Technomancer in MCU

Technomancer in MCU #32

Disclaimer - I don’t own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 32

Technomancer in MCU


“You!?” I said while pointing at the person with the shit-eating grin.

“Yes, ME!” he said while showing the most smug grin I had ever seen.

I had never wanted my gun to be with me more than ever.


Base Alpha


I watch on as the base goes into a whirlwind of activity, preparing for the trip to the White House.

Despite my protests, Alfred had insisted on going to the White House with a fleet.

I had warned him about the warmongering tendencies of U.S. Politicians but he had just rolled his eyes at me and said, “It’s not like we will be revealing them. It's just in case.”

Just in case, he says.

Taking out the only superclass aircraft carrier we have is not a case of just in case.

It's to scare them into submission.

It wasn’t even built for stealth, just pure overwhelming destructive might.


Maybe I am the one with destructive warmongering tendencies. After all, I keep on building bigger, better, and more destructive vehicles with planet-buster weapons.

But then I remember the power of Thanos, of his Black Order, of Ronan, of Hela, and then all these weapons seem so frail in front of them.

I still don’t have a perfect solution to deal with Thanos or Hela.

No way to deal with them without using an Infinity Stone, which opens a whole different set of problems.

The ones who can deal with them are either dying or are adamant about dying on their own terms.

Which doesn’t leave me with a whole lot of time to come up with a solution.

All I have at this point are gambles.

Gambles involving the use of infinity stones and the protagonists' luck of some of the characters who won only by a fluke.

That was clearly unacceptable as according to Alfred, there was no way we would be able to replicate the circumstances leading up to the events of the good guys winning and the bad guys conveniently being in their most vulnerable states.


All this stressing about the future was putting an undue load on my already sickly body.

We had searched high and low for any kind of cure for it but according to both the Ancient One and the witches of Vanaheim, corroborated by the studies Alfred had done on my condition, there was some sort of anchor holding my soul down to this body.

That was why we couldn’t just make a healthy, superior body in every way. My soul simply won’t leave the one in which I came into this world.

Even my astral form is sluggish to leave the physical confines of my body.

The Ancient One refused to help me in that regard, telling me cryptic tales of only me being able to solve the issue.

I don’t think Odin would be so eager to help me either.

The veritable army of scientists we amped with intelligence-enhancing CHI drugs couldn’t find a solution for my condition.

According to them, they could not yet manipulate the metaphysical in ways that could help me get rid of my curse.

A curse.

That's what it was.

Probably given to me by the ROb who punted me into this world with great power but in a failing body.

Probably laughing looking at me struggling to survive in this death world.

The Marvel world might seem all sunshine and rainbows, running on hope from the outside but after looking through the lenses of someone who actually had to live here?

It is just as bad as a deathworld.

I was lucky that the Ancient One found me before they could damage me too much or else I probably would have turned out the same as N’Jadaka.

Wanting to watch the world burn and suffer as much as I did.

With my powers, it would have been a hard task for even the Avengers to put me down.

I would have died fighting them but I wouldn’t have gone down lightly.

She took me to Kamar Taj and healed me.

Despite me not possessing a lick of talent for the Mystic Arts, she allowed me to stay there and tinker for quite some time.

She only kicked me out when I already had a few secure bases set up around the world.

The favor she did for me will never be forgotten by me or Alfred.

That is why I continue fighting. To prove to her that helping me was the right decision.

It helped that my moral compass was not too damaged by my experiences in this world.

Alfred estimates with judicious use of my powers, I had about 10 years before my body shut down and left my soul to fend for itself in the astral realm.

The astral realm was not a forgiving plane, especially for soul-based power holders like me.

We were delicious snacks for the many ruthless monsters that roamed the astral plane.

That is why I had Alfred build everything.

It was me and him against the world, just like the old times.


I sighed at the beep as it signified it was time to meet the most (supposedly) powerful man in the world.

“Alfred? Make sure that we arrive before Fury does. I want to see his reaction when he sees me there.” I say out loud.

Nowadays even communicating with Alfred using my Technopathy increases the rate of degradation of my body.

Sighing in relief at another microinjection of CHI, I heard Alfred reply with a “Yes, sir.”

The suit started to move on its own, piloted entirely by a partition of Alfred.

I, myself, possessed zero ability to move it.

Alfred did it all on his own. He predicted my movements based on my thought patterns recorded previously. He performed all the micro gestures that would make it look like I was doing it all with my muscles rather than advanced servo motors.

Soon, I reached the jet that would take me to the white house.

Due to the judicious use of Pym particles retrieved from the vaults of Hank Pym, this baby had the ability to phase through objects.

We don’t have the capability to make them. Alfred is still running calculations on it.

We often wonder who blessed Pym enough that he was able to build a safe gateway to the quantum realm in the 70s.

It was near impossible for it to be a coincidence that Pym was able to make Pym particles and get his wife accidentally stuck in the Quantum realm who coincidentally became the catalyst for the rebellion under Kang’s rule which eventually led to his defeat.

It all seemed self-fulfilling to me and Alfred agrees.

Nodding at Frank as he came to see me off, I walked on to the ramp of the jet.

“Are you sure I can’t convince you to let me come with you? I want to see Fury having an aneurysm when he sees you there.” Frank asked me, a cigar rolling in his mouth.

Rolling my eyes, I waved him off and said, “Not today, Frank. You have your assignment. Do that or do I have to call Maria again?”

As expected, he and even his cigar fell in line immediately at the mention of his wife.

The man was a certified badass who made my men regularly pee themselves out of his fear and one word from his wife and he just melts down.

I guess that's what love will do to you.

The ramp closed up and the jet took off, courtesy of Alfred taking control.

The base’s runway closed off as I breached the outer shields of the base.

The base soon became invisible as we crossed the outer holographic shields and then all I could see was cratered white lands of the moon.

I had often been asked by various members of my staff- why the moon?

And I always told them why not?

It was the very first base I ever built.

I had no actual sense of safety outside of Kamar Taj back then and the only way I could feel safe was if I was actually off-planet.

I went way overboard during its construction and actually built a base that covered almost 10% of the moon’s interior space.

Alfred had to work overtime to spoof any and all data being gathered on the moon.

It was touch and go for a while but now?

It was the biggest base we have and the most used as it allowed for faster travel to Earth as well as easy access to the jump gate located at a convenient distance to the moon.

Watching the blue ball of life coming into range, I think of all the stuff we are yet to do to ensure Humanity’s safety.

I think of the Inhumans, Eternals, Deviants, Atlantians, and even the vanilla humans that inhabited this beautiful planet and how they were slowly destroying it.

Lost in thought, I only came back to my senses once Alfred notified me of our arrival right above the White House.

Looking at the HUD, it was still time until Fury came here.

Deciding to have some fun until he comes over, I order Alfred to get us to the meeting room inside the underground bunker.

I couldn’t wait to see Fury.


Word Count - 1581

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