Technomancer in MCU

Technomancer in MCU #26

Disclaimer - I don’t own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 25

Technomancer in MCU

The Royal Museum,Birnin Zana, Wakanda


“We should continue on with our tour of the museum then, shall we?” I asked him.

He nodded back.

N’Jadaka, in the background still looking at the spot where she pulled off her disappearing trick. His face was pale, looking as if he had seen a ghost.



After the little detour with the Ancient One’s presence, T’Chaka continued with the tour, albeit a little shakily since he did have his worldview literally broken in half.

I looked through the artifacts on display outside the vault but they were barely of any interest to me.

Some obscure power sources, ancient vibranium weapons, even some Uru but all of that was something I had access to in spades.

We soon reached the vault doors and the surprising thing about it was it made entirely from an alloy of vibranium.

I was surprised because while Wakandans did use Vibranium in their day-to-day life, it was in very small amounts.

The door in front of me was made up of 90% Vibranium.

It also had no detectable digital signature. It was apparently completely air-gapped.

I hum along as T’Chaka approached the door and actually just bit his thumb (*and summoned his summoning Animal* haha) and put it on the door, apparently in a completely random location.

In my opinion, he looked pretty stupid doing that.

The spot where he put his bloodied thumb lit up.

It then spiraled outwards into a pattern we were pretty familiar with.

“Bast”, I and Alfred whispered simultaneously.

“What?” N’Jadaka whispered to me, his question clear.

“It was used exclusively in Bast’s temples in ancient times. Nowadays not much is seen of her influence outside Wakanda so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised seeing this here. It would also explain the lack of digital signatures as this thing must be divinely enchanted and my sensors are not yet capable of reading Divine Energy properly.” I replied to him.

“Alfred, make sure you scan this properly across all spectrums the suit’s sensors have access to. We wouldn’t get another opportunity like his for months.” I ordered Alfred.

“Already on it, Boss,” he replied.

After a series of complicated patterns flashed on the screen, all the while T’Chaka’s thumb was still attached to the door, it flashed white and just…straight up disappeared.

I was left looking at the scene with my mouth slightly ajar.

T’Chaka looked back at us smugly.

“Alfred, what the hell just happened?” I asked.

“Energy signatures consistent with the Space stone and the dimensional portals used by the Sorcerers of Kamar Taj recorded,” Alfred replied.

So it was an application of advanced space magic.

God, I hate the fact I can’t use magic.

Not even a lick of magic in you said the literal Sorcerer Supreme to my face.

She said, that should Alfred get a body, he would be more in tune with dimensional energies than me.

Alfred did not stop talking smugly about it that day until I pointed out to him that I could just as easily make him a frog’s body.

He shut up quickly after that.

T’Chaka went ahead of us into the vault.

We followed him inside.

As soon as I crossed the threshold into the vault, multiple notifications started piling up on my HUD mounted on my left retina.

My nick swiveling side to side, the HUD showed a new artifact that had energy levels off the charts.

There was all sorts of alien technology here.

Kree, Skrull, Asgardian, Vanir, Sovereign.

I whistled, seeing all this tech just lying around, impressed with their collection.

Especially the Sovereign tech, it’s not much in terms of advancement but they viciously take back any piece of scrap they leave behind anywhere.

I reckon that the Divine Barrier blocking all the energy signatures was the only thing that kept Sovereign from bombarding the shit out of Wakanda or hiring the Ravagers to do so.

“Do you recognize anything?” T’Chaka asked me, standing right next to a forcefield containing 2 floating rings.

Is that what I think it was?

Upon coming closer, my eyes widened as I could see that these two rings were made of the same stuff as the ten rings.

Alfred had the chance to scan them once when Wenwu descended on a battlefield against H.Y.D.R.A. goons.

Reading what was inscribed on the platform underneath it, it said that it arrived in an egg-shaped meteor that crashed directly on their shields.

It was able to evade any and all types of scanning and refused to be opened.

After a month of just sitting around in their labs, it began to get hot.

Hot enough that anything less than pure vibranium just melted once it came in contact with the eggs.

Upon quarantining it, they found just 2 rings floating inside the remains of the egg.

“I had a vision, from the ancestors. They told me to put this alongside many others inside the ancestral vault.” T’Chaka said.

I looked at him as he explained his choices to put this alien technology in this room specifically.

