Technomancer in MCU

Technomancer in MCU #27

Disclaimer - I don’t own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 27

Technomancer in MCU

The Royal Museum,Birnin Zana, Wakanda


“It was just as he said. The most beautiful sunset can only be seen in Wakanda,” he whispered to himself.

T’Chaka walked after him, giving him company.

I stayed behind, not wanting to intrude on a clearly emotional moment.



After a while, N’Jadaka stood up and alongside T’Chaka came back to the lift site.

I looked at N’Jadaka with a teasing smirk and so did Alfred as he popped out of a hologram projected from my suit. He had his arms crossed and looked at N’Jadaka with a smug smirk.

N’Jadaka scowled fiercely at that.

The look was only somewhat ruined as he was wiping off his eyes with his sleeves.

Anyway, I guess it was time to wrap this up.

Clapping my hands, I gained their attention, “Alright gentlemen. This was all very touching and I am glad we had this meeting to air out our feelings but I have an urgent meeting with another world leader and he doesn’t know we are coming.”

I gave a smirk at that statement, “So we better get going now.”

I gestured to N’Jadaka, “He will remain here now. I hope that is not going to be a problem?” I asked T’Chaka.

He shook his head immediately, “No! I would be delighted to host him here and make sure he reintegrates with Wakanda properly.”

I nodded at that, “Great! I just hope that you give him his proper status as a Prince of Wakanda though.”

T’Chakka nodded and said, “Of course!”

“Very well then. My work here is done. N’Jadaka knows what to do ahead. Bye Bye!” I said to both of them.

Both of them nodded solemnly as I activated thrust to the boosters and flew off to where the fleet was stationed.

I think I could hear some of the Border tribe members squawking in outrage at me just flying above their city, that too in a weaponised armoured suit.

Using energy resonance technology that synched up the barrier frequencies between the Wakandan barrier and the energy barrier surrounding my suit, I just phased through their shields.

Sometimes, it felt good to show off.

I could see Alfred powering up the fleet in the distance. 

I could also see some of the guards that were standing nearby falling on their asses due to the wind generated by the thrust of the carrier.

I rolled my eyes at that.

Alfred was doing that on purpose.

All my carriers were capable of near-silent stealth operations that wouldn’t disturb a leaf on the ground nearby during take-off.

Soon the carrier was floating above the ground, right in front of me.

I didn’t slow down at all and at the last moment, the front of the carrier opened up and I landed down in the holding bay.

The last thing I could see was the outraged faces of the border tribe members nearby.

I cheekily waved at them before the doors closed off.

“Alfred, get us to Base Alpha. Tell them to prep for a trip to the White House.”

Let’s go stir some shit up.



I watched on as Boss just rocketed off in front of us, raising a dust storm for us to breathe into.

Waving my hands in front of my face, I coughed as I cursed him in my mind.

To the side, I could see T’Chaka giving out orders to his military regarding Ed’s bombastic entry.

I could hear the panicked voices seeking orders to destroy the projectile in the sky.

The voices reached a crescendo when they realized that Ed could just pass through their barriers anytime he wanted to like they didn't even exist.

I was sure of that. That murder bot wouldn’t have left such an obvious weakness in their technology stack.

To think they thought that Ed was trapped with them inside, I shook my head in pity for the security team.

They will have nightmares regarding this for weeks now.

T’Chaka grumbled, “It would have helped if he didn’t just wake every living citizen in the country with that one stunt.”

I shrugged my shoulders and said, “What can you do? He does what he does with nobody to stop him.”

T’Chakka rolled his eyes but nodded at me.

Then, in a somber tone, he said, “For what it's worth, I truly am sorry for what I did. Not a day goes by without me thinking about it.”

I listened to his words, stone-faced.

“I won’t try and justify my actions in regards to your father but I will say this,” he said.

“I hope you don’t let my previous mistakes cloud your judgment regarding the future of this country. You are clearly going to be the key for Wakanda’s advancement considering your connections to Ed and I would love to have you as the Crown Prince of Wakanda.”

I looked at him incredulously at that statement.

Crown Prince?


That would make me next in line to be king, effectively replacing T’Challa.

“Why would you do that?” I asked him, baffled by his words.

“You would still have to earn everybody’s trust. My words alone won’t make you king. They will just shine a spotlight on you. Everybody will judge you, especially since they don’t know you but if you prove them wrong, you will usher this country into its most advanced stage to date.” He said convincingly.

I was still in shock at his words.

I nodded robotically at his words and said, “I’ll think about it. Don’t make me enemy number one of the state by snatching away the position of their beloved Crown Prince and giving it to me.”

After some thought, he nodded at my words.

“Understandable,” he said.

“Let’s go then. Half the country must be looking forward to my explanation now.” he continued.

“I also have to meet the elders and explain your existence,” he groaned.



I breathe in deeply as I look towards the retreating back of my nephew.

That was a spur-of-the-moment decision but I was glad that I made it.

It showed me that he was not someone driven by greed or revenge.

That gave me hope that he could one day be King and have the best interests of the country at heart.

I chuckled silently as I thought about T’Challa and especially Shuri’s reaction to him.

I hope he accepts them as his family members.

That would really take a huge load off my shoulders.

With his connection to Ed, unveiling Wakanda on the public stage will become much easier.

The more I thought about it, the more Ed’s alliance requirements seemed almost trivial in comparison to the benefits it would bring Wakanda.

All that was left was convincing the council regarding the alliance.

That would probably be the hardest part of this entire ordeal.

Making them all agree on a single thing, especially since it consisted of outsider matters, was a chore and a half.

Hopefully, Ed’s gift in the form of Ulysses Klaue would help them consider the benefits of this deal in a calm-headed manner.

Thinking of him, a vicious glint flashed through my eyes.

I have been dreaming of getting my hands on him for a long long time.

He was responsible for dozens of Wakandan deaths, and billions in stolen vibranium and he even had a part in my brother’s actions.

That alone would make me give him the death penalty.

But death would be too sweet of a release for him.

I am sure the council and I could come up with some creative punishments for him.

I looked forward to that hearing.

May Bast have mercy on him because I won’t.


Word Count - 1307

A/N - Hey guys! I come with sad bearings. No chapters for a few days(Friday). I just moved and started full time classes and adapting to the new schedule has been hard. 

The thing is, when I started this, I made a commitment to myself that I would post 30 chapters in 30 days, essentially a chapter every day. AND!! I did it!

Staying true to my commitment, this is my 31st upload.

BUT to follow this would be unrealistic now since I have so little time and most of it is spent on studying, sleeping, attending lectures, exercising, etc.

In light of that I have decided to stick to a schedule of a chapter every other day. In return for this staggered schedule, I will increase the word count to 2.5k/chapter.

Thank you so much for understanding!

If you guys would like to support my writing or read chapters ahead of the public release, you can head on to my P-word site. It is with the same name as my username, just without the 0307.

I already have 8 chapters ahead uploaded there.


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