”

I was in a duel against her, she was definitely powerful.

Then a man stepped out and both Jalad and Thalia gasped.

“It can’t be.”

“Oh, I know you, you’re the one who tried saving that pitiful boastful weakling.”

This was the man who killed both Asura and Dalis.

“Oh, people, please save the elven woman, I want her as my prize for helping.”

I got angry,

“Stay away from my sister!!!”

That distraction cost me an arm, but it regenerated.

“Rose, let me kill him.”

Thalia’s voice had gone serious again.

“Very well.”

The man seemed full of himself. He stood with a boastful attitude before smirking.

“Woah little lady, my job is to bring the beauty over there to Lady Regala. I can play with you later.”

That confirmed it, they wanted me.

But Thalia didn’t flinch.

“You killed my boyfriend.”

They were official…

None of us knew, but we didn’t freeze, in fact, we only fought fiercer.

The old lady jumped back and laughed.

“You are strong, I see how you could hold back the Lady. My name is Ella.”

Then the deity named himself too.

“Raidren, at your service. Or, if all goes well, you will be in mine.”

He smirked at Thalia who introduced herself.

“Thalia. If all goes well, I’ll be feeding your head to my friend over there.”

She gestured to Darsen who looked over after biting the head off of a fighter.

“Well, Thalia, we shall see.”

She smiled bitterly.


Then the two leapt at each other.

“Hm, Rose, correct? It would be a lot easier if you just gave in.”

“Why, you scared?”

“Of course not, but do you really think you can win this battle?”

“Of course. That’s why I came.”

Ella smiled.

“Of course, well, enjoy your future slavery.”

Then she leapt at me. And I barely blocked.

“Come on then, the Lady reported you could do a mutation, go ahead and use it. I’ll take care of you real nice, then I can teach you to have full respect for your Elders.”

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