Technomancer in MCU

Technomancer in MCU #34.2

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Chapter 34.2

Technomancer in MCU

Bunker Below the White House

–Nick Fury–

He then elaborated, “The reason they are marked as not-to-intervene is because they are already on the path to reach the benchmark I have set for Humanity’s advancement. They are way ahead of you, obviously but that doesn’t mean that they have reached space-faring status, it just means that they will, in due time, without my interference. Any action on my part at this stage will only result in negative results.”

At their collective looks of incomprehension, he pinched his nose and said, “Look, just think of them as someone who is already scoring consistently at the top of the class and any extra attention from the teacher would not help and might even backfire as they might not be used to the attention. The orange ones are the people who can score higher but are not on the right track. They can be guided back on those tracks with minimum interference.”

Here, he took a pause and said, “The red ones are the ones to worry about. They are the ones whose path doesn’t lead to advancement without heavy-handed intervention. They are the ones most marginalized and exploited on our planet.”

“Look, can we just focus on the threats from outer space, the ones who we actually need to worry about?”

He gestured to the globe and said, “All of those things can be easily handled by me. What I need your help with are the threats that lurk in the darkness of outer space. Those are the ones that cannot be defeated without cooperation from your end as well as mine.”


Once again, the president cleared his throat and said, “Ahem.. Ed, we understand. Can you tell us about the threats in outer space then? Starting with the one who sent that Chitauri army you talked about?”

Ed nodded, clearly relieved, “Finally, someone with sense.”

He then waved his hand again and the view of the globe zoomed out.

He looked at the scene intently, trying to memorize any important details.

As the view zoomed out, they saw multiple dots on the moon.

Then the dots kept coming up again.

A few scattered on Mars.

Some near Jupiter.

Multiple ones near the sun.

How could anybody survive near the sun?

He had so many questions about that but kept my mouth closed.

He could always ask him about it later on. If he feels generous, he might even answer them.

The more important thing right now was information because as it was right now, we were flying blind.

The view zoomed out even more, eventually settling on the map of the Milky Way Galaxy.

“Alright,” He then stood up and waved his hands and the f*cking table disappeared in front of us.

So did his chair.

Startled, all of them leaned away from where the table used to be.

Smiling at them, the bastard was enjoying all of this, he gestured to the hologram and it changed to show five different icons.

At their questioning looks, he started to explain what they were.

“Gentlemen, there are five major powers in our galaxy that we need to be wary about. These powers are so high above us that even if we reach the level I want us to reach, I doubt we will be much of a threat to any of these civilizations, if they want to destroy us completely.”

He leaned forward, very much interested in finally getting any information about the dealings of major powers in outer space other than the Kree and the Skrull conflict.

“They are–” he said while gesturing to the hologram.

The galaxy then shifted to highlight an island floating through space. It had buildings built on it in medieval style. A huge golden palace of sorts is situated in the center of the island, with a waterfall-like formation dropping water seemingly into the void.

“--Asgard, the home of Skyfather Odin. As you might have guessed, Thor and Loki hail from this place. Once upon a time, Odin reigned near supreme across the universe, conquering realm after realm but after an incident a few thousand years ago, they retreated back into their realm and nowadays only guard the Nine Realms, of which Earth or Midgard as they call it, is a part of.” he continued.

“Then there is Xandar.” The hologram showed a planet that slightly resembled Earth, if not only slightly larger. It had towering skyscrapers but also greenery surrounding all the cities. Also, like Earth, the majority of its surface was covered with water. There were numerous structures littering its orbit and ships continued to dock and undock from those structures. The zoomed-in view showed aliens of all sizes and shapes roaming around in public spaces, showcasing its multi-species nature.

“This is the civilization that we should pay close attention to. It is the closest galactic superpower that we can emulate and have a reasonable chance of succeeding with. As you can see, they are humanoid and share slight resemblances with ours but the Xandar empire as a whole is multi-species. They accept many other species with open arms without discrimination. Their technology has also evolved to develop with the nature of their planet rather than against it. I would recommend this planet to be the first trip for mainly trade relations. You would be able to get many space-faring technologies here for just money. It is a major trade hub, after all. For trade, I would recommend spices as they are a rarity even in space.”

They gave him incredulous looks as he suggested for us to become spice traders like the British colonizers to initiate trade with one of the galactic superpowers.

He looked defensive as he said, “What? It is true. Spices are very hard to grow outside and for some reason, they never evolved in most of the planets with the same makeup as ours. Trust me, they've tried to grow chilly in space. They can’t. That stuff is much rarer than oil in outer space. Oil is worthless outside of our planet.”