I nodded at him gravely, “You did the right thing.”

“These things have energy readings that can be detected halfway across the galaxy. Especially that golden piece of tech.” I explained to him.

“The very fact that Wakanda has not been attacked means that this room works exceptionally well in sealing energy signatures. This room is probably more valuable than the mountain of vibranium you have sitting around, at least to me.” I said.

His face looked grave as he thought of the various threats that had been avoided by Wakanda just due to the presence of this vault.

“Were you able to get anything off the tech?” I asked him, gesturing to the broken pieces of tech lying around.

He nodded, “Some of it was salvageable. We found a mostly intact Kree ship in the early 2000s. With their language pack, we were able to decipher some of the data before it self-destructed. That led us to other Kree temples situated on the planet.”

Curiosity overtook my face when he said multiple Kree temples.

As far as I knew, only one of those was present on Earth.

He must have seen the curiosity on my face as he replied, “We destroyed both of the temples we found after completely scanning them and learning as much as we could regarding the Kree culture as both of them were in foreign territory and could be found by other parties so we had to destroy them.”

I shrugged in a detached manner.

It was a loss but not an irredeemable one. Lots of Kree Tech lying around on the planet and even on the moon.

T’Chaka then continued, “As for the rest of them, we couldn’t decipher their languages as most of them were in a severely damaged state so they were just properly stored and as you can see, mostly forgotten now.”

Satisfied with my findings, I said, “Alright. This room should remain as such. I don’t have to warn you of the consequences of taking some of the stuff out of this room even for a second.”

He nodded gravely, understanding the threat of these artifacts.

Heck, even Odin would want Thor to recover that Berserker Staff if he came across it.

“This is by far the most interesting thing I have seen here. Never thought you guys had something like this with you. I’d like access later on to this room for experimental purposes if that's alright with you?” I asked T’Chaka.

He nodded at my request after only a little thought.

“Alright, we got it. You are interested in the room. What’s next?” N’Jadaka asked.

Rolling my eyes, I gestured to King T’Chaka.

He said, “The next on the list would be the schools and the labs but I supposed both of you have no interest in that or already know what's happening there?”

Both of us nodded eagerly at that statement.

His face then lit up in a mischievous smirk and he said, “Let’s go. I want to show you something.”

“Especially you.”, he said while pointing to N’Jadaka.

He looked confused at that.

I had a pretty good idea of what this was about so I just went on ahead with them.

We boarded our shuttle after coming out of the museum.

The shuttle took us all the way to the outskirts of the city.

We got off it and looked around, only to find just trees and grass.

“Alright, I’ll bite. What am I not seeing?” N’Jadaka asked.

T’Chaka didn't respond but started walking towards the side of the road.

N'Jadaka followed after him, confused.

The scenery in front of us distorted and as if we had crossed an invisible line, we came face to face with an extremely fortified facility.

I could see multiple Talons patrolling the sky, visible as well as through the suit’s stealth sensors, I could see more of them patrolling invisibly.

I had a pretty good idea as to where we were.

“You brought us here?” I asked T’Chaka, very much surprised that he was comfortable with us being here.

He looked back at me and said, “What's the point in hiding this? You probably already knew all about it anyway.”

Good point.

“What is this place?” N’Jadaka asked me.

“This is the Vibranium mine. Up until recently, we thought nearly all of the world’s vibranium was present here, hence the security measures.” T’Chaka said.

We soon entered a lift that took us straight to the top of the mine.

I had a pretty good idea as to what T’Chaka wanted to show N’Jadaka.

Soon, the doors of the lift opened up and a beautiful scenery unfolded in front of us.

I heard a sharp gasp beside me and I smiled.

It was a genuine one and I was truly thankful to T’Chaka for doing this, no matter his intentions.

He had brought us on top of the Vibranium mine, right in time for sunset.

The golden orange sky, the pristine air with the untouched feeling of this place must be exactly the one N’Jadaka’s father must have told him about.

N’Jadaka walked forward, a teardrop rolling down his cheek as he took in the scenery in front of us.

“It was just as he said. The most beautiful sunset can only be seen in Wakanda,” he whispered to himself.

T’Chaka walked after him, giving him company.

I stayed behind, not wanting to intrude on a clearly emotional moment.


Word Count - 1783

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