That Time I got Turned Into a Dragonoid

You Are So Beautiful

Scarlett's slash continued forward, relentless and infinite. In the blink of an eye, it reached Lunatic, slicing through her with terrifying precision, cutting her into two before she even had a chance to react. The slash didn't slow—it pierced the very sky, tearing it apart as if the heavens themselves were being split. For a moment, the stars above became visible, twinkling through the massive tear Scarlett had created.

The battlefield stood still, the aftermath of Scarlett's power leaving everyone in awe.

Lunatic's body hit the ground hard, both halves of her lying lifeless, twitching. Her regenerative abilities kicked in almost instantly, but something was wrong. The wound had disrupted her nervous system so severely that her body struggled to obey her mind's commands. Her limbs twitched uncontrollably, moving on their own as if she were nothing more than a broken puppet.

"What... my body... it's not responding!" Lunatic thought, her eyes wide in panic as she stared up at the torn sky. Her vision blurred, the world becoming fuzzy, but still, her body slowly pieced itself back together, her two halves merging into one. Yet, even as her body healed, she couldn't move a single finger. The feeling of helplessness washed over her.

Suddenly, through her fading vision, she saw the reflection of a figure above her—Scarlett. But because of her illness, Lunatic couldn't make out her face; all she saw was the cold, emotionless mask staring down at her.

With a bitter smile, Lunatic spoke softly, "So, this is it? You're going to finish me off, aren't you?" Her voice was weak, but there was no fear, only resignation. "You've won... You have every right to end this. Don't keep me waiting. Give me an honorable death." She smiled, accepting her fate, both her defeat and the final blow that was to come.

Lunatic's eyes widened in shock as Scarlett spoke.

"Kill you? Why?" Scarlett asked, her tone genuinely confused.

Lunatic blinked, utterly baffled. "What do you mean, why? I'm your enemy, aren't I?" Her voice rose, frustration and disbelief mingling within her words.

Scarlett simply smiled. "Remember what I told you at the start of our fight? If you made me use my sword, I would spare your life." Her voice was calm, as if clearing up a small misunderstanding.

Lunatic's confusion deepened, and she stared at Scarlett in silence.

Scarlett's inner thoughts, however, were laced with mischief. "Of course, I was never going to kill her. She's like a sister to Cryptus. I was just giving her the tough lesson her mother should've given her!"

Scarlett glanced down at the battered Lunatic, who lay on the ground in a defeated state. There was a flicker of pity in her eyes. "And truthfully, I never had a reason to kill you," she continued. "You didn't massacre the Martial Village; you just made them obey you through magic. And other villages that you killed, I don't care about,That's none of my business, Even when you were pushed to your limits, you teleported your entire army away so they wouldn't get hurt, Even though You freed them from your enslavement spell, They were no use of you. That shows you never really wanted them to die unless it was absolutely necessary."

Scarlett pointed out Lunatic's hidden mercy, acknowledging her compassion beneath the fierce exterior. It was true: if Lunatic had been heartless, she could've saved mana by only teleporting the succubi, yet she chose to save everyone.

Scarlett began pacing back and forth, addressing Lunatic's flaws. "I understand your reasons for all of this—the desire to wipe out humanity, your ambition to become a demon king-level existence and fight against the humans. Your plan was solid, but..." She paused, letting her words sink in. "Did your brain ever process why, despite there being seven demon kings out there, humans are still alive and thriving?" 

Her words hung in the air, challenging Lunatic's entire worldview, she was clearly dumbfounded for a moment 

Lunatic's mind reeled as she listened to Scarlett's words.

"Wait a minute, I never thought about that!" she realized. 

"Humans aren't as weak as they seem on the surface. They're masters of preparation. The more time you give them, the stronger they become. Even if someone has the power to wipe out most of them, some humans will always survive. Complete human extinction is impossible!"

Scarlett, seeing Lunatic's confusion, continued. "Your goal shouldn't be to wipe out humans. Instead, you should rise above them—make your status so high that every human bows down to you, and you can treat them like dirt, just as they did to you. That's how a real villain should think!" Scarlett's words painted Lunatic as an amateur, a third-rate villain.

