Technomancer in MCU

Technomancer in MCU #51

Disclaimer - I don’t own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 51

Technomancer in MCU

S.H.I.E.LD. Convoy

–Steve Rogers–

“He looked right at me like he didn’t even know me.” He said out loud to the occupants of their van.

Sam scoffed, “How is that even possible? It’s got to be at least 70 years since then.”

“Zola” he uttered the word calmly despite the infernal fury he felt inside. The very thought of his friend, his one friend being under the control of those monsters for all these years filled his insides with molten fury.

He wished he had found him earlier. He could have done something. They could have saved him. Tony might have found a cure for him, maybe…

“Steve?” He looked up as Nat called him.

“It’s not your fault. Stop beating yourself up over nothing. There was nothing you could have done. You weren’t even awake.” She tried to console him but there was nothing anyone could say to him that would make him feel better.

The sound of a soft pained noise from Nat drew his attention to her sitting across him. He could see that the bullet wound in her shoulder was still bleeding and without proper medical attention, she would bleed out soon. They had to do something to stop the bleeding but how? 

He glanced at their captors and discarded any thought of getting any help from them from his mind. He had learned his lesson. They would sooner see them dead than help them at all.

“Look, man. She’s bleeding. You have got to put pressure on that wound or she’ll bleed out in minutes.” Sam pleaded to the security guards but as expected they remained silent and apathetic to their plight.

Sam was about to speak again when one of the guards removed his baton and shoved it in their direction, his silent threat clear to all of them.

His hands tensed as he got ready to help them in case the guard tried something but it turned out to be unnecessary.

The guard brandished the baton in their direction but then with a stabbing motion, electrocuted the other guard and smashed their head in with their other hand, knocking the guard out cold.

All of them tensed as they waited with bated breaths for the next actions of the guard. But then simultaneously sighed in relief when the guard removed their helmet to reveal a face that was familiar to the two of them.

“Huh, I had a hard time breathing with this thing on,” came the greeting of Maria Hill, the right-hand woman of Nick Fury. She then looked at all of their astonished faces, “What? I thought you’d be used to betrayal now?”

He had no answer to that question.


–Frank Castle–

He sat silently on the captain’s seat, waiting for the go-ahead from operations to intercept the convoy that had Captain America along with Black Widow and a potential future avenger, Sam Wilson.

This was new to him, waiting for orders, that is. Usually, Alfred had everything ready before you could even ask for him. Now, they were stuck here watching over the convoy.

He could hear Eric munching on chips loudly, much to his displeasure. He was doing it loudly on purpose too. 

After a while, Eric groaned and he could almost hear him calling for HQ again when the situation in front of them had an unexpected development. Maria Hill chose to reveal herself before their planned ambush under the bridge ahead. 

“She must have been worried about all the blood that Romanoff’s been losing. Commander, I think we share the same blood type. Should I become their samaritan and save her?” Eric said.

He resisted the urge to pinch his forehead at the comment, “Keep dreaming. Anyone could tell you just want to get in her pants.”

They then continued to follow them as they changed their clothes, cars, and routes and even went around in different cars before meeting in front of an old bar where they finally took a truck to their underground base.

Finally, he thought.

“Commander Castle, come in? I repeat, Commander Castle?” came the voice from the jet’s intercom.

“Yes?” he replied.

“You have orders to intercept Captain Rogers’ and Nick Fury’s meeting and make sure that the organization's agenda is the one that is being carried out.”


“So, what's our next step? Do we do a three-point landing like badasses in front of them? I mean, I could do it. Your knees must be weak now that you are old.” Eric had the audacity to say that to his face.

He barely stopped himself from decking Eric in the face. Not only because it wouldn’t have helped but also because his powers might negatively affect the seals on Eric’s powers.

He didn’t want to be the one who endangered everybody on Earth just for the satisfaction of punching out the bastard.

He gave Eric a look and then promptly started ignoring him. That was the best way he could deal with Eric. He just looked at the HUD which showed their destination and their mission parameters.

They had to circumvent the plan that Nick Fury and the others had and actually requisition the six state-of-the-art helicarriers that S.H.I.E.L.D. had built. Ed even had a mountain nearby hollowed out with maintenance arranged for the carriers for the next 5 years.

As he was reading the mission assignment, one of the floor tiles in front of him slid open and a box came out of it. After reaching his waist level, it opened up, revealing multiple shining vials containing moving red liquid. 

If he had to hazard a guess, he would say that those were the coveted Pym Particles. Those would come in handy while stealing the carriers. Along with the vials, he could spy a chip in the last socket. 

Curious about its function, he picked it up only for his suit to start beeping and then say out in a robotic voice, “Security protocol upload complete. Please activate the protocols after coming in close proximity with the desired terminal,” And then the chip disintegrated from his gloved hands.

So that's how he was going to hijack the carriers. He was doubtful about Fury’s chip replacement method since the World Security Council, after learning about Alfred and his insane abilities, had their paranoia increase twofold and made sure that only physical access to the main boards of each carrier could have the slightest chances of subverting control of their biggest weapons.

