That Time I got Turned Into a Dragonoid


Scarlett carried Lunatic on her back, her footsteps steady as they moved through the battlefield. Lunatic held on tightly, but suddenly, something changed. The heart-shaped tattoo on her body began to glow faintly, a soft pulse of light that grew stronger with each second. Then, the heat surged through her body—an intense, overwhelming sensation that took her breath away. Her mind spiraled in confusion, unable to comprehend the sudden rush of desire. She had never experienced anything like this before.

"Shit!" Lunatic thought, her body trembling as the arousal hit her like a tidal wave. Her breaths came in hot, shallow gasps, and her heart raced wildly. "Scarlett must be in a good mood... because of my Heart Pact. Damn it! Whenever my partner is feeling this good, it triggers my arousal. But this... this is way too much!" 

Her thoughts were frantic, trying to push away the feelings, but the warmth flooding her body only intensified with each step Scarlett took. The more Scarlett's mood lifted, the more Lunatic felt consumed by the desire growing inside her.

As Scarlett continued walking, oblivious to what was happening, Lunatic's mind began to blur. She couldn't fight it anymore. Acting on instinct, she bit down on Scarlett's shoulder, trying to release some of the tension building up within her.

"Ouch!" Scarlett flinched, looking back with a playful grin. "What's with the bite? Are you secretly a vampire?" she joked, completely unaware of the real reason behind Lunatic's actions.

Lunatic panted softly, trying to mask the truth. "I-I'm just feeling a little... pain."

"Huh? You don't have pain nullification? Must be tough!" Scarlett laughed, shrugging it off. "Don't worry, bite as much as you need. I'm used to pain," she added with a carefree smile, continuing to walk.

But Lunatic couldn't control herself anymore. Her breathing grew heavier, her lips moving closer to Scarlett's neck. Instead of biting again, she began to lick her skin, her tongue leaving a trail of warmth. Scarlett felt the wetness against her neck and raised an eyebrow, confused by the odd sensation.

"That's... an unusual way of biting," Scarlett thought, her pace quickening as she tried to shake off the strange feeling.


As Scarlett approached the group waiting for her, the murmurs began to ripple through the crowd. One goblin, standing near the front, squinted and asked in confusion, "Scarlett-sama is back... but wait, who's that on her back?"

The army had retreated to the nearby Dark Elf village after their victory, and several key figures had gathered outside the battlefield to await Scarlett's arrival, Among them was Xao Feng, Cryptus, and a few dozen others who had stayed behind. And here leading this small group was none other than Li Feng, his sharp gaze fixed on Scarlett as she arrived.

While most of the soldiers and goblins bowed down in respect, Li Feng crossed his arms and snorted with a smirk. "Hmph… took you long enough," he scoffed, lifting his chin arrogantly. "I would have finished everything in minutes if it were up to me!" he boasted.

Scarlett's lips curled into an irritated smile, her patience already wearing thin. "Oh really?" she replied, sarcasm dripping from her voice. "Do you want me to marry your sister? "

Li Feng's confident expression quickly disappeared, and in an instant, he bowed down so fast it was almost comical. "I'm very happy with your safe return!" he exclaimed, his sudden change of attitude catching everyone off guard. The sight of it made several soldiers chuckle quietly to themselves, but as soon as Li Feng shot them a deadly glare, the laughter died down.

After regaining his composure, Li Feng glanced up and raised an eyebrow at the woman slumped over Scarlett's back. "Who's this woman? Why are you carrying her?" he asked, his voice suspicious.

Scarlett sighed, her exhaustion evident. "Let's not waste time. Gather everyone together, and I'll explain all at once," she said, sounding too lazy to repeat herself multiple times. "Much easier that way." With that, she kept walking forward, already thinking of how to simplify the situation for everyone.


In the Dark Elf village, where the chief resided in a massive treehouse, the air was thick with tension and curiosity. It was late into the night, around 1 or 2 AM, and the room was dimly lit by the soft glow of enchanted lanterns. The gathering consisted of Dark Elves, warriors, and some key figures, all sitting on blocks of wood arranged in a wide circle, their eyes firmly locked on Scarlett Nova.

Scarlett, renowned for her beauty and power, drew everyone's gaze. Even those who had only heard of her were now captivated by her presence. Whispers of admiration passed through the room, even the chief seemed a bit taken aback by her striking appearance.

Clearing her throat, Scarlett stood up with a calm but authoritative posture. "Ahem... As you might already know, I'm Scarlett Nova," she began, her voice commanding the attention of the entire room. Then, with a slight tilt of her head, she gestured toward the woman beside her. "But I'm sure you're all wondering who this woman is."

She paused for a moment, letting the suspense build before answering. "This is Lunatic, the true princess of the succubus race," Scarlett declared with a hint of pride in her voice.

The room erupted in shocked murmurs. "Princess?" several voices echoed in disbelief, their surprise palpable.

"Yes," Scarlett confirmed, her tone growing more serious. "Tiathmet and Lunaria imprisoned her, using her as a hostage to control the succubi and bend them to their will. But now that I've killed both of them and freed Lunatic, I want you to understand that all succubi are innocent."

Her words hung in the air for a moment as everyone processed the revelation. Scarlett turned to Lunatic and asked softly, "Isn't that right?"

Weakly but sincerely, Lunatic nodded, her voice barely above a whisper, "Y-yes."

Scarlett continued, her voice firmer now, "Not just the succubi—those sisters used enslavement magic to control an entire army. They are all victims of that magic, which means they deserve no punishment."

The Dark Elf chief, who had been quietly observing, finally spoke. "I understand now," he said, nodding in agreement. "I agree wholeheartedly. They were nothing but victims."

At that, the room burst into applause. Scarlett's words had won over the crowd, and even the chief showed a great deal of mercy by agreeing. But one question still lingered.

"What are we going to do with the remaining two hundred thousand soldiers and five thousand succubi?" Li Feng asked, his voice laced with skepticism.

Scarlett raised an eyebrow, clearly unbothered. "Good question. I'll take them in," she answered without hesitation.

Li Feng, now visibly frustrated, protested, "Wait, what? I understand about the other demons and monsters, but the succubi too? Are you sure?"

The chief also voiced his concerns, his deep voice filled with worry. "He's right, Scarlett. Succubi are categorized as devils for a reason. They're not easy to control."

Scarlett's eyes gleamed with amusement, and she chuckled softly. "Hehehe... Don't worry, old man," she said casually, giving the chief a thumbs-up. "I've got a solid plan."

If anyone else had dared to call the chief an old man, it would've been taken as an insult. But coming from Scarlett, it was almost endearing, and the chief couldn't help but smile despite his concerns.


She wiped off the remaining dirt from her body, taking a moment to inspect herself. Though her skin was unscathed, her clothes were another story. Torn in several places, they revealed patches of her bare skin. The worst damage, however, was to her stockings—almost completely shredded, hanging loosely in a way that made it clear they were beyond saving.

Instead of feeling upset, a grin spread across her face. "Finally, I have a reason not to wear these stockings anymore!" she said, her tone filled with relief as she raised her head and stretched her arms.

Looking around, she sighed. "It's getting late. I wanted to stay here a bit longer, but there's so much work to do. Guess we'll have to head out now." With that, she straightened up, her energy returning as she prepared for departure.

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