Then, Scarlett's tone softened. "Sooo... that's why I have an offer."

She bent down slightly, extending her hand toward Lunatic. "Shake my hand and join me. I promise you, one day, I'll make humans bow before you." Her voice was gentle yet filled with conviction, and a soft smile played on her lips.

Suddenly, the air around them felt different. Even with the chaos of the battlefield surrounding them, it was as if they were standing in a peaceful garden filled with flowers. The moment was delicate, quiet, and charged with emotion.

A tear escaped Lunatic's eye as she slowly lifted her trembling hand. With effort, she finally placed it in Scarlett's. The warmth of the touch was grounding, and just as Lunatic looked at her, something unexpected happened.

Scarlett's mask began to crack.

Lunatic could hear it—a soft, almost imperceptible sound—and then, finally, the mask fell away, revealing Scarlett's true face.

For the first time, despite her illness that had always prevented her from seeing anyone's face, Lunatic saw Scarlett clearly. Her breath hitched as she took in the sight of her flawless, jade-like skin, her full, luscious purple lips, and her stunning mismatched eyes—one a striking red, the other a vivid blue. Her gaze seemed to pierce through everything, and her sweet-smelling, cascading purple hair added to her allure. Every inch of her face radiated beauty that was almost unreal.

Before Lunatic even realized it, the words slipped from her mouth. "You... you're so beautiful!" Her voice was filled with awe, her cheeks flushed red, and her heart raced uncontrollably. 

In that moment, Lunatic wasn't just struck by Scarlett's beauty, but by a feeling that stirred deep inside her—one that went far beyond admiration.

Scarlett chuckled, her laughter light and carefree. "Hahaha... thanks for the compliment!" Her amused expression made Lunatic's cheeks burn even more, her face turning crimson like a flame igniting.

It was then that Lunatic felt something strange—a heart-shaped tattoo started to glow faintly on her exposed abdomen. She glanced down, realizing that when Scarlett had cut her in half, her clothing had been torn apart as well, leaving the center of her body exposed. Her eyes widened as she took in the sight of the tattoo. 

"How...?" she thought, disbelief flooding her mind. "I just blushed, and it appeared!" She wanted to deny it, but deep down, she knew the truth. This wasn't just admiration—this was love at first sight. Just like her mother had experienced before her.

Scarlett stood up, brushing the dirt off her clothes, completely nonchalant about the situation. "Alright then, it's already night, and we're late. Let's go meet the others and head back to my village."

Lunatic blinked in confusion, her frustration rising. "Wait, what? Do you have any common sense?! We just had a grand battle! What are you going to tell them?" Her voice was tinged with guilt, unsure of how to face the aftermath.

Scarlett flashed her a confident grin. "Don't worry about it. They don't know that you both have become one. Tiathmet and Lunaria are dead, the battle's over, and I'll handle the conversation. Just say 'yes' to whatever I say." She sounded so sure, as if this was all part of some casual plan.

Then, Scarlett glanced down at Lunatic, still lying there, her body too weak to move. "Now get up, let's go!" she ordered, but Lunatic only managed a soft reply. "I can't move..."

With a sigh, Scarlett shook her head before bending down. "Fine, I'll give you a piggyback ride." She lifted Lunatic with ease, placing her gently on her back. The unexpected closeness made Lunatic blush again, her heart racing with both embarrassment and a strange sense of comfort.

As Scarlett started walking, carrying Lunatic across the battlefield, Lunatic couldn't help but feel conflicted. Despite the awkwardness of being carried, there was something about Scarlett's strength and warmth that made her secretly enjoy the moment. Her flushed cheeks spoke volumes, though she would never admit it.

In the distance, about a kilometer away, the figures of their allies were visible, waiting for them. They hadn't interfered because they trusted Scarlett completely, knowing she would win this fight. Now, with the battle behind them, Scarlett carried Lunatic toward an uncertain future—but Lunatic's heart was already beginning to beat in time with Scarlett's. 


Actually anyone who's wondering... 

This was the wound I received that took me 2 weeks of break. 

This was after stitches and finally after two weeks. 

Finally almost healed, All I just want to say is, support me! I want to complete this series at all cost. 

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