Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 68 Transaction

After nightfall, Liang En and the others finally drove to this place with the highest per capita income in the United States and the widest gap between rich and poor.

Then, under Barry's driving, the two of them drove through this small but modern-looking city, and then stopped in front of a cream-yellow double-story building.

"Welcome, welcome my friends!" When Liang En and the others parked the car and entered the room, Mr. Bruce welcomed them in the living room.

Soon, the three of them came to the study together and talked about this adventure.

"It's really hard on you this time, especially when you encounter armed gangsters on the way." After listening to Liang En's story, Bruce sighed and said.

After the story is told, it’s time to divide the spoils. At this time, Barry left here directly, because for him, everything was over now.

In addition to half of the cash seized from the gun dealers, Barry will also receive a bonus from Bruce during this operation.

After Barry left, two middle-aged men walked in quickly outside the door. They are antique jewelry appraisal experts invited by Bruce to confirm the true identity of the trophies Liang En is looking for this time.

"Yes, these things are the treasures lost in several important bank robberies in the late 19th and early 20th centuries." Ten minutes later, one of the experts put down the magnifying glass in his hand and said.

"And your brooch has been confirmed. Both the brooch itself and the blue diamond on it are genuine. So it should be the brooch that your family lost before." Another expert continued. .

"As for the loss of those small gems above, it is very normal. After all, compared to this large blue diamond, it is easier to get rid of small gems without revealing your identity."

Then, the two experts began to examine other items in the treasure. But unlike the brooch, other things were only checked briefly, so after half an hour, the approximate value of these treasures was estimated.

"Except for the two pistols, the overall value of these items is about US$750,000. But it may take a long time for those banknotes to be sold."

"The price of those two legendary revolvers is not easy to determine, because you need to find someone who likes it, otherwise it will be difficult to sell it at a good price."

"As for these two guns, I hope to buy them." After the two experts assessed the price, Mr. Bruce said, "I am willing to pay $150,000 for them."

It turns out that Bruce's wife is an avid Western fan, so Bruce naturally hopes to get these two commemorative pistols.

"Well, I may have to reject your request." Liang En said after hearing Bruce's request. "Because I have a dream to open a museum, so I naturally hope that something with historical value like this can be preserved."

This is not Liang En making excuses, but a long-term goal he set for himself after he discovered that he had a golden finger. After all, compared to ordinary people, it is entirely possible for him to find treasures that fill a museum.

Therefore, compared to the short-term goal of making money, Liang En's long-term goal is to open a famous museum of his own. At the same time, it can also become a motivation for him to continue taking risks.

"Of course, I won't sell these two pistols because of money, but if there are antiques that I am interested in in exchange, I will be willing to do so even if the antiques are cheap."

In the end, Liang En did not die, but left a tail. After all, in interpersonal communication, except for some issues of principle, speaking too harshly is not a small thing.

And compared to the pistol that had already been harvested, Liang En also really longed to obtain some antiques that he had never seen before in order to supplement his card library.

"You mean these things can be exchanged for other antiques?" After listening to Liang En's words, Bruce not only did not show a depressed look, but suddenly became excited.

"If that's the case, you can go to my treasure house and have a look. If there's anything you like, I can exchange these two pistols with you."

Soon, Liang En was taken to the basement of this house. This was a basement similar to a bank vault, and after walking through the door, he found various antiques placed on the shelves on both sides.

“Ever since my grandfather got rich, he started purchasing all kinds of antiques, and this habit has continued into my generation.”

Looking at Liang En's surprised look, Mr. Bruce said proudly. "Everything in this warehouse is something I am willing to trade. As long as what you are interested in is less than $180,000, then we can trade it."

"Thank you then." Liang En bowed slightly, and then began to walk around the room. Of course, it was impossible to read so many things at once.

So he used four [Detection (N)] cards to scan the entire house and identified three artifacts with the most historical value in the room.

Although in many previous attempts, Liang En found that the historical value did not represent the wealth value of these things, it was obviously easier to find valuable things using this method than searching for a needle in a haystack.

"Is this a sacred object?" After completing the inspection, Liang En went straight to a shelf placed in the middle on the left hand side, and then pointed to an old small wooden box on the shelf and asked.

He asked because there was a small wooden cross on the box. In Western tradition, generally only religious items have the cross symbol.

"My grandfather bought it at an auction in the UK for more than a hundred pounds, but there was no identification at the time to indicate the identity of the object."

After taking the box and turning it over to look at the label attached below, Mr. Bruce walked to the computer next to the door and tapped a few times before speaking.

"The only thing that can be confirmed is that this silver-gold-plated ring is a 15th-century ring, and the earliest owner was probably a woman because the ring was relatively small."

"How much does this ring cost?" As the item with the most historical value on the left hand side of the entire warehouse, Liang En naturally chose it first.

"$2,500 is more appropriate." The two experts said after looking at the ring and whispering to each other. "Because no matter in terms of quality, workmanship or storytelling, this ring is a bit inferior. And throughout Europe, there are too many relics of various saints."

In fact, this expert said it very tactfully. Since the Middle Ages, many unscrupulous clergy and even other people of all kinds have been forging various false holy relics, so that all kinds of false holy relics have become rampant.

Since there are no other documents that can be used to prove this ring, it is difficult to tell whether it is a real sacred object or a fake made by people at that time.

As for the price of $2,500, to be honest, it was just for Mr. Bruce’s sake, to avoid the embarrassment of the ring being considered a fake.

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