“Next is Olympus.” The hologram showed a bubble, inside of which were buildings that were shining as they all seemed to be made out of gold.

“Before you ask, yes, they are the same Olympians that early humans used to worship. They have now left Earth and reside in a pocket dimension they call as ‘Omnipotence City’. Their leader is Zeus, who is said to have matched Odin in combat ability, although that is yet to be proven because I know for a fact that Odin in his Prime was someone even Celestials would hesitate to fight with.”

At the question marks that must have floated above their heads, he clarified, “Celestials are the first beings to come into existence after the Big Bang.As such, they are naturally the most powerful species to ever exist in our universe. They are planet-sized humanoids with reality-warping abilities. Energy manipulation, matter manipulation, spatial manipulation, you name it and they probably have someone in their midst with that ability.”

At their growing looks of horror, he hurriedly said, “Don’t worry. The last time anybody saw a celestial was centuries ago and even if you did encounter them, they barely interact with any species as they consider us below them. Ant and a Blue Whale would be an apt comparison in terms of scale of impact on the cosmos around us.”

That didn’t do anything to abate their growing concerns as the looks of horror remained on all of their faces.

Danvers didn’t tell him about any of this. As far as he could tell, even Ed seems to be of the mind that these beings can’t be fought with. That thought sent chills down his spine. That some beings existed you simply can’t fight with.

“Anyway, the next would be Kree.” The hologram shifted to show a planet completely devoid of nature. No forests or trees littered the surface of the planet. Water covered a majority of the planet but it looked completely artificial as if it was still water and not flowing at all like seawater. The zoomed view showed a Tall blue humanoid alien.

“They are the most war-mongering species you could find in the galaxy. Well, of course, apart from the humans,” he said in a humorous way.

None of them found it funny, of course.

“Eh, Tough Crowd.” he shrugged and then continued, “I would not recommend any sort of contact with this species. They have a central artificial intelligence that rules their entire society. This has made them the hardest civilisation to fight with as the AI doesn’t care about its citizens as long as the species as a whole is succeeding. This makes them a nightmare to deal with in a prolonged fight.”

“Also, they are just as if not more xenophobic than us, so there’s that.”

“The last would be Thanos–” the hologram flexed only to show a humongous ship. It was a large rectangular ship that overshadowed asteroids. The only thing written on the screen was-’The Sanctuary’ and then it zoomed in to show a Tall humanoid with purple skin. He resembled the Hulk in musculature.

“That is the single biggest threat to Humanity out there. He is one bad motherf*cker of a Titan, a species that used to live on the moon of Saturn named Titan. That is Thanos, the strongest of his species to ever exist. He is a madman who is hell-bent on killing half of all life. He is someone who destroys advanced civilisations for breakfast. As we are now, that purple scrotum would trounce the entire team of Avengers within seconds. The only people alive who can match him can be counted on a single hand. Not Hulk, Not Thor, and regrettably, not even me or any of the people in my organisation can hope to even scratch him as he is now. The Chitauri army was sent by him. He wanted the Tesseract for some reason.”

He then turned off the hologram and a table materialized under the hologram on which he leaned on. He then looked at each of them intensely and then said, ‘He is the one we need to defeat if we are to survive on the road to becoming a galactic civilization.”

The President choked out, clearly spooked by this Thanos, “Why? Why would he come for us? We don’t even have the Tesseract anymore. Thor took it. Asgard has it.”

Ed then shook his head and said, “If only it were that simple. We defeated his Chitauri army. A backwater planet that was simply beneath his notice, defeated his army which was headed by Loki.I know that he doesn’t look much but Loki is one of the top combatants of the universe. He could single handedly trounce multiple civilizations if he so wished. It’s just that he hasn’t yet realised all of his powers yet. We were lucky that day. If Loki had been his true self, Earth would be a smoking husk by now. Defeating him, that might as well have been an open challenge to him. Make no mistake, he will come for us and when he does, we will be ready.”

“We have to. There is no other choice.”

He then stood up tall and in their eyes, he seemed to grow even taller as he said, “The only question is will you stand with us or against us?”

The sound of the President gulping could be heard by everybody inside the room.


Word Count - 1789

If you guys want to read ahead, you can head on to my Patreon.


Author Note

Well, I tried yesterday but the plot bunnies wouldn’t come to me so here’s the chapter today. 

It was my first time writing a sweet romantic scene of sorts. Do tell me how it went.

I have the outline of the next 2 chapters ready and since I am on the train to my job posting, I have nothing to do but write for 30 more hours. SO! Good news, you might see another chapter tomorrow. REJOICE!

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