Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 69 Trophies and Hunting

"This counts as one, you can go pick out a few more things." Mr. Bruce nodded and said after watching Liang En put the box and the ring in the box on a cabinet at the entrance of the room.

So Liang En walked to the right side of the warehouse, and then checked the two points he just discovered on the right side. As a result, he found that the two points were very close to each other, and all the items placed here were antiques from RB.

For Americans, various RB artworks have become popular here since the Black Ship Founding Incident. So naturally there are many antiques from RB stacked in this warehouse.

"Sorry, this thing doesn't work." When Liang En pointed to a wooden box and asked, Mr. Bruce shook his head and explained. "Because there is an ukiyo-e painting by Katsushika Hokusai, and the current market price is around US$250,000."

"Ah, then, let me change it - what is inside this box? I see that the label outside says "Oriental writing and art?" After discovering that the first thing he was interested in was rejected, Liang En immediately changed his target.

He quickly took a few steps forward and came to the corner of the house, then pointed to the long wooden box placed on a golden nanmu cabinet in the corner and asked.

"This should be fine." Mr. Bruce checked the computer next to the door and said, "My father bought this from a US military stationed in Japan. It was said to be a calligraphy work by a famous monk. Before. I once appraised the price, and it was probably worth US$70,000 to US$80,000.”

"Okay, I want these two." Liang En said after looking around the room again and finding that he really didn't like anything else. "Just trade these two for the two guns."

"But the price is still less than half." As a wealthy man, Bruce felt that taking advantage of this aspect was really detrimental to his reputation. "You can pick out one or two more things."

"No, I don't feel anything about anything else here." Liang En shrugged and said, "For me, I tend to only look for things that I feel something about."

"And it's enough for me to exchange two guns for these two things. If you really think that what I want is less, then you can just use euros to make up the shortfall for me."

"Ah, I understand, I will make up the remaining money for you." After hearing what Liang En said, Bruce finally understood the idea. Soon, several people left the underground warehouse with the two selected items.

Because it was getting late, Liang En temporarily stayed in this mansion, and when dawn came the next day, all the income from the last treasure hunt had been settled.

Considering that the jewelry related to the famous robbers in the West did not have high historical value, and because these items were the most valuable in the United States, Liang En simply packaged them and gave them to Mr. Bruce for US$650,000.

As a result, in addition to the two cultural relics obtained from Mr. Bruce's collection warehouse, Liang En earned a total of US$752,500 from this trip to the United States.

The money included US$650,000 in packaged and sold Western treasures, US$32,500 seized from the gang of black gun dealers, and US$70,000 paid by Mr. Bruce to make up the difference.

In addition, Mr. Bruce also helped him return the two antiques that were not convenient for him to carry with him to his family's farm for free, saving him a lot of money and energy.

After eating breakfast, Liang En left Bruce's house and walked down the street. After he walked a certain distance, he found a bench in a roadside park and sat down. Then, while counting his previous gains, he thought about the goal of his next move.

After completing the mission and earning a lot of money, he originally planned to return to England. But since it happens to be Christmas now, there is nothing to do even if we go back.

As for the original plan to go home and get together with his parents during the Christmas vacation, it had actually been abandoned long ago. After all, he had lived at home for too long before, so it was not a good idea to go back in a short time.

Just like when everyone goes home for the holidays in college, your parents will think about it at first, but after a month, your parents will be eager for you to go back to school early.

Fortunately, we are already in the Internet age, so after taking out his mobile phone and searching local news carefully, Liang En quickly found something interesting.

So after temporarily renting a cheap Toyota pickup truck, he drove all the way north to Montana, where he was going to pick up an interesting job.

"Are you here to apply for a job as a hunter?" After arriving at a farm near Stamford, the farmer with a gray beard looked Liang En up and down and asked in disbelief.

"I don't mean any discrimination, but I bluntly say that in my impression, hunters are usually Mexicans or Caucasians, and it is rare to see Asians doing this kind of work."

"Then you saw it today." Humility is not very popular in the United States, so sometimes it is more appropriate to tell the truth or even exaggerate a little to express your ability.

Fortunately, the most important thing when recruiting hunters on the farm is based on actual marksmanship, so after Liang En showed his marksmanship with the Type 56 semi-automatic rifle he carried and his passport, he easily completed the next work.

"There are too many wild boars in my farm." The farmer, Old Arthur, drove Liang En straight to his pasture in a small all-terrain vehicle. "At the same time, these animals are also very smart."

"So when I set a trap, I only have one chance to shoot, so I need a helper to knock down as many of them as possible, so that I can protect the crops on the farm."

"You are right, old Arthur." Liang En nodded and said, thinking of what he heard his grandfather say in another world. "But if we can kill most of the wild boars at once, this area can survive for several years."

A few days before this, Old Arthur poured a bag of corn every day in multiple places on his farm, trying to gather the nearby wild boars.

So when the two people got off the all-terrain vehicle far away and climbed up a small slope, they saw six or seven fat and strong wild boars looking for corn in that area.

Seriously, hunting a wild boar is much safer than hunting a gunman. Although wild boars are said to have rough skin and thick flesh, domestic news reports also reported that after wild boars rushed into the city, several policemen shot them several times with pistols and let the wild boars run away, but guns are different.

After the Type 56 semi-automatic is equipped with military bullets, its lethality is far more powerful than the June 4th pistol, nicknamed the Little Smasher. At least from the perspective of muzzle kinetic energy, the muzzle kinetic energy of the Type 56 semi-automatic is nearly ten times that of the Type 64 pistol.

So after the two men fired the bullets in the magazine, the wild boars all fell to the ground. By the time it was getting dark, the two of them had killed more than twenty wild boars. Only one or two little wild boars escaped.

"Well done, young man." Old Arthur said loudly while driving the car on the way back to the farm house. "I want to take back my previous comment. There are also excellent shooters like you among Asians."

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