This would have been so much simpler with Alfred around.

Putting the thoughts of Alfred in the back of his mind, he watched as the Captain and the others reached the base where Fury was being treated. Captain and Wilson were the first ones to exit, followed by Romanoff and Hill. After a while, Hill dug out an old access panel from behind an old utility pole. Upon completing her identification, they all heard a shuddering noise and as they followed it, they came upon a small manhole-sized cover in the middle of the bushes from where they entered the base.

As soon as the last person on their team entered the manhole cover and closed it behind them, he gave the orders, “Alright, suit up. We’ll be going in now.”

The only answer he got from Eric was a wide grin and his suit manifesting over his body. He did a double-take when he saw that Eric’s suit was in the. American colour theme. Near identical to the Captain’s shield.

He internally shook his head, unwilling to even discuss it with Eric, and pushed the button to open the central escape hatch in the cabin and immediately jumped through it.

Waiting for the last moment to activate his thrusters, he cushioned his fall and landed softly on the ground. Quite unlike Eric who activated his boosters to give him more thrust and then did his three-point landing on the ground beside him, cratering it slightly. He deadpanned to Eric at that. If Alfred was around, he’d have surely turned off Eric’s nanite package at the last moment just to fuck around with him.

Making sure that the Pym Particle vials were safely stored on his person, he started running towards the entrance of the underground base when he heard an annoying voice, “What are you using your legs for? It's not 1990 old man, you have rockets built into your suit. Use them. Hell, they must be of an even higher caliber than mine since you are The Commander, right?”

As usual, he ignored it and soon reached the manhole cover.

Now, they could have gone inside guns blazing but that would reduced the chances of gaining any sort of alliance with Fury to near zero. So, they had to be quiet. Something he was getting pretty good at.

Activating the phasers for both his and Eric’s suits, he phased them through the manhole cover and straight onto the floor beneath it. He landed on his feet but somehow. Eric landed flat on his face. Well, his vibranium lattice helmet but there was a face underneath that.

Without waiting for Eric to get up, he activated his thrusters and intentionally allowed them to generate the rocket noise they make if you don’t use sound dampeners. Eric soon followed him with his thrusters active in the same mode, “Why are we making so much noise? Somebody might just wake up.”

He glanced at Eric and said, “That's the point.”

And soon enough, they came across a patch of sewage where a Blue shield just smashed into Eric, much to his delight, and sent him skidding backward and a couple of high calibre rounds slammed into my armour as well. The last straw was a grenade and a flashbang that was thrown sloppily in their direction, courtesy of Romanoff. Not wanting to prolong this any further, he activated the hard light constructs of his suit and simultaneously isolated all the weapons that were pointed at them, “Alright, that’s enough. We’re here to help.” He then activated the floodlights in his suit and after a second, chose to deactivate them and instead sent out a few tiny drones that latched themselves on the ceiling and emitted light, mimicking a ceiling lamp perfectly.

He could then see Captain and Wilson coming from one side with Romanoff probably waiting in ambush for us to let our guards down. He ignored the good Captain and continued looking in the other direction, waiting for Hill and Romanoff to come. After a while, they did get out of their hiding spot and he could see that Romanoff’s condition had taken a turn for the worse. 

Her face was pale from the blood loss and she was shaking due to the cold inside the tunnel. 

Sighing internally, he gave the command and one of the drones in the ceiling unlatched itself and dropped on her shoulder where it proceeded to dissolve into goo and heal her shoulder using the CHI it had stored inside it.

But seeing that, the Captain just charged at him. 

To be honest, he was starting to get a little bit annoyed at them and so chose to take matters into his own hands. He activated the hard light prisons and gathered everyone of them in a single sphere and waited for them to calm down.

Hill was the first who noticed that the drone was actually healing Romanoff and brought it to everyone’s attention, stopping their futile struggle against the hard light shield.

“That’s right, we are here to help. We are sent by Adam to make sure that S.H.I.E.L.D.’s fuckup doesn’t become the World’s fuckup. After all, we wouldn’t want to save the world from outside threats only to discover that somehow, H.Y.D.R.A., an organisation that has been dead for the last 80 years, took over the planet and nearly killed everyone on it. Right, Captain Rogers?” he explained to them with all the patience he could muster.

His suit could also sense a small fully armed team headed their way from inside the tunnel, “Look, I know you recognise the logo, right? “ None of them showed a reaction to that, even though they should have seen the logo hundreds of times in their meetings.

Fed up with all the smokes and mirrors, he activated his thrusters and along with Eric, took the prison holding everybody whilst making sure that Romanoff was not too jostled, and took off towards the base where Fury was being kept and watching us come.

Knowing that Fury was watching, he retracted his face plate to show his face to Fury. He could then see the crew he had sent faltering, almost as if they were given completely contradicting orders from before.

He smirked at that. Seems Fury recognised him.

Upon passing the security team, Eric grinned and waved at them, his faceplate retracted long ago.

The dumbfounded and betrayed looks of the Captain and Wilson were a delight to see.


Word Count - 2202

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