Technomancer in MCU

Technomancer in MCU #31

Disclaimer - I don’t own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 31

Technomancer in MCU


I found myself wondering if my decision was correct but I had already taken a step forward and there was no going back.

Years later, I would come to thank myself for this decision, for this event forged the bond between the future Black Panther and the first Gold Panther of Wakanda.”


The Sparring Grounds, Wakanda


When I first heard that T’Challa had gone on to challenge N’Jadaka to a spar of all things, I was not afraid but downright terrified.

I had already warned T’Challa not to even approach N’Jadaka until his presence was announced publicly.

I wanted to give him some time to acclimate to Wakanda before introducing him to his cousins but Ramonda had taken actions without my counsel.

She had introduced Shuri and T’Challa to him without my say so.

It had gone disastrously, to say the least.

I was there when the Ancient One had given the prophecy and it still gives me chills that my little baby girl was the one who was prophesied to help save Wakanda and the planet.

The entire process was done and Shuri was resting, guarded by my personal guards whose existence is a secret from even Okoye.

Ramonda said that our medical technology won’t be able to do anything as there is nothing to do and only the Royal Shaman will be able to further shed light on whatever mysteries were present in that Mask which are now transferred to Shuri.

Leaving that aside for a moment, according to Ramonda, N’Jadaka had sent T’Challa flying with a single kick.

That was impossible in my opinion as the Heart shaped herb granted T’Challa strength comparable to my own, even greater now that I have become old.

Now, as I watch N’Jadaka send T’Challa flying with a kick for the umpteenth time, I am forced to reevaluate the power Ed and his organisation possess.

If they have the know-how to enhance someone to the level or even beyond the level of the Black Panther, they must have multiple people at that level.

That increases their danger rating even beyond what they have now.

I don’t know if there even is a rating for that.

Then a stray thought entered my mind that made my face pale.

If N’Jadaka is so strong even without the blessing of the heart-shaped herb, how strong would he become after ingesting it?

I shuddered just thinking about it.

Ramonda, noticing my actions, asked me with concern, “What is it? Are you alright?”

I clenched the railing until my knuckles turned white as I thought of the devastation that would have occurred had N’Jadaka not been as forgiving as he is now.

Hearing Ramonda’s question, I shake my head and assure her that I am alright.

All around the sparring grounds, I could see a crowd had gathered.

The silence around us was deafening.

I could see all of them with their jaws agape and wide, disbelieving eyes.

I reckon most of them came to watch their Crown Prince thrash another person in the sparring grounds but reality turned out to be different.

They were watching N’Jadaka manhandle T’Challa like he was naught but a babe.

If he could do that to T’Challa, he would be able to defeat any warrior in traditional combat for the throne.

It wouldn’t matter what tribe they were from. Even the J’Abari would be defeated.

Ramonda and I shared a glance at that, the same thought running in our minds.

“My decision was correct. Thank Bast for this,” I whispered.

Ramonda could do nothing but nod as she watched her son and her nephew have so much fun while sparring even though it was clear to anyone who watched that N’Jadaka was the clear winner of this spar.

Finally, T’Challa accepted defeat with a smile, his face covered in mud and some of his teeth knocked loose.

Anybody could see that T’Challa was very much satisfied with the spar as he could finally go all out without worrying about hurting his opponent.

Even while sparring with me, he held back in fear of hurting me as according to my children, I am now a glass trophy.

Only to be protected, showcased behind a panel of glass.

The crowd watched on in silent awe as N’Jadaka walked out of the ring.

I nodded towards one of my guards, silently ordering them to escort N’Jadaka to his quarters.

Then, my shoulders finally relaxed as I thought of the smile N’Jadaka and T’Challa shared during their spar.

It would seem that they had managed to bond pretty well.

I would not have to worry about them any longer now. Wakanda should be in safe hands now.


The Triskelion, Washington DC

–Nick Fury–

Looking at the report that was sitting at my desk, I couldn’t help but feel another migraine coming.

I had a meeting with the President in 3 hours and he wanted a status briefing.

And I have nothing.

Not even a single concrete thing I can tell him.

Nothing regarding the Ed character and the organisation behind him.

Nothing about where and how they got their fleet so close to NYC before everybody without anyone noticing or even how they left.

They were full-sized flying aircraft carriers and nobody could figure out how they left.

The less said about their spaceship the better.

Even worse was the nuke that was fired and detonated on US soil.

It has become the biggest scandal in international politics.

The first nuclear explosion on a civilian city after Nagasaki.

The President wanted answers and I had shit.

I wish I could throttle that Ed bastard right now. He must be laughing looking at us scrambling around like headless chickens.

The bastard even knew about the attack in advance and didn’t deign to inform us or anybody about the huge attack that was about to happen right in the middle of one of the biggest population centres of the world.

The worst thing was I had nothing to show for it.

No alien tech, No advanced tech from Ed.

Nothing except a single healing glowstick that only works when Agent Simmons uses it.

Nobody even has a single clue as to why and how that stick does the biometric authentication on Agent Simmons.

It might as well be magic to us.

Stark and Banner, both are not talking.

They even refused to help us theorise any countering technology we could use against the aliens or Ed’s technology.

I made Romanoff exclude the precognitive part of Ed’s abilities as it would have raised a shitstorm even bigger than the one I was currently in.

The best thing that came out of this invasion was Stark’s sudden willingness to share his technology.

The bastard was already poised to rake in millions from the reactor he had already set up for New York City.

That number would balloon to billions once the contracts start pouring in.

Hill was already assigned the case to protect that Buffoon and his close ones once the Oil industry woke up and recognized the threat Stark possessed to the global crude oil industry.

I could already see the oil price crashing and I had a feeling that Stark was going to profit massively from that as well.

Another headache added to the pile. I could feel that migraine coming back with a vengeance.


Sighing at the alert for the meeting, I ordered for the car to be brought around.

I felt a pang in my heart as I thought of Coulson.

Normally, he would have been the one to accompany me for a meeting this important. 

There was no one in this organisation that I trusted more to have my back than Coulson.

This will not be the end of Coulson, I will make sure of it.

Project T.A.H.I.T.I. will succeed, I will make it so.

Exiting my office and entering the convoy, I think about the consequences of today’s meeting.

The president could very well have me removed from my post today, citing my failure to find even a shred of link regarding the foreign militant organisation operating on U.S. soil or the nuke that destroyed Upper Manhattan.

I had already made arrangements to relocate or outright destroy the more dangerous projects the council had deemed necessary, in case I was fired today and had no chance to communicate my final orders.

Going through the security protocols, I was taken through a secret tunnel straight to the President’s bunker.

I hated this place.

All my instincts went against entering a place with a single entry and exit and no weapons except my injured body.

Entering the meeting room, I saw that there was the usual assembly present.

It was the person sitting beside the President that had me nearly frothing at my mouth.

“You!?” I said while pointing at the person with the shit-eating grin.

“Yes, ME!” he said while showing the most smug grin I had ever seen.

I had never wanted my gun to be with me more than ever.


Word Count - 1541

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