Technomancer in MCU

Technomancer in MCU #35

Disclaimer - I don’t own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 35

Technomancer in MCU


He then stood up tall and in our eyes, he seemed to grow even taller as he said, “The only question is will you stand with us or against us?”

The sound of the President gulping could be heard by everybody inside the room.



I must admit, I had gotten a little carried away in my speech.

The President looked like he had swallowed a particularly sour lemon.

He was looking at my outstretched hand like it was a snake about to swallow him completely.

Fury and the others were no better.

They looked at me in caution as I asked or more likely, gave them an ultimatum regarding their actions.

After a while of just staring, the President looked at my hand and hesitantly shook his head.


Never thought he would grow a spine at this moment.

I nodded and retracted my hand and said, “Very well. I just hope that we don’t meet on opposite ends, Mr.President. I will not show mercy.”

Frightened by my words, he frantically waved his hands and said hurriedly, “No No NO! You are misunderstanding me. It’s not that I don’t want to support you. Believe me, I do. Allying with you at this point would all but ensure my victory in the next elections.”

I leveled a confusing look at him and said, “I don’t understand.”

He then sighed and all the energy seemed to drain out of him as he sagged in his seat, “Majority of the people in the government would never agree with what you want to do. I won’t be able to openly support you even if I wanted to.”

He then gestured to Fury and said, “His organisation might have the power to cooperate with you but his backers won't allow that. I think the best we can do is a policy of open non-interference but even then the various black cells present in our government would still move against you, they would just lose the ability to do so in the light.”

I gave an understanding nod at that.

“Very well, then. I have emailed all of the information I told you about to your secured servers. Most of your questions will be answered there itself.”

I then nodded to myself and said, “And consider this a gift. I’ll publicly offer NASA to ferry anything they want to and fro from anywhere in the solar system.”

I could see their eyes almost popping out of their sockets.

Before they could launch into one of their tirades though, I raised my hand and stopped them, “And no, no weaponization of this offer. All of it would be contingent on NASA declaring all the findings in the public domain. This would also not be free. Substantial amounts of money will be charged for this. I will allow exploratory operations of any kind as long as they are unmanned. Manned operations will have to wait for a while.”

I then waved my hands and said, “You know what? I’ll have one of my people give a visit to NASA and they’ll just hash out everything.”

“Anyway, it has been nice meeting you, gentlemen. If you’ll excuse me, I have another place to be.”

“WAIT!” Fury shouted.

Anticipating this, I smirked at him and gestured at him to go on, “What is it, Fury? Do know that my time is very much limited. I have to go resolve issues that you don’t even know of.”

Ah, he was grinding his teeth at that. It's so much fun seeing him do that.

“We still don't have any clue regarding who you are, where you came from, where you operate, and so on. If you want us to trust you, the information flow needs to go both ways. You know all there is to know about us but we know next to nothing about you.” he asked me, frustration written all over his face.

I made a show of sighing and said, “Look, Fury. If we had come to an accord over greater cooperation, then I might have deigned to tell you more but as it is now, our situation calls for greater isolation. We will continue doing our business how we used to do it before, in complete stealth. “

He went to speak more but I forestalled him and said, “When we are needed, you can be damn sure that we will be there. As I said before, no transfer of technology will happen between us for reasons I don’t think I need to repeat again.”

Fury ground his teeth together and then seemed to have come to a decision.

Squaring his shoulders, he said, “If you walk out of here without agreeing to at least some of our demands, I will be forced to declare your organisation, at least internally, to be a terrorist organisation. You will be hunted down for your technology by us.”


I didn’t think Fury had it in him to do this.

Good thing he is playing right into our hands then.

I laughingly waved him off and said, “Please, you guys wouldn’t even know we existed if not for the invasion. Do your worst.”

Amidst their shouts, Alfred chose to shrink and phase me to the jet.

Alfred’s digital avatar popped up in front of me and he said determinedly, “The Gamma-tier weapons of the carrier are ready to be fired.”

I deadpanned at his behaviour.

Even the lowest-tier weapons on the super-class carrier would obliterate entire blocks. Sustained fire could decimate small towns.

I waved him off and said, “You know we can’t do that. Then even the Avengers won’t work with us and you know how important that is to the plan.”

His avatar slumped dramatically and said, “I know. Deactivating all weapons on board then.”

I snorted a laugh at his dramatic behaviour, “You do realise that I know you never activated any of the weapons. You won’t threaten the civilians nearby and the innocents inside the White House by attacking it.”

He then blew a raspberry at me and his avatar vanished.

It was quite disturbing to see an old face doing that.

On my HUD, I could see the jet getting out of the bunker and towards the moon. The superclass carrier was going towards its new assignment, orbiting the planet.

After multiple discussions and debates internally as well as with Alfred, I had come to the consensus that the Super Class carrier should be on high availability at all times. 

Canon, as I know it has gone off the rails and there is no telling which threat might rear its ugly head sooner than expected.

So, with the invisible sword of Damocles hanging over my head, I had no other choice but to deploy my strongest weapon near orbit.

It was a masterpiece.

The strongest weapon I would be able to build after this would involve either an Infinity stone, Uru, or Pym Particle tomfoolery.

It was built with an Adamantium exterior and a Vibranium interior. It made it the most durable ship built without reality-warping shenanigans.

For all I know, Wanda could just conjure up a theoretical metal stronger than even Vibranium.

It had enough provisions for nearly 10,000 people to live on it. Of course, we were nowhere near that level in terms of headcount but Alfred built it on the assumption that someday, it might be necessary to use this carrier in conjunction with Earth’s forces, acting as a modern-day Ark as a last-resort.

With the energy sources embedded in the carrier along with advanced matter converters, theoretically, a large human colony could survive on that ship for decades, centuries if they get enough supplies.

It was powered by one main N-Reactor and 4 backup Giant Arc reactors.

Any one of those could power up the entire carrier for decades without any issue but to operate the Alpha-tier energy weapons onboard, the N-Reactor needed to be used at full load.

Contrary to what was portrayed in comic books, Stark’s Arc reactor was not the be-all and end-all for energy generation. 

To be clear, it was fine for anything Earth had to power.

The gamma cannon on this carrier was just another beast altogether.

For every activation, that cannon ate enough energy to power the entire Earth for 1 month. That number gets even more preposterous when you factor in the fact that it was built using a Vibranium base, which shot its overall efficiency figures to the low 90s.

A single shot of that cannon would punch through multiple planets with ease.

The N-Reactor was just a room-size sphere of Pure Vibranium with an outer coating of an Adamantium alloy. The interesting properties of Vibranium allowed us to harness what was essentially the power of the sun.

Alfred had the crazy idea at first when I vetoed it. Back then it was just us two. Now, with all the new heads in the organisation, in collusion with Alfred, proposed it to me and strong-armed me into giving it the green signal.

All the concessions I could get was a guarantee that only one would exist at any given point.

At its core, the N-reactor was named as such because of its origin of energy. The biggest nuke that Alfred could build and realistically fit inside the sphere was built and detonated inside that sphere of pure Vibranium. The energy inside was absorbed by the processed vibranium as pure energy. Coating vibranium in celestial body fluid dramatically increases all its energy-related properties.

All the energy released by the nuke upon explosion, conservative estimates range in YottaWatts, was trapped inside the sphere and using advanced superconductors, once again made of Vibranium, we were able to tap into that energy whenever we required.

Thus, turning a force of pure destruction into a source of energy that would quite literally power Humanity as it is now till our extinction.


I watch as a team of scientists, using Gravitonium based anchoring devices, stabilise one of the portals that were formed because of the convergence.

It was pea-sized right now but the team predicted its gradual expansion until it would finally settle at 15-20 feet in diameter.

Jane Foster would give anything to be a part of that team.

It’s a shame that her association with Thor rendered any chance of her becoming a part of our organisation, moot.

“Alfred, chart a course to London, will you?”

“Yes, sir.”

Without so much as a small lurch, the jet did a ninety-degree turn and sped off towards London.


Word Count - 1780

If you guys want to read ahead, you can head on to my Patreon

I already have up to 9 extra chapters uploaded there.

Author Note

As promised, another chapter served on the platter for you guys!

I have another 10 hours of train journey ahead of me so I might just finish up another chapter or start working on my other fic, whatever the mind worms decide.


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