Technomancer in MCU

Technomancer in MCU #52

Disclaimer - I don’t own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 52

Technomancer in MCU

–Nick Fury–

With a groan, he opened his eyes and came face to face with a slightly debilitated white ceiling. The smell of cleaning chemicals and the regular beeping of medical machines meant that his plan worked.

It was a gamble but Banner’s drug along with some misdirection from Hill must have done the trick. It was an even bigger gamble trusting Hill but he had a hunch that she of all people was trustworthy. 

Besides, he was paranoid his whole life, and look where that brought him. In a hospital bed, ousted from his own organisation just as they were about to launch weapons that could be responsible for shaping the entirety of human civilisation for centuries to come. And what did he do? He ended up handing over humanity’s premier weapons to a bunch of nazis.

Worse, it was there all along. Ed had warned him about that but never in his dream would he have thought that Pierce of all people would be the leader of H.Y.D.R.A. 

Rejecting a Nobel Peace Prize because his job wasn’t done, his ass. The bastard must be making fun of them all along. He couldn’t believe he was actually so blind to the internal threats as he focused on the alien threats waiting for them in the cosmos. He went all in on the new generation helicarriers. Now, fucking Nazis of all people have the keys to the world.

His groan must have drawn somebody’s attention as he was soon sitting upright with somebody putting a cup of water to his mouth. He greedily drank it to moisten his dry throat. 

The next moment as he finished drinking water, bright lights flashed in his eyes and somebody removed the needles from his hand alongside somebody else stabbing a needle in his other arm. After a while, after the doctor was satisfied with his condition, he finally had the room to himself.

Not truly though, his inner voice supplied as he glanced at the multiple visible cameras in the room, not to mention who knows how many invisible cameras and sensors in the makeshift medical ward.

If all else went to plan, backup must be on its way and this location must be decently fortified along with 2 teams consisting of people he absolutely trusted with his life.

Thinking of people he could trust his life with, he regretted not contacting Coulson before taking the drastic step but in the end, it was for the better that Coulson wasn’t involved in this. 

As per his death protocols, Coulson must have gotten his instructions along with enough resources to run a medium-sized organisation for years to come. He just hoped that Coulson didn’t smell anything fishy in the news and go after Pierce and the others to avenge him. 

The last thing he wanted was to give H.Y.D.R.A. access to life-reviving technology. Just the fact that such technology existed would be the biggest mistake they could make.

As some strength returned to his body, he flipped open the holo tablet attached to the medical bed, courtesy of Simmons and Fitz from the labs. They were good kids. He just hoped that they too wouldn’t get caught in this web. Simmons already had a huge target on her head due to her immense potential as a healer. He had subverted no less than 20 attempts on her life and hundreds more that wanted to kidnap her, to what end he could only guess.

As the holographic display came to life, he could see that Rogers and Romanoff along with someone named Wilson were captured by S.H.I.EL.D. and were on their way to the nearest black site but they wouldn’t reach their intended location as Hill was aboard the convoy.

Ignoring that as Hill would have it handled, he instead turned to the information regarding the moving of important assets that were to be moved or destroyed in case of his confirmed death.

Granted, he hadn’t actually given the signal to them in case it was a fake death but almost all the experiments, artefacts, and most importantly, the last vials of GH.325 were moved from the fridge to the base where the Kree corpse was kept. And even that base was rigged to blow at the first sign of infiltration. He sighed in relief at that piece of information. 

He kept looking at the helicarrier schematics, looking for any weakness they could exploit because there is exactly zero chance in hell that he was going to let weapons he built for the defense of humanity be used by fucking Nazis of all people to threaten the world only to be brutally destroyed by Ed. That cold motherfucker would destroy hundreds of such helicarriers with ease with what they had seen so far. 

He had only used that angle to wrangle money out of the politicians' hands but he wasn’t delusional enough to think that it would have mattered in any way against Ed and his organisation. Still, Ed should have given them a way to contact them. This would have been the perfect time to make sure that he was excluded from this mission since all he would do is come here, take over the mission, and use brute force to destroy hundreds of billions of dollars worth of equipment.

That would be disastrous, not only for S.H.I.E.L.D. but for enhanced people around the world as well. They already get a bad reputation for doing basically nothing but if someone obviously enhanced came and destroyed government property that was this important, it would be like adding rocket fuel to a forest fire.

Speaking of enhanced people, he hurriedly opened the S.H.I.E.L.D. academy I.N.D.E.X. files to see if Pierce did something to the people there only to find out lookouts issued for nearly all enhanced people. He smiled upon seeing nearly all the students just disappear from their respective rooms in a blur. He gave a rare smile at that. Agent Yo-Yo was doing her job just fine then.

He chuckled as he imagined the reaction Pierce must be having since the enhanced that was only mildly impressive managed to bypass every defense the Academy had and moved out a hundred students in less than a minute.

It would seem that she has gotten even faster now. He wished he could contact her since she could be immensely helpful in the upcoming fight but that would mean leaving the kids defenseless along with telling her that he was still alive. 

He couldn’t risk that.

After a while, he heard a commotion outside his room. From the voice, John was arguing with the doctor about something.

He checked his holo tablet for all the cameras installed in and around the base, only for his pupils to dilate as he saw two people with armours more advanced than even Stark’s come straight towards the base entrance.

His mind churned furiously as he thought of all the possible places two unknowns with advanced tech could have popped up from.

The suits could indicate that they were from Ed’s organisation since there was no way H.Y.D.R.A. had that level of technology. It was just a matter of confirming it.

He soon got the opportunity as Hill and the others set up an ambush for them but his hopes were doused in cold water as only a single one of them stopped them like they were mere infants instead of being some of the most well-trained people in the world.

But that confirmed one thing. It might not be Ed himself since that was not his suit but they used the signature hard light technology that Ed and his organisation seemed to overuse.

The final kicker was the reveal of the operator of the suit that was bringing the team to the base’s doors in a hard light prison.

He immediately ordered the team lead there, “Soldier, stand down. I repeat, stand down. Let them pass. I repeat, do not engage. Let them pass.”

He exhaled in relief and smiled a bitter smile as he thought of the fact that Ed had managed to snag up Frank motherfucking Castle.

That bastard.

When he had heard about his abrupt resignation and the subsequent bloodbath that happened to his former colleagues, he had sent Coulson to investigate but Frank had come out all clean. Now, he knew why he came out all clean.

He heard the main doors creaking open and soon, his medical ward was crowded by the team and Ed’s men.

He took note of their expressions as they learned of him being alive. Naked relief along with a touch of suspicion could be seen on Romanoff’s and Roger’s faces. Wilson just had a confused look plastered on his face. Frank was smiling at him. 


In all the joint missions Frank performed with them, he had never once seen him smile outside of talking about his wife. 

Guess he found a better life outside then. Good for him.

Before he could get a word in though, Frank said, “Good to see you alive, Fury. I knew you piece of shit wouldn’t croak so easily.”

The doctors around them choked as they heard that. He waved them off, “Gentlemen? Can we have some privacy please?” The doctors looked like they were about to protest but after taking one look at the people in the room, they nodded and shuffled out of the room.

“For old time's sake, can you hook me up with whatever it is that you gave Romanoff there?” He gestured to Romanoff with his neck as she was sitting upright in her medical bed with her shoulder injury being completely healed without even leaving a bullet scar.

Not a single muscle twitched on Frank’s face but something flew off Romanoff’s clothes and settled on his chest and flowed around his gunshot wound like a cool liquid.

He sighed in relief as he felt something calm and soothing enter his body. This feeling was similar to what he felt when Agent Simmons used her artifact on me just a hundred times better. He was right, then. They have much much better medical tech on hand.

“Ah, that's the stuff. So, Frank, what brings you to our little slice of spy agency work? I thought you vowed never to work for us after that psyops went sideways.” He asked Frank, curious and a bit wary of their motives.

Frank smiled a cold smile, “Well, we are here to help you of course.”

Not even a nine-year-old would believe that obvious lie.


Word Count - 1